[R.O. 2017 § 125.270; Ord. No. 94-092001 § 25, 9-20-1994; Ord. No. 95-012301 § 2, 1-23-1995]
The Clerk of the City's Municipal Court shall be known as the "Municipal Court Clerk of Battlefield" and shall receive such compensation as determined by ordinance, which compensation shall not be contingent upon the result in any case. The Municipal Court Clerk shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2017 § 125.280; Ord. No. 94-092001 § 25, 9-20-1994; Ord. No. 95-012301 § 2, 1-23-1995]
To collect such fines for violations of such offenses as may be described and the Court costs thereof.
To take oaths and affirmations.
To accept signed complaints and allow the same to be signed and sworn to or affirmed before him/her.
Sign and issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and sign and issue subpoenas duces tecum.
Accept the appearance, waiver of trial, and plea of guilty, and payment of fine and costs in Violations Bureau cases or as directed by the Municipal Judge; generally act as Violation Clerk of the Violations Bureau.
Perform all other duties as provided for by ordinance, by rules of practice and procedure adopted by the Municipal Judge, and by the Missouri Rules of Practice and Procedure in Municipal and Traffic Courts and by Statute.
Maintain, properly certified by the City Clerk, a complete copy of the ordinances of the City which shall constitute prima facia evidence of such ordinance before the Court. Further, to maintain a similar certified copy on file with the Clerk serving the Circuit Court of this County.
[R.O. 2017 § 125.290; Ord. No. 95-012301 § 2, 1-23-1995]
Within fifteen (15) days after appointment and before entering upon the discharge of the above-described duties of office, the Court Clerk shall give bond to the City in such sum as set by the Board of Aldermen conditioned upon the faithful performance of said duties and the said Court Clerk will pay over all monies belonging to the City, as provided by law, that may come into the Court Clerk's hands.