[R.O. 2017 § 400.650; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002]
Applicability. All developments in all districts shall provide sufficient off-street parking spaces solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition of patrons, occupants or employees in accordance with the requirements of this Article.
Location. All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the principal building or use served, except as provided in this Article. If the off-street parking spaces required by this Article cannot reasonably be provided on the lot on which the principal use is located, such parking space may be provided on a lot within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the principal use or building; provided, however, that no off-street parking facility for a structure or use permitted only in a commercial or manufacturing district shall be located in a residence district. The principal use shall be permitted to continue only as long as its parking requirements are met.
Building Or Use Enlarged. Whenever a building constructed or a use established after the effective date of this Chapter is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise to create a need for an increase of ten percent (10%) or more in the number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this Chapter is enlarged to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more in floor area or in the area used, said building or use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas, except required parking spaces to a single-family dwelling, shall be graded and paved with asphalt or cement concrete and shall be provided with six-inch-high curb to prevent vehicular encroachment into required yard areas.
Open And Enclosed Parking Yard Requirements. Off-street parking may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building or structure and shall comply with the following yard requirements:
Off-street parking spaces open to the sky in commercial and manufacturing districts may be located in any yard.
In residence districts, no off-street parking spaces, including circulation lanes, shall be located in a required front yard or side yard adjacent to a street. No motor vehicle, trailer or recreational vehicle shall be parked in the required front yard in any residence district except in a driveway leading to a required off-street parking space.
Enclosed and semienclosed buildings and carports containing off-street parking spaces shall be subject to the yard requirements applicable in the district in which they are located.
Commercial Vehicle Parking In Residence Districts. The on-street storage or overnight parking of a commercial vehicle licensed for twelve thousand (12,000) pounds or greater in any residence district is prohibited.
Recreational Vehicle Parking. The parking of a recreational vehicle for dwelling or business purposes is permitted only in a recreational vehicle park. However, the off-street parking and storage of recreational vehicles is permitted in any zoning district, provided that the vehicle is not used for dwelling or business purposes and that the vehicle is parked and stored on the lot in conformance with all applicable regulations in this Chapter.
Employee Parking. Parking spaces required for employees shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time.
Lighting. Lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be designed and installed so as to contain direct rays within the parking area.
Landscaping/Screening. Landscaping or screening, or both, of open off-street parking areas shall be in conformance with the requirements of Article VIII. This requirement shall not apply to single-family or two-family residences on individual lots.
[R.O. 2017 § 400.660; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002) ]
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the following table. The parking space requirement for a use not specifically listed shall be determined by the Commission, taking into account the number of employees, the number of spaces reasonably required by the visiting public and the number required for the most nearly comparable use. Where fractional spaces result in computation of parking space requirements, the parking spaces required shall be computed to the nearest whole number.
Development Type
Parking Space Requirement
Residential Uses
Single-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling
Two-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling
Multifamily dwellings
1 space per dwelling unit for multifamily units limited to the elderly; all other multifamily require 1 space per bedroom in each unit plus 1 additional space per unit in the development
Rooming house
2 spaces, plus 1 space per bedroom
Bed-and-breakfast, hotel, motel
1 space for each room to be rented plus additional space for restaurant or other facilities in accordance with other sections of this table
Home occupations
1 space in addition to the spaces required for the residence
Commercial Uses
Animal hospitals and veterinary clinics
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Convenience and miscellaneous sales
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Service areas at gas pumps shall not count as parking spaces
Banks and similar institutions, including drive-up facilities
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Drive-up windows shall have 3 queuing spaces in addition to 1 space at the service window
The number of queuing spaces may be reduced by 20% for each additional window; however, at least 2 queuing spaces are required at each window
Business or professional offices, except medical offices
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Bowling alleys
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Stadiums, theaters, auditoriums, assembly halls
1 space for every 3 seats
Medical and dental offices/clinics
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Funeral homes and mortuaries
1 space for every 4 seats, plus 1 space for each employee
General retail
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Food and beverage establishments
1 space for every 3 fixed seats, plus 1 space for every 2 employees on the largest shift
Drive-in restaurants shall have at least 10 spaces
Motor vehicle, manufactured home and recreational vehicle sales and rental
1 space for each 400 square feet of enclosed building floor area, plus 1 space per 3,000 square feet of open sales lot area
Vehicle repair, bodywork
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Vehicle service stations
2 spaces for each gas pump, 3 spaces for each grease rack, 1 space for each 2 persons employed on a single shift and parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business
Car wash
2 spaces for drying and cleaning purposes per stall, plus 2 reservoir spaces in front of each stall
Storage and parking
1 space for every 2 employees on the largest shift but not less than 1 space per 5,000 square feet of area devoted to storage (inside or outside)
Dry cleaners
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Open air markets
1 space per 1,000 square feet of area used for display, storage or sales
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Mixed uses
Spaces required shall equal the sum of the various uses computed separately
Industrial Uses
Manufacturing, processing, assembly, cleaning, testing, servicing of goods, materials and products
2 spaces for each 3 employees on the largest shift, plus 1 space for each company vehicle
Truck terminals
2 spaces for each 3 employees, plus 1 space for each truck or semitrailer kept on the premises
Warehouse and storage
1 space for each employee, plus 1 space for each company vehicle
Wholesale establishments
2 spaces for each 3 employees based on maximum season employment, plus 1 space for each 800 square feet of building floor area in excess of 4,000 square feet, plus 1 space for each company vehicle
Institutional, Recreational Uses
1 space for every 4 seats in the principal place of assembly
Day-care center
1 space for each employee, plus 1 space for each 5 children
Emergency services
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Golf courses
2 spaces for each hole, plus 1 space for each employee on the maximum shift. If the course also includes a restaurant/lounge facility, add 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area
2 spaces per bed for inpatient care facilities and 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area for outpatient facilities
Libraries, museums, art galleries
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Nursing or rest homes, convalescent centers and similar facilities
1 space for each 3 beds, plus 1 space for each 2 employees on the largest shift
Preschool and elementary schools (grades K through 8)
1 space for each staff member and employee, plus 2 spaces per classroom
Secondary schools (grades 9 through 12)
1 space for each staff member and employee, plus 5 spaces per classroom
[R.O. 2017 § 400.670; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002]
Joint Use Parking. Up to fifty percent (50%) of the off-street parking spaces required for a use or structure may be located on another site if a joint use parking plan has been approved in accordance with this Section. Such shared use of parking spaces shall be considered to meet the minimum requirements for off-street parking only if the hours of operation of all such uses or structures are such that they are not normally open, used or operated during the principal operating hours of the other use or facility. The joint use of parking shall not be a matter of right but may be granted by the Board of Aldermen based upon review of plans and information submitted by the applicant and the recommendation of the Commission.
Location. Where such parking spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two (2) or more uses or establishments, the required spaces shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of any use to be served by the parking space.
Application For Joint Use Parking Plan. An application for a joint use parking plan shall be filed with the Administrative Official by the owner or owners of the entire land area to be served the owner or owners of existing buildings and structures to be included in and served and all other parties having a legal interest in such land area and structures. The application shall include plans showing the location of the use, buildings or structures for which shared off-street parking spaces are to be provided or the location of existing off-street parking spaces to be used and a parking demand schedule.
Parking Demand Schedule. The parking demand schedule shall include the following information:
The hours of operation of each building, structure or use this is a party to the joint use parking plan.
The projected parking demand for each building, structure or use during each hour of each day. Hourly parking demand may be averaged for weekdays but shall be separately stated for Saturday and Sunday.
Review Of Application. The Commission shall review the application and make its recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen shall approve or disapprove the joint use parking plan.
Registration Of Joint Use Parking Plan. Upon approval of a joint use parking plan, a copy of such plan shall be recorded in the Greene County registry and shall thereafter be binding upon the applicants, their heirs, successors and assigns. Such recording shall limit and control the issuance and validity of building and occupancy permits. The applicant is responsible for the recording fee charged by the Greene County Recorder of Deeds.
Amendment Or Withdrawal Of Joint Use Parking Plan. Pursuant to the same procedure and subject to the same limitations and requirements by which the joint use parking plan was approved and recorded, such plan may be amended or withdrawn, either partially or completely, if all parties to the joint use parking plan consent, if all land and structures remaining under such plan comply with all the conditions of the plan, and all land and structures withdrawn from such plan comply with the off-street parking regulations of this Article.
[R.O. 2017 § 400.680; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002]
Access. Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such design as to provide safe and efficient access to such park space. Parking areas shall be designed so that vehicles may exit without backing onto a public street. This requirement does not apply to driveways that provide parking space for single-family and two-family dwellings, although backing onto an arterial street is discouraged.
Emergency Access. Parking areas shall allow for reasonable access and movement by emergency, sanitation and other public service vehicles.
Spaces Marked. Parking spaces in multifamily residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and public parking lots shall be clearly marked with painted lines or dividers.
[R.O. 2017 § 400.690; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002]
Public facilities with off-street, self-parking facilities for employees, visitors or both shall provide accessible parking spaces for the disabled in conformance with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
[R.O. 2017 § 400.700; Ord. No. 02-18 §§ 1 — 5, 10-15-2002]
Applicability. In any zoning district, all structures built or expanded and all uses established shall provide necessary accessory off-street loading facilities in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
Commercial and industrial uses shall provide on the same lot adequate space for motor vehicles to load and unload in order to avoid interference with traffic in the public streets or alleys.
Elementary and secondary schools, churches and other places of assembly shall provide at least one (1) off-street loading space for passenger automobiles for each fifty (50) people and one (1) queuing space for each ten (10) people based upon the designed maximum capacity of the facility. Queuing spaces may be provided in the driving aisles of parking lots associated with the facility.
Off-Street Loading Design Standards.
Location. All required loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served. Off-street loading areas may occupy all or part of any required yard space, other than a required front yard or a side yard adjoining a street, or the required setback from the right-of-way center line of a street. No loading space shall be located within fifty (50) feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two (2) streets or highways.
Space Allocation. No area allocated to loading and unloading facilities may be used to satisfy the requirements for off-street parking, nor shall any portion of any off-street parking area be used to meet the requirements for loading and unloading.
Access. All off-street loading areas shall be accessed without requiring any backing onto or from a public street.
Grading And Surfacing. All off-street loading areas shall be graded for proper drainage, provided with an appropriate base and surfaced with asphalt or portland cement concrete.
Landscaping/Screening. All off-street loading areas that abut or are adjacent to a residence district shall comply with the landscaping and screening requirements of Article VIII.
Repair And Service. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with any off-street loading area.