[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
The Personnel Officer shall maintain the classification of all positions in the classified service on the basis of duties and responsibilities.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
The classification plan for City employees shall allocate each classified position to its appropriate class, placing in each class those positions which are substantially so similar with respect to duties, responsibility and character of work as to require generally the same kind and amount of training and experience for proper performance and to merit approximately equal pay. It shall provide, insofar as practicable, uniform application of the classification plan to positions in the several departments of the classified service.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
Generally. Each position in the classified service of the City shall be assigned a title, but the use of such titles shall not be construed as declaring to any event, or in any way, what the duties or responsibilities of any position shall be, or as limiting or in any way modifying the power of any department head to assign duties to or direct and control the work of employees under his/her supervision. The job content of any position covered by a title consists of those functions as directed by the department head or any subordinate to whom his/her authority has been delegated.
Use. The title (or appropriate abbreviation or code number or symbol) of each position allocated to the particular classification pursuant to this Section shall be used on all payrolls, personnel forms and official records.
Effect On Wage Rates, Etc. Upon the approval of the classification plan, no regular employee of the City shall be appointed, employed or paid under any title other than that of the class to which the position occupied by him/her is allocated; and no person shall be employed as a regular employee or paid in any position until the class of such position has been determined.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
The administration of the classification plan, use of proper titles and allocation of such titles to the proper wage classification shall be the continuing responsibility of the department heads and the Personnel Officer.
Jointly, they shall study the duties and responsibilities of each new position as it is created and, on the basis of this study, recommend to the Mayor, his/her designee or the Council the position for inclusion in the appropriate class for the duties performed.
When a change is made in the duties and responsibilities of a position involving either the addition of new assignments or the taking away or modifications of existing ones, such changes shall be reported by the department heads to the Personnel Officer who shall investigate such changes; and if they are to be permanent and significant enough to warrant reclassification, he/she shall recommend to the Mayor, his/her designee or the Council the appropriate class for the position.
The Personnel Officer shall periodically check the classification of positions and, upon the basis of his/her investigations, recommend to the Mayor, his/her designee or the Council that existing classes be combined, abolished or, if necessary, new classifications established. All such recommendations made by the Personnel Officer shall be submitted to the Mayor, his/her designee or the Council for review and approval.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
A regular employee of the City who is occupying a position reallocated to a different class shall continue in the class only if he/she is eligible for, and is actually appointed to, the position of the new class in accordance with the regulations governing promotion, transfer or demotion. Any regular employee whose position is reallocated shall have an orientation period of sixty (60) calendar days to prepare and qualify for the new class by attaining a passing grade in a test of fitness or other evaluation for the class to which the position has been reallocated.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006]
If any employee of the City believes that his/her position has been improperly allocated, he/she may submit a written request to the Personnel Officer for a review. Such a request shall set forth the employee's reasons justifying a review. The Personnel Officer shall make an investigation of the position with a view of determining its correct allocation and shall report his/her findings to the Mayor or his/her designee. At the discretion of the Mayor or his/her designee, any recommended change may be submitted to the Council for approval.
[Ord. No. 7328 §1, 8-28-2006; Ord. No. 7754 §1, 11-30-2010; Ord. No. 7781 §1, 4-13-2011; Ord. No. 7957 §1, 3-12-2013; Ord. No. 8013 §§1––2, 11-25-2013; Ord. No. 8047 §§1—2, 7-14-2014; Ord. No. 8059 §§1—2, 7-14-2014, Ord. No. 8103 §§1—2, 12-8-2014; Ord. No. 8190 §§1 – 2, 11-23-2015; Ord. No. 8280 §§1 – 2, 11-28-2016; Ord. No. 8287 §1, 12-12-2016; Ord. No. 8292 §1, 1-9-2017; Ord. No. 8318 §§ 1 — 8, 5-9-2017[1]; Ord. No. 8367, 11-27-2017; Ord. No. 8477, 11-26-2018; Ord. No. 8493, 2-11-2019; Ord. No. 8500, 4-8-2019; Ord. No. 8509, 5-13-2019; Ord. No. 8528, 7-8-2019; Ord. No. 8572, 11-11-2019; Ord. No. 8599, 2-10-2020; Ord. No. 8654, 11-23-2020; Ord. No. 8745, 11-22-2021]
Non-Police Department Employees.
Job Classification and Grade Level — Generally.
[Ord. No. 8780, 4-25-2022; Ord. No. 8845, 11-28-2022; Ord. No. 8899, 8-14-2023; Ord. No. 8916, 9-25-2023]
Job Classification
Grade Level
Bus Driver
Mailroom/Printing Clerk
Technical Director
Assistant Court Clerk
Assistant to Golf Course Manager
Class C Laborer
Permit Inspection Clerk
Prosecuting Attorney Clerk
Administrative Assistant
Assistant Golf Club House Manager
Golf Course Assistant Superintendent
Accounting Clerk
Assistant Theatre Manager
Community Development Specialist
Deputy City Clerk
Deputy Court Clerk
Human Resources Specialist
Lead Permit Inspection Clerk
Media Production Specialist
Class B Laborer
Code Enforcement
Equipment Maintenance Mechanic
E-Sports Manager
Executive Assistant
Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector
Recreation Specialist
Senior Coordinator
Senior Ranger
Street Sweeper
Engineering Technician
Golf Club House Manager
Building Maintenance
Class A Laborer
Forester 1
IT System Support Technician
Media Manager
Multi-Building Inspector
Civil Engineer 1
Recreation Manager
Class A Foreman
Commercial Inspector
Community Development Grant Manager
Equipment Maintenance Supervisor
Golf Course General Manager
Plan Reviewer
Center Director
Golf Course Superintendent
Information Technology Manager
Building Maintenance Supervisor
Gov Affairs/Senior Communications Manager
Theatre Manager
Director of Community Development/Housing
Health Superintendent
Park Superintendent
Recreation Superintendent
Street Superintendent
Assistant Director of Finance
Building Commissioner
City Engineer
This Section shall not be in any way construed to authorize a wage range above the maximum wage set forth in the grade and step schedule for each job classification.
Each person in the service of the City of Florissant shall be eligible for an annual wage increase and lateral move to the next higher step within his or her respective grade on June 1st conditioned upon the completion of a successful performance review. New hires must have completed six (6) months of service to be eligible for an annual wage increase. No annual wage increase shall exceed the final step established for any grade.
New employees with appropriate education and prior years of training and experience may be employed at any wage step within the respective grade for their job classification based upon the recommendation of the Department Head with the approval of the Mayor.
Every employee transferred from one (1) job classification to a job classification of equal wage range shall receive the same compensation he/she received in the original job classification until his/her length of service in the new job classification qualifies him/her for a higher salary.
Every employee promoted from one (1) job classification to a job classification of a higher pay grade shall receive the compensation of the grade in the new position that would increase his/her compensation by a minimum of five percent (5%) over and above the compensation paid for the grade from which he/she was transferred, or the starting pay for that grade, whichever is greater.
Hours worked by employees in the classified service of the City in excess of forty (40) hours in any work week shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the basic hourly pay or by compensatory time as authorized by Federal law at the rate of time one and one-half (1 1/2) for any overtime hours, unless such employee is exempt from overtime under applicable law. "Hours worked" shall include all paid leave time, such as for sick leave, vacation, holiday or bereavement leave, for purposes of overtime calculations.
Any employee required to perform overtime work after completion of normal work hours shall be compensated for the total time worked. If an employee is recalled to perform work after having completed his/her regular schedule, he/she shall be compensated for not less than two (2) hours as a minimum, whether or not the actual amount of time spent is less than such number of hours.
Exempt Employees. Except as herein otherwise provided, the compensation for unclassified employees as identified in Article X, Section 10.1(1) of the Florissant City Charter, shall constitute the total annual compensation for the services provided and no additional compensation by way of overtime pay or holiday pay shall be paid any person occupying one (1) of said positions.
The Mayor of the City of Florissant is hereby authorized to establish guidelines which shall be approved by the Council to determine if an employee of the City paid under this Section is entitled to additional time off with pay as a result of meritorious service to the City. The guidelines herein authorized shall contain provisions which shall limit the number of days off so granted to any one (1) employee to a maximum of three (3) days per fiscal year. Every employee transferred from one (1) job classification to a job classification of equal or higher wage range shall receive the same compensation he/she received in the original job classification until his/her length of service in the new job classification qualifies him/her for a higher salary.
The normal workweek for full-time classified employees shall be forty (40) hours.
Periodic Grade And Step Wage Review. The Florissant City Council will review the grade and step wage schedule every three (3) to five (5) years and make adjustments as necessary to keep the classified wage plan competitive.
Police Department Employees.
Job Classification — Police.
[Ord. No. 8801, 6-27-2022; Ord. No. 8973, 4-8-2024]
Job Classification
Corrections Officer
Corrections Transport Officer
Probationary Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Sergeant
Police Lieutenant
Police Captain
Police Major
Chief of Police
Police Accreditation and Communications Manager
Police Crime Analyst
Uniformed Personnel Grade And Step Schedule. The grade and step schedule for each job classification for full-time uniformed personnel positions within the service of the City of Florissant are hereby established and a copy of same is held on file in the City offices.
Uniformed Employees.
Each person in the uniformed service of the City of Florissant shall be eligible for an annual wage increase and lateral move to the next higher step within their respective grade on June 1st upon the completion of a successful performance review. New hires must have completed six (6) months of service to be eligible for an annual increase. No annual wage increase shall exceed the final step established for any grade.
Every uniformed employee promoted from one (1) job classification to a job classification of a higher pay grade shall receive the compensation of the first pay grade and step in the new position.
Exempt Employees. Except as herein otherwise provided, the compensation for unclassified employees as identified in Article X, Section 10.1(1) of the Florissant City Charter, plus the addition of the Major, Captain and Lieutenant positions, shall constitute the total annual compensation for the services provided and no additional compensation by way of overtime pay or holiday pay shall be paid any person occupying one (1) of said positions. The normal work week for full-time unclassified employees plus the Major, Captain and Lieutenant positions shall be forty (40) hours per week.
Police Department.
The Police Major may be appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Chief of Police. A Major reduced in rank by the Chief of Police will be returned to the last commissioned rank in which he or she had successfully completed their probationary period and shall have no right to appeal this reduction in rank.
Police Officers may be assigned to and removed from the Detective Bureau at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
A Dispatcher, assigned by the Chief of Police as a Lead Dispatcher, shall be compensated at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month additional salary while performing the duties of same. A Lead Dispatcher shall be selected and removed by the Chief of Police at any time.
New employees with prior appropriate education and full-time Police experience may be employed as a Police Officer at any wage step for their job classification based upon the number of years of prior Police experience, as determined and approved by the Chief of Police.
Every employee promoted from one (1) job classification to a job classification of a higher pay grade shall receive the compensation of the first step in the new pay grade.
Whenever a holiday, as listed in Section 125.295 of the Florissant City Code, occurs during any pay period, each employee serving in the job classification of Sergeant, Police Officer, Student Police Officer, Probationary Police Officer, Dispatcher, Corrections Transport Officer, or Corrections Officer shall receive, in addition to the regular pay for the pay period, a sum equal to eight (8) hours regular pay or holiday pay.
The normal work schedule for full-time uniformed employees in the Police Department that are covered by this pay ordinance shall be determined by the Chief of Police and such schedule shall comply with any and all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Any time worked in excess of the normal work schedule shall entitle the employee to compensation based upon time one and one-half (1 1/2) of the regular rate or compensatory time as authorized by applicable Federal and State law except for those positions identified as exempt.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (B)(5)(h), regarding Academy Recruits, was repealed 6-27-2022 by Ord. No. 8801.
Periodic Grade And Step Wage Review. The Florissant City Council will review the grade and step wage schedule every three (3) to five (5) years and make adjustments as necessary to keep the Police wage plan competitive.
Editor's Note: After consultation with the City, this Section was reorganized to have former Subsections (A — H), now be (A)(1 — 8) and Ord. No. 8318 was added as Subsections (B)(1 — 6) herein.