[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Irvington 10-18-1971. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 95.
Fees and charges — See Ch. 114.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 118.
[Amended 5-17-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004; 10-7-2013 by L.L. No. 12-2013]
Authorization. The Electrical Inspector, or any other approved company or authorized person, is hereby authorized and deputized as an agent of the Village of Irvington to make inspections and reinspections of all electrical installations hereafter described, and to approve or disapprove the same. In no event, however, will the cost or expense of such inspections and reinspections be a charge against the Village of Irvington. Appointment of said Electrical Inspector, company or authorized person shall be made by recommendation from the Building Inspector to the Village Administrator for consideration and appointment.
Minimum qualifications. All electrical inspectors, companies, or authorized persons appointed as the Village of Irvington Electrical Inspector must maintain the following certificates from the IAEA (International Association of Electrical Inspectors) or ICC (International Code Council) and meet the continuing education requirements of such agency and provide such certificates and all updates to the Village annually:
One- and two-family dwelling certificate.
General certificate.
Plan review certificate.
Insurance requirements. All approved electrical inspectors, companies, or authorized persons appointed as the Village of Irvington Electrical Inspector shall maintain in force the following insurance and provide evidence of such to the Village annually:
General liability: $1,000,000.
Umbrella liability: $10,000,000.
Automobile liability: $1,000,000 (on all owned autos, scheduled autos, hired autos).
Workers compensation: statutory limits.
New York State disability: statutory limits.
[Amended 5-17-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004; 10-7-2013 by L.L. No. 12-2013]
It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to report in writing to the Building Inspector of the Village of Irvington, whose duty it shall be to enforce all provisions of this chapter and all violations or deviations from or omissions of the electrical provisions of the New York State Building Construction Code applicable to the Village of Irvington.
The Electrical Inspector shall make inspections and reinspections of electrical installations in and on properties in the Village of Irvington upon the written request of the Building Inspector of the Village of Irvington. The Electrical Inspector shall be authorized to make inspections and reinspections of electrical wiring, installations, devices, appliances and equipment in or on properties in the Village of Irvington where the Building Inspector deems it necessary for the protection of life and property. In the event of an emergency it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to make electrical inspections upon the oral request of the Building Inspector of the Village of Irvington.
It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to furnish written reports to the Building Inspector of the Village of Irvington and the owners and/or lessees of property where defective electrical installations and equipment are found upon inspection. He shall authorize the issuing of a certificate of compliance when electrical installations and equipment are in conformity with the New York State Building Construction Code and the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) or the most current edition of the National Electrical Code adopted by New York State as part of the New York State Residential and/or Building Codes or any other approved agency or person. He shall direct that a copy of the certificate of compliance be sent to the Village of Irvington, to the attention of the Building Inspector.
[Amended 5-17-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004; 10-7-2013 by L.L. No. 12-2013]
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, firm or corporation to install or cause to be installed or to alter electrical wiring for low-voltage systems, light, heat or power in or on properties in the Village of Irvington until an application for inspection on forms of the Irvington Building Department has been filed with the Building Inspector. It shall be a violation of this chapter for a person, firm or corporation to connect or cause to be connected electrical wiring in or on properties for low-voltage systems, light, heat or power to any source of electrical energy supply, prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate or a certificate of compliance by the Electrical Inspector or any other approved agency or person.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $250, and in addition thereto, such violation shall constitute disorderly conduct, and the person, firm or corporation violating the same shall be a disorderly person. Each week on which said violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Amended 9-17-1990 by L.L. No. 14-1990; 5-20-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Before commencing any electrical alterations, additions or new work, an owner and/or lessee, his contractor or authorized agent shall apply to the Building Inspector for a permit to cover the complete operation contemplated. All applications for such permits shall be made on appropriate forms obtainable from the Building Inspector. The applicant shall further submit to the Village Building Inspector the standard application form for inspection of the work by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or any other approved agency or person.
[Amended 5-17-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004]
Permit and violation fees shall be paid to the Village of Irvington at the time of the application in accordance with the fees set forth in Chapter 114, Fees, of the Code of the Village of Irvington.
[Amended 8-18-2003 by L.L. No. 20-2003; 10-7-2013 by L.L. No. 12-2013]