[R.O. 2009 §6-35; Ord. No. 3420 Art. 5 §1, 5-12-2004; Ord. No. 4066 §I, 8-22-2012; Ord. No. 4638, 6-15-2021]
An ACO shall have the power to catch or order the owner to turn an animal over to said ACO, confine and impound an animal for the following reasons:
Any animal that is off the owner's property and not properly secured.
Any dog, cat, or any other animal kept as a pet that is of age to be vaccinated for rabies and has not been done so.
Any female dog or cat, or any other animal kept as a pet, which is not securely confined in an enclosed area during estrus.
Any animal that has been deemed vicious by the City and owner has failed to comply to the required conditions. Any animal that has not been deemed vicious, but has bitten an animal or person and owner has failed to post required signs of warning on their property.
Any dog, cat, ferret, or any other animal kept as a pet, that has bitten a person or other animal and said animal is not current on its rabies vaccination.
Any animal deemed wild or exotic or livestock as stated in this Chapter.
Any animal that has been neglected or abused as deemed in Section 205.030.
[R.O. 2009 §6-36; Ord. No. 3420 Art. 5 §2, 5-12-2004]
Impounded animals, where the owner is not known, shall be kept for a minimum of one (1) week to give owners a chance to call and locate their pet.
Impounded animals, where the owner is known by way of an identification tag, shall be kept for a minimum of one (1) week after the owner has been notified of said animal's impoundment.
Owners who have willingly surrendered their animals to the City of Festus shall not have a minimum required time of impoundment.
Cats which are wearing no collar and are suspected to be feral shall have no minimum required time of impoundment.
Ill or injured animals are subject to humane euthanasia at the ACO's discretion whether owner is known or not and with no required minimal holding time.
[R.O. 2009 §6-37; Ord. No. 3420 Art. 5 §3, 5-12-2004; Ord. No. 3909 §I, 2-10-2010; Ord. No. 4066 §I, 8-22-2012; Ord. No. 4638, 6-15-2021]
Impound. An owner whose animal has been impounded shall be required to pay the following fees for the retrieval of their pet:
[Ord. No. 4720, 5-10-2023]
Impound fee
Boarding fee, per day
Plus the following:
If animal is not current on rabies (and vaccination will be provided)
If animal is not wearing a registration/identification tag (and registration tag will be provided)
Unaltered male dogs and cats are subject to a twenty dollar ($20.00) fine, which will be refunded if animal is neutered within thirty (30) days.
Owners are required to pay a fifty dollar ($50.00) fee to surrender their unwanted animals to the A.C.O.
All owners are subject to a citation also at the ACO's discretion.
Adoption. Animals which are unclaimed become the property of the City of Festus and may be made available for adoption. Persons adopting a pet must sign an agreement and provide identification and pay the following fee:
[Ord. No. 4720, 5-10-2023]
Animals not spayed or neutered
Animals if already spayed or neutered
Quarantine (For Bite Cases). Owner shall be responsible for all impound fees whether or not they choose to retrieve animal at end of quarantine period.
Registration Tag. An owner must purchase a registration tag for all animals kept as a pet in such owner's residence, for the purpose of identification, for seven dollars ($7.00) available at the public works building. Tag must be on animal at all times. Chicken leg bands will be issued with permit.
Registration Tag (Replacement After Loss). Loss of registration tag shall be reported promptly to the ACO. Upon proof of prior registration, there shall be issued a new registration and tag upon the payment of one dollar ($1.00). The ACO shall enter the number of the replacement tag on the immunization certificate delivered when the original registration tag was issued.
Permit to house chickens is thirty dollars ($30.00).