[R.O. 2009 §4-51; Ord. No. 2292 §1, 5-27-1992]
The Chief of Police shall be the Director of Liquor Control. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Director of Liquor Control to supervise, direct and control and report to the City Administrator concerning liquor control activities.
[R.O. 2009 §4-52; Ord. No. 2292 §1, 5-27-1992; Ord. No. 4644, 8-10-2021]
Prescribing Forms. The Director of Liquor Control shall prescribe all forms of applications, licenses and permits in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and such other forms as are necessary to carry out the provisions of same.
Approving Applications Pursuant To Chapter. It shall be the duty of the Director of Liquor Control to recommend approval or disapproval to the Council members all applications submitted in conformity with and by virtue of this Chapter. The Director shall recommend disapproval if, based on the investigation of the applicant's character, background and associates, he/she determines that issuance of such license to the applicant would not be in the best interest of the City, or that the premises for which a license has been sought is not suitable for the sale of liquor.
Records, Reports. It shall be the duty of the Director of Liquor Control to keep a record of all licenses and permits issued and the suspension and revocation thereof. He/she shall make a full and complete report to the City Council at the end of each fiscal year.
Inspection Of Places Of Business. The Director of Liquor Control shall have the duty of regularly inspecting all places of business where liquor is sold, consumed or kept for sale, to maintain periodic checks on all places licensed pursuant to this Chapter, thereby ensuring licensees' full compliance with the requirements of all ordinances, rules and regulations and to determine wholesomeness and orderly manner in which a licensed alcoholic beverage establishment is maintained and operated.
[R.O. 2009 §4-53; Ord. No. 2292 §1, 5-27-1992]
Enforcement Of Chapter. The Director of Liquor Control shall take whatever lawful actions are necessary for the enforcement of this Chapter.
Examination Of Books, Records, Papers. The Director of Liquor Control shall have the right to examine books, records and papers of each licensee or applicant for a license or renewal thereof and to investigate complaints against any licensee or applicant for a license.
Rules, Regulations, Orders, Directions. The Director of Liquor Control shall have power to make such reasonable rules, regulations, orders and directions as may be necessary and feasible for carrying out the duties of his/her office and as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter or State or Federal law.
[R.O. 2009 §4-54; Ord. No. 2292 §1, 5-27-1992]
The Director of Liquor Control or any member of the Police Department shall have the right, at any reasonable time, to inspect and the licensee shall allow inspection of any licensed premises and all portions of the buildings thereof, including all rooms, cellars, outbuildings, passageways, closets, vaults, yards, attics and all buildings used in connection with the operations carried on under such license and that are in his/her possession or under his/her control and all places where licensee keeps or has alcoholic beverages stored and to seize any and all objects which may appear to be in violation of any provisions of this Chapter and hold in custody such objects as evidence until any matters pertaining thereto are finally adjudicated. Upon such seizure, a receipt shall be given and upon demand, if not forfeited, objects shall be returned to their lawful owner after the matter is finally adjudicated unless the same are found to be contraband. If such objects are not claimed by their lawful owner within ninety (90) days after final adjudication, they shall be deemed forfeited. The Director shall conduct a hearing to determine whether objects seized are contraband. The licensee shall cooperate fully with the agent during the inspection.
[R.O. 2009 §4-55; Ord. No. 2292 §1, 5-27-1992]
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, the Director of Liquor Control shall have power to close for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours any premises which may be in the immediate area of a mob, riot, strike or any type of violence, actual or probable; provided however, that he/she may not close such place under such circumstances without advising at the earliest possible moment the Mayor and City Council and, provided further, that the Director may not close such place for two (2) or more consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods without approval of the Mayor acting under his/her emergency Police powers.