[Ord. No. 04-406 §1, 10-11-2004]
All purchases of four hundred ninety-nine dollars ninety-nine cents ($499.99) or less with the exception of routine services such as utilities, telephone, and contracted services are authorized by Department Head or Village Clerk. Purchases shall be completed in the most expedient manner with due regard for local vendors, advantageous prices, and quality. All purchases must use a purchase order. Funds must be available within the adopted department budget.
All purchases more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) but less than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) with the exception of routine services such as utilities, contracted services, telephone bills and lots or groups of items totaling this amount, require a purchase order that must be approved by the Chairman of the Board prior to purchase; with necessary documentation that advantageous bidding process, such as procurement of a minimum of three (3) price quotes where possible, has been followed. Purchases shall be completed in the most expedient manner with due regard for local vendors, advantageous prices, and quality. Funds must be available within the adopted department budget.
All purchases more than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) but less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), at least three (3) price quotes shall be obtained by mail, telephone, catalog, or store pricing from at least three (3) prospective vendors from which the most advantageous price shall be accepted. A purchase order must be completed and the three (3) quotes attached. Purchases shall be completed in the most expedient manner with due regard for local vendors, advantageous prices, and quality. Funds must be available within the adopted department budget. The Board shall review and approve or disapprove the purchase order.
All purchases more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) but not more than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), to waive technicalities or deficiencies in any or all the proposals, written bids shall be solicited. Purchases shall be completed in the most expedient manner with due regard for local vendors, advantageous prices, and quality. Funds must be available within the adopted department budget. The Board of Trustees shall select a vendor or service provider based on the proposal that, in its sole discretion best meets the interest and requirements of the Village. The Board of Trustees reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any and all proposals or portions thereof, to waive technicalities or deficiencies in any or all the proposals, to negotiate with any or all bidders or others for more favorable terms or prices, and to award the contract to other than the bidder submitting the lowest cost proposal, with or without negotiation.
All supplies and contractual services estimated to cost in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) shall be purchases by formal, written contract from the lowest responsible bidder, after due notice inviting sealed, written proposals. Whenever possible, at least three (3) bids should be obtained from qualified vendors. Purchases shall be completed in the most expedient manner with due regard for local vendors, advantageous prices, and quality. Funds must be available within the adopted department budget. The Board of Trustees shall award any contract based on the proposal that, in its sole discretion, best meets the interests and requirements of the Village. The Board of Trustees reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any and all proposals or portions thereof, to waive technicalities or deficiencies in any or all the proposals, to negotiate with any or all bidders or others for more favorable terms or prices, with or without negotiation.
Individual contracts, purchases, or sales be they for goods, supplies, commodities, or services shall not be excluded from the requirement of advantageous bidding hereinabove described, except as provided in this Article and as provided for professional services as set forth in Section 130.160.
[Ord. No. 04-406 §2, 10-11-2004]
The Village may need to purchase goods or services under circumstances which do not clearly fit the patterns of normal public procurement and for which normal advantageous procedures do not apply. The following guidelines are provided with regard to making such purchases.
Sole source purchasing. In the event that there is only one vendor capable of providing a particular good or service, then the advantageous shopping procedures outlined in this policy shall not apply; provided that whenever it is determined the Village must purchase goods or services from a "sole source vendor", documentation why only one company or individual is capable of providing the goods or services is required. The documentation should be attached to the purchase order. The Chairman of the Board shall review said information for final approval.
Routine services. Service utility billings (i.e., telephone, electric, natural gas, etc.) over four hundred ninety-nine dollars ninety-nine cents ($499.99) shall not require a purchase order.
Lot purchases. Purchases comprised of more than one item totaling over four hundred ninety-nine dollars ninety-nine cents ($499.99) will not require a purchase order unless the items, when combined make up one useable unit.
[Ord. No. 04-406 §3, 10-11-2004]
If the Board desires to seek bids for professional services, a Request For Proposal (RFP) can be prepared including requirements and minimum standards for the services to be provided. RFPs should be submitted by the Village Clerk to the Board of Trustees for review and approval prior to distribution. When an RFP is issued, qualified professionals will be invited to submit a proposal setting forth their interest, qualifications and how they can meet the Village's needs. In securing professional services, it is the primary goal of the Village to obtain the services of a professional who has a proven record of providing, in a professional way, those services required. A contract will be negotiated with the professional deemed to best meet the Village's needs.
[Ord. No. 04-406 §4, 10-11-2004]
The bid procedures outlined in this policy may be waived under emergency conditions when a delay may threaten the basic mission of a department. True emergency situations are rare. Occasionally, equipment will require emergency repairs or other circumstances will necessitate emergency purchasing that cannot await compliance with these regulations. When faced with an emergency purchase employees are to notify the Chairman of the Board as soon as possible.
[Ord. No. 04-406 §5, 10-11-2004]
The Village Clerk or Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to implement such further detailed purchasing procedures, including requirements for the routing of purchase orders and other forms, as may be desired from time to time, so long as such procedures are consistent with the policies set forth in this overall policy.