The purpose of the Hartford Avenue Adaptive Use Overlay District (AUOD) is to promote economic development while maintaining community character by streamlining the permitting process for conversion of existing buildings within the AUOD District to one commercial or mixed one commercial and one-family residential use while maintaining the architectural integrity of the buildings and preserving the character of the neighborhood. The specific purposes of the AUOD are:
To provide for limited business uses within certain portions of residential districts subject to standards designed to preserve community character.
To encourage the reuse of residential buildings by providing economic uses for buildings that may no longer function well as single-family residences.
To implement certain goals of the Master Plan, including encouraging economic development, protecting small town character, and updating zoning to maintain consistency.
To provide compatible use opportunity in residential areas in which the residential component has been overshadowed or impacted by adjacent nonresidential uses.
Location. The AUOD is hereby established as an overlay district. AUOD is superimposed on that portion of the Residential District along the north side of Hartford Avenue heading west between Route 495 and Farm Street and is more particularly identified on a plan entitled "Hartford Avenue Adaptive Use Overlay District," dated July 9, 2013, incorporated by reference in the Zoning Bylaw and on file with the Town Clerk and Building Inspector.
Rules and regulations. The Planning Board may develop Hartford Avenue AUOD Rules and Regulations which shall more fully define the application requirements and design guidelines, identify supporting information needed, and establish reasonable application, review and inspection fees, and construction protocols.
Uses allowed as of right. All uses allowed as of right in the underlying Residential District shall remain as of right within the Hartford Avenue AUOD. Similarly, uses presently allowed in the underlying Residential District shall continue to be allowed by special permit in the AUOD.
Uses allowed by special permit in the AUOD.
In approving an adaptive use special permit under the provisions of M.G.L. ch. 40A, § 9 and these Zoning Bylaws, the Planning Board may provide for the following uses:
Offices for business or professional uses, including, but not limited to, accountants, architects, attorneys, counselors, engineers, insurance agents, planners, real estate sales, and similar uses.
Medical offices, including, but not limited to, acupuncture, chiropractors, massage therapy, and similar uses.
Small electronic repair, such as home computers.
Studios for artists, photographers, interior decorators, and similar design-related uses.
Retail sales for handcrafted merchandise and original arts and crafts.
Personal care services such as barber shops, beauty parlors and nail salons.
The adaptive use special permit shall expressly indicate which of the above-allowed uses is specifically permitted and may impose conditions, safeguards and limitations on the permitted use(s). Changes in allowed uses shall require a new special permit.
Prohibited uses. The following uses shall be prohibited in the AUOD:
Motor vehicle sales, repair, or sales of parts; gas stations.
Manufacturing or industrial uses of any kind.
Drive-through windows of any kind.
Exterior storage of equipment or materials.
Food services, including, but not limited to, bakeries, cafes, coffee shops, delicatessens, frozen dessert shops, pastry shops, sandwich shops, convenience stores, pizza parlors and other fast-food-type restaurants.
Repair shops for large equipment, appliances or tools and/or the fabrication or repair of machinery.
General retail of any kind not specified above.
Non-single practitioner medical/dental offices.
The following site development standards shall apply to all Hartford Avenue AUOD developments and shall be reviewed during any special permit proceeding:
Each lot subject to the adaptive use special permit shall have a building or buildings located on it that was constructed prior to October 9, 2013.
Each adaptive use project must utilize the existing structures but may include restoration, renovation or improvement of the primary existing building to maintain, restore or enhance its original architectural integrity. Construction of an addition to an existing building on the premises may be permitted, provided that it is designed to be compatible with the overall residential character of the adjacent neighborhood and the AUOD.
The alteration of, addition to, and/or conversion of an existing building to one residential dwelling unit and one business use listed above may be permitted by special permit, provided that the appearance of the building is characteristic of a single-family dwelling and that the residential unit is occupied by the business owner.
Whenever possible, all parking should be limited to the existing driveway, and the applicant shall be required to demonstrate adequate parking for all uses (residential and commercial) with at least one parking space for a residential use. No on-street parking shall be allowed. Parking areas shall be screened from the public way and abutting properties by structures such as fencing and/or landscaping. Adequate provisions for on-site retention and treatment of stormwater shall be included.
Lighting shall be of a residential scale, architecturally compatible with the building, and shall be designed to ensure that no glare is produced on abutting properties or the public way.
Signage shall include no more than one freestanding sign with a maximum height of four feet and total maximum sign surface area not to exceed 12 square feet. Signs shall be externally illuminated with no spillover onto adjacent properties. Signage placement shall be reviewed by the Safety Officer so as to maintain adequate visual access for vehicles entering and exiting the property.
Curb cuts on Route 126 are subject to approval of the state. New curb cuts on Hartford Avenue are subject to recommendations of the Safety Officer and will require a Bellingham street opening permit from the DPW. The division of state and local roads is shown on the plan.
All developments shall include a landscape plan that maintains or enhances the residential character of the property. The landscape plan shall also provide, at the discretion of the Planning Board, a buffer zone (including one or more shrubs, trees, grass and fencing) appropriate for the proposed use along any property boundaries with an adjacent residential use, as well as screening for parking, loading and refuse storage facilities.
Projects that are granted an adaptive use special permit shall be exempt from development plan approval as required in § 240-16 of this Zoning Bylaw. However, only the specific uses and improvements for which an adaptive use special permit is granted shall be exempt from site plan approval.
Applications for adaptive use special permits shall be made to the Planning Board on forms provided for that purpose, accompanied by the required fee. Copies of the completed application shall be distributed according to Form K. A complete application shall include the following items:
Special permit application form.
Certified abutters list.
Locus plan showing existing buildings, structures, freestanding signs, driveways and walkways on abutting properties.
Plan(s) of the property that includes the following existing and proposed site features: buildings with additions, structures, driveways, and parking spaces.
Design features of the building(s) and structures, including, as appropriate, elevations, materials, colors, etc.
Signage, lighting, landscaping and fencing details.
A narrative statement discussing how the proposed project complies with the purposes and requirements of the Hartford Avenue adaptive use special permit. The narrative should also describe in detail the proposed use, hours of operation, number of employees, and the estimated number of clients/customers per hour, especially during the peak a.m. and p.m. traffic hours.
Form K for distribution.
Stormwater management calculations and plans, as may be applicable, conforming to accepted standards, policy, regulations and best management practices.
Any other information determined to be needed for review.
In considering an application for an adaptive use special permit, the Planning Board shall make the following findings:
The proposed use is contemplated under the provisions of this bylaw.
The site is adequate for the proposed use in terms of size, configuration, and use of abutting properties.
The proposed use will cause minimal adverse impacts to abutting properties and will provide mitigation of any impacts.
Provisions for traffic and parking are adequate for the proposed use.
The proposal maintains or enhances the aesthetic appeal of the primary building and its site.
The impact on neighborhood visual character, including views and vistas, is positive.
The provisions for utilities, including sewage disposal, water supply and stormwater management, are adequate.
The proposed project complies with the goals of the Master Plan and the purposes of this article of the Zoning Bylaw.