The purpose of this bylaw is to protect, preserve and maintain the public health, safety and welfare by regulating business activities relating to exterior redemption vending machines, as defined herein. This bylaw sets forth requirements for the review of exterior redemption vending machines so that such machines may be permitted without adversely affecting the public health, safety and welfare.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any automated machine that is placed outside of a fully enclosed building and that is designed to allow consumers to insert goods or other objects in exchange for monies. Exterior redemption vending machines shall include machines that allow persons to insert recyclable containers in exchange for monies provided by such machine.
The use and/or placement of all exterior redemption vending machines shall require a license from the Board of Selectmen. Application for such licenses shall be on a form prescribed by the Selectmen, who shall hold a public hearing on such license. In determining whether to issue such a license, the Selectmen may consider issues pertaining to hours of operation, traffic, lighting, noise and such other issues as may affect the public health, safety and welfare. The Selectmen may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of any such license.
Any person violating this bylaw shall be liable to the Town in the amount of $300 per violation. Each day of violation shall be an independent violation which may result in a separate citation.