In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the Town of Bellingham Code of Bylaws, as amended through the May 2012 ATM, have been included in the 2013 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Title From Code of Bylaws
Location in 2013 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
§§ 1.01 - 1.03
Ch. 1, Art. I, §§ 1-1 - 1-3
§ 1.04
Ch. 1, Art. III, § 1-7
§ 1.05
Ch. 1, Art. II
§ 1.06
Ch. 1, Art. III, § 1-8
§ 1.07
Ch. 1, Art. I, § 1-4
Ch. 2, Records
Art. 2.01, Records Kept; Location; Open For Inspection
Ch. 146, Art. I, § 146-1
Art. 2.02, Public Administration Research Collection
Ch. 146, Art. III
Art. 2.03, Building Committee Working Papers
Ch. 146, Art. I, § 146-2
Art. 2.04, Annual Town Report
Ch. 146, Art. II
Ch. 3, Officers and Employees Generally
Art. 3.01, Officers, Employees, Agents not to Receive Extra Compensation; Exception
Ch. 126, Art. I
Art. 3.02, General Duties of Board of Selectmen
Ch. 159, Art. I
Art. 3.03, Property Inventory to be Kept; Annual Delivery of Inventory Required
Ch. 210, Art. II
Art. 3.04, Grant of License, Permit for Enterprise; Public Hearing; Notice
Ch. 159, Art. II
Art. 3.05, Sale or Trade of Obsolete or Surplus Town Property
Ch. 210, Art. I
Art. 3.06, Personnel Board
Ch. 25, Art. I
Art. 3.08, Conservation Commission - Wetlands Protection
Ch. 235
Ch. 4, Town Meetings
Ch. 205
Ch. 5, Financial Affairs Generally
Ch. 71
Ch. 6, Finance Committee
Ch. 25, Art. II
Ch. 7, Capital Improvements Committee
Ch. 25, Art. III
Ch. 8, Council on Aging
Ch. 25, Art. IV
Ch. 9, Contracts
Ch. 49
Ch. 10, Legal Affairs
Ch. 107
Ch. 11, Animals
Ch. 55
Ch. 12, Buildings and Structures
Art. 12.01, Permit Fees
Ch. 30, Art. I
Art. 12.02, Inspector of Buildings to Engage in Business
Ch. 30, Art. II
Art. 12.03, Obsolete Signs
Ch. 169
Ch. 13 (Reserved)
Ch. 14, Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses
Art. 14.01, Junk or Secondhand License Required
Ch. 101
Art. 14.02, Discharging Firearm, Explosive Article
Ch. 76
Art. 14.03, Gravestone Rubbing, Making Impressions Prohibited
Ch. 87, § 87-1
Art. 14.04, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 135, Art. I
Art. 14.05, Veterans' Graves
Ch. 87, § 87-2
Art. 14.06, Group Insurance
Ch. 96
Art. 14.07, Mandatory Recycling; Violations and Penalties
Ch. 178, Art. I
Art. 14.08, Exterior Redemption Vending Machines
Ch. 222
Art. 14, Public Consumption of Marijuana or Tetrahydrocannabinol
Ch. 60, Art. I
Ch. 15, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. 15.01, Numbering of Buildings
Ch. 35
Art. 15.02, Snow Removal Operations
Ch. 191, Art. I
Art. 15.03, Scenic Roads
Ch. 154
Art. 15.04, Water Discharge Upon Public Way
Ch. 191, Art. II
Art. 15.05, Temporary Repairs for Certain Private Ways
Ch. 191, Art. III
Art. 15.06, Street Opening Permits
Ch. 191, Art. IV
Art. 15.07, Selling from Sidewalks, Stalls and Carts
Ch. 191, Art. V
Art. 15.08, Depositing Dirt, Refuse, Garbage, Wastewater, Filth; In Street, Pond, Vacant Lot
Ch. 113
Art. 15.09, Trash Containers
Ch. 178, Art. II
Ch. 16, Traffic and Parking
Art. 16.01, DPW Director Authorized to Remove Vehicles Hindering Snow Removal
Ch. 216, Art. I
Art. 16.02, Off-Road Vehicle Restrictions
Ch. 216, Art. II
Art. 16.03, Dwelling in Trailer Coach Park
Ch. 216, Art. III
Art. 16.04, Keeping on Premises Unregistered Motor Vehicles
Ch. 216, Art. IV
Art. 16.05, Consuming Intoxicating Beverages on Public Ways or Other Public Property
Ch. 9, Art. I
Art. 16.06, Handicapped Parking
Ch. 216, Art. V
Ch. 17, Vehicles for Hire
Ch. 198
Ch. 18, Adult Entertainment (disapproved by Attorney General)
Ch. 19, Sewer and Water
Art. 19.01, Sewer Connections
Ch. 165, Art. I
Art. 19.02, Pumping Stations
Ch. 165, Art. II
Art. 19.03, Water Use Restrictions
Ch. 228, Art. I
Art. 19.04, Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facilities
Ch. 228, Art. II
Art. 19.05, Storm Sewer Treatment Facilities Construction
Ch. 165, Art. III
Art. 19.06, Traffic Control Lights
Repealed 10-13-2010 STM by Art. 19
Art. 19.07, Discharges to the Storm Sewer System
Ch. 165, Art. IV
Art. 19.08, Stormwater Management Systems on Private Property
Ch. 165, Art. V
Ch. 20, Commission on Disability
Ch. 25, Art. V