There is hereby established, and there shall be maintained, a Public Administration Research Collection at the Public Library, the same to be under the supervision of the Library Trustees, for the use of the officers, committees, civic organizations, and individual citizens of the Town engaged in research in matters pertaining to governmental and social problems, particularly as they relate to the Town. To the extent that the Library Department's facilities permit, it shall assist the citizens of the Town in all matters requiring statistical research or fact-finding in connection with studies ordered by Town Meeting.
The Chairman of each temporary study committee established by Town Meeting shall, upon termination of the existence and the work of his/her committee, deposit with the Library Trustees the working papers and other material gathered or compiled by the committee in the course of its work. Subject to the approval of the Town Clerk and the requirements of M.G.L. ch. 66, the Library Trustees may destroy so much of said working papers and material as has no substantial value; and the balance shall be deposited in the Public Administration Research Collection.
The Town Clerk shall furnish the Library Trustees with at least two copies of every publication issued by the Town and distributed through the Town Clerk's office; and any department, board, commission, or committee publishing a report not so distributed shall file at least two copies thereof with the Library Trustees.