As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any constructed stormwater treatment basin or underground structure designed to enhance the quality of stormwater that will be discharged to the waters of the United States with the exception of street catch basins.
This bylaw shall apply to storm sewer facilities that are constructed by private parties on public property or on property that will become public property upon completion of a project.
This bylaw will not apply to storm sewer facilities constructed as part of and on land now and in the future to remain part of a condominium complex, which must be retained as property of the condominium association. The operation, maintenance, and repair of such are to be solely the responsibility of the condominium association.
Such storm sewer facilities will be approved if the following conditions are met:
The Conservation Commission approves the storm sewer facility as part of a signed order of conditions or written letter.
The locus of the storm sewer facility is deeded to the Town prior to Town acceptance of a street or project.
And one of the following conditions are met:
The project deposits a gift to the Conservation Commission agent into a Town owned and administered special gift account, calculated and specified by the Conservation Commission agent. The amount of said gift to be designed to earn sufficient annual interest earned to fund annual costs of operation, maintenance, and repair of the storm sewer facilities. The special gift account must be established prior to Town acceptance of a street or project.
A permanent association of parties owning parcels of land established by the project who will take entire responsibility for the landowners within the project annual costs of operation, maintenance, and repair of the storm sewer facilities.
The Board of Selectmen may waive strict compliance with this bylaw upon receipt of an application for waiver from the proponent and receipt of comments from the DPW, Board of Health, Planning Board, and Conservation Commission.