No person, without a permit or license from the Board of Selectmen, shall store, keep, or allow to remain on his/her premises more than one unregistered motor vehicle, assembled or disassembled, unless the same is stored or kept in a garage or other building, except a person duly licensed under M.G.L. ch. 140, § 59, or those vehicles designated and used for farming, agriculture, or construction purposes.
The Board of Selectmen shall not issue such a permit unless it finds that the presence of such a vehicle or vehicles, as the case may be, on such parcel:
Will not nullify or substantially derogate from the intent and purpose of this bylaw.
Will not constitute a nuisance.
Will not adversely affect the neighborhood in which such parcel is located.
Each permit required by this article shall:
Specify the maximum number of such vehicles that may be kept, stored, or allowed to remain on such parcel.
Be limited to a reasonable period of time.
Be a personal privilege of the applicant and not a grant attached to and running with the land.