[Code 1999 §115.150; CC 1979 §110.105; Ord. No. 4 §32, 8-7-1907; Ord. No. 659 §1, 5-12-2011; Ord. No. 676 §1, 5-24-2012; Ord. No. 752, 6-28-2018]
The Mayor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, a City Attorney. This appointment shall be done annually by ordinance.
Qualifications. No person shall be appointed to the office of City Attorney unless he/she be a licensed and practicing attorney at law in the State and shall have resided in this State at least one (1) year next before his/her appointment.
Cross Reference — As to term of Mayoral appointees, removal from office, etc., §115.020.