No person owning or having custody or control of any dog or domestic other in contact with a possibly rabid animal shall permit such dog or domestic other to be upon any street, alley, public place, or private property within the City other than the property of the owner or custodian of said animal, and then only if such dog or domestic other is so confined as to prevent it straying from the premises. All animals under impoundment cannot be vaccinated or revaccinated for rabies until after their ten (10) day impoundment period.
Any animal which is known to have been exposed to rabies shall be immediately destroyed unless the owner, at his/her expense, chooses one (1) of the following alternative methods (any impoundments shall be six (6) months in duration):
Strict isolation in a kennel or animal hospital.
Impounding and vaccination, if the animal is a dog or domestic other not immunized by any vaccine within the vaccine's duration of immunity.
Restraint by leash at owner's home and revaccinated, if the dog or domestic other has been immunized with an anti-rabies vaccine, by a licensed veterinarian, within such vaccine's duration of immunity.
The Health Director may deny the impoundments options stated in Subparagraphs (1), (2) and (3) above if it is felt the conditions are unfavorable for compliance in any individual case.
Every person owning or having custody or control of any dog or domestic other which has bitten a person or other animal or which acts in a manner suggesting that it is or may be infected with rabies shall impound such dog or domestic other in the facility designated by the City for a period of ten (10) days for observation. If the dog or domestic other is current on its anti-rabies vaccination and the person or guardian of the person who was bitten does not object, the quarantine may be done in the home of the owner, who must follow strict quarantine guidelines such as animal is not allowed outdoors off-lead, not allowed to be in contact with any visitors or other animals, and must reside indoors for the duration of the quarantine observation. If the owner fails to follow these guidelines the Health Department shall impound said animal at the designated facility for the rest of the dog or domestic other's quarantine.
If an animal or domestic other dies while under quarantine during the ten (10) days' impoundment, regardless of location or cause of death, the head shall be removed and submitted for rabies testing. There will be a handling fee for this service.
No person shall cause the deliberate destruction of an animal under quarantine for rabies observation. Any such person shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100.00) regardless of any other penalties he/she may be subject to.