[Code 1999 Schedule I; Ord. No. 291 §§ 1, 3—4, 3-10-1977; Ord. No. 401 § 1, 8-13-1987; Ord. No. 481 § 1, 3-28-1996; Ord. No. 680 § 1, 8-23-2012]
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Speed Limit
State Highways:
Route BB
From south City limit to north of the curve
45 mph
From curve east to Route K
35 mph
Route C
From north City limit south to U.S. 60
55 mph
Route K
(Also known as South Division) From south City limit north to approximately 400 yards south of Route BB
35 mph
Thence continuing on Route K (now changing to Summit Avenue) to Main Street
25 mph
From Summit Street northbound (now known as Main Street) to Clinton Avenue
20 mph
From Main Street eastbound (now known as Clinton Avenue) to east of the Masonic Lodge driveway
25 mph
Thence continuing eastbound to the east City limits
35 mph
U.S. 60
From west City limit to east City limit
65 mph
15 mph
Playground Areas:
Davis Avenue:
North from Thoroughfare Street to Puryear Avenue
15 mph
McMahan Street:
From Puryear Avenue south to Thoroughfare Street
15 mph
Puryear Street:
From Davis Avenue east to McMahan Street
15 mph
School Zones:
Center Avenue surrounding Seymour Elementary School
20 mph
Center Drive and Cordie Street where posted surrounding the Rock School Building
15 mph
"K" Highway (Clinton Avenue) surrounding Seymour High School
25 mph
Business Route 60:
From existing traffic light at Main Street east to the easterly boundary of the Seymour RII School property
25 mph
Business Route 60:
[Ord. No. 798, 8-26-2021]
From west City limits to Hillcrest
45 mph
From Hillcrest east 450 feet
35 mph
From the 450 feet from Hillcrest to U.S. 60
25 mph
Charles Street
20 mph
Cordie Street
20 mph
Frances Street
25 mph
Garfield Street
20 mph
Main from Clinton to Summit
20 mph
North and South Division
25 mph
Steel Street
25 mph
Route 229
25 mph
Thoroughfare Street from west City limits to South Division
25 mph
Ventura Drive
20 mph