[CC 1988 §21.010]
The officers of this City shall consist of:
The following elective officers:
Aldermen (two (2) from each ward).
and the following appointive officers:
City Attorney.
City Clerk.
City Administrator.
Municipal Judge.
Prosecuting Attorney.
[CC 1988 §21.020]
All appointive officers shall be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.
All officers elected to offices or appointed to fill a vacancy in any elective office under the City Government shall be voters under the laws and Constitution of this State and the ordinances of the City except that appointed officers need not be voters of the City. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office who shall at the time be in arrears for any unpaid City taxes, or forfeiture or defalcation in office. All officers, except appointed officers, shall be residents of the City.
[CC 1988 §21.040]
Every officer of the City and his/her assistants and every Alderman before entering upon the duties of his/her office shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, before some court of record in the County or the City Clerk, that he/she possesses all qualifications prescribed for his/her office by law; that he/she will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State, the provisions of all laws of this State affecting the City and the Code of Ordinances and other ordinances of the City; and faithfully demean himself/herself while in office, which oath or affirmation shall be filed with the City Clerk. Every officer of the City, when required by this Code or other law or ordinance, shall, within fifteen (15) days after his/her appointment or election, and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his/her office, give bond to the City in such sum and with such sureties as may be designated by this Code or other ordinance, conditioned upon faithful performance of his/her duty, and that he/she will pay over all money belonging to the City and fully account for the same, as provided by law, that may come into his/her hands. The cost of such bond shall be paid by the City of Lake Saint Louis; however, should any person elected or appointed to any office be covered by a blanket bond to same extent, such bond shall not be required. If any person elected or appointed to any office shall fail to take and subscribe such oath or affirmation, as herein required, his/her office shall be deemed vacant. For any breach of condition of any such bond, as herein required, suit may be instituted thereon by the City, or by any person in the name of the City, to the use of such person.
[CC 1988 §21.060]
Upon filing of the oath of office and approval of bond, when bond is required, the City Clerk shall deliver to the person elected, a commission signed by the Mayor and under the Seal of the City, duly countersigned by the Clerk, authorizing the person therein named to discharge the duties of the office therein named for the term for which he/she was appointed or elected.
[CC 1988 §21.070]
The Board of Aldermen shall have the power to fix the compensation of all officers of the City by ordinance. The salary of an elected official shall not be changed during the time for which he/she was elected. In addition, the fees allowed by this Code or other law or ordinance of the City's elected officers shall receive such compensation for their services as the Board of Aldermen shall from time to time provide.
If a vacancy occurs in any elective office, the Mayor or the person exercising the duties of the Mayor shall cause a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to convene where a successor to the vacant office shall be selected by appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the remaining members of the Board of Aldermen. If the vacancy is in the office of Mayor, nominations of a successor may be made by any member of the Board of Aldermen and selected with the consent of a majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen may adopt procedures to fill vacancies consistent with this Section. The successor shall serve until the next regular municipal election. If a vacancy occurs in any office not elective, the Mayor shall appoint a suitable person to discharge the duties of such office until the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen thereafter, at which time such vacancy shall be permanently filled.
[CC 1988 §21.190; Ord. No. 1172 §1, 4-7-1997; Ord. No. 2201 §1, 8-15-2005]
In the interest of promoting professional growth, representing the City at various functions and conducting official business, it is necessary for elected and appointed officials and employees to travel out of the area from time to time. It is intended that all reasonable costs incurred as a result of authorized travel shall be reimbursed in accordance with the following guidelines:
Transportation. The least expensive but most direct mode of transportation shall be used when traveling out of the area for official business. City staff cars should be used whenever possible. Reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle, when authorized, shall be at the prevailing mileage permitted by the Internal Revenue Service. No reimbursement shall be granted for damage, repairs or towing of personal vehicles used for City business. When traveling by air, the coach fare shall apply except in extreme cases when other timely options are not available. Reimbursement may also be claimed for parking or tolls but receipts should be obtained, if possible. Auto rentals and/or use of taxicabs is permitted if alternate modes of local transportation are not available.
Lodging. When an overnight stay is required for authorized travel, the City will reimburse for the actual cost of such lodging for the official or employee. The employee must secure the lowest rate available when reservations are made at the selected hotel. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
Meal expenses. Reimbursement for all meals, at a reasonable rate, will be permitted. Receipts should be obtained. Banquets and/or other meals that are included within the official program or agenda are fully reimbursable. Reimbursement for meals is limited to the Internal Revenue Service's per diem for the location of the conference. No alcohol may be purchased or reimbursed with City funds.
Other expenses and non-City officials. It is understood that official travel requires expenditures for gratuities. A fifteen percent (15%) allowance will be reimbursable for transportation and meal tipping. Reasonable expenses incurred for stenographic fees, baggage storage, telephone calls and rental of equipment or meeting facilities necessary for the conduct of official business may be reimbursed upon presentation of a receipt. Transportation, meals and lodging expenses for non-City Officials, such as spouses or other such persons, should be deducted from all receipts submitted for reimbursement. Expenses incurred for personal entertainment are not reimbursable under any circumstances.
Registration fees. Expenses incurred for registration fees for conferences, seminars, conventions or special meals may be reimbursed. Attendance at such reimbursable functions must be for the public purpose, i.e. training, education, legislation or technology that can be directly or indirectly beneficial to the City of Lake Saint Louis.
Travel and expense claim. Any reimbursement due must be requested on a travel and expense claim form which are available in City Hall or from the Finance Director. All receipts should be attached to this claim form.
Travel advancement. The Finance Director shall approve all advancement for estimated reimbursable travel or expenses. These advancement requests shall be submitted in writing to the Finance Director, with the City Administrator's approval, on an approved form that is used for all official travel. These forms are available from the Finance Director. Upon returning, the remaining reimbursable travel will be approved and granted provided the proper expense receipts are produced.
Failure to attend. Any employee or public official who is unable to attend a conference or function must make every effort to minimize the cost to the City. Failure to attempt to cancel any registration, lodging reservation or airline ticket may result in the City assessing these costs to the employee or public official.
[CC 1988 §§21.1500 — 21.1502; Ord. No. 1293 §1, 4-6-1998; Ord. No. 2442 §1, 4-2-2007]
Any officer, whether elected or appointed, employee or agent of the City or its boards of commissions or who was serving at the request of the City on any other governmental board or commission, who is liable for the payment of any claims or damages arising out of the course and scope of employment or office shall be entitled to defense and indemnification by the City to the extent permitted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Missouri; provided, that it shall be presumed that the acts or omissions resulting in such liability were committed in good faith without malicious or felonious intent. No public funds will be expended for non-public purposes in contravention of Article X, Section 3 of the Missouri Constitution. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction shall render a final judgment which holds or finds that the acts or omissions were not in good faith, or were malicious or felonious, or that they arose outside of the course and scope of the official duties or scope of employment of the official or employee, the City shall not indemnify for such judgment, although the officer or employee shall not be liable to repay the cost of any defense which has been provided. Further, the City shall not use public funds to indemnify any person for the payment of exemplary or punitive damages. The City shall not be liable for any settlement of any such claim or suit against the City effected without its consent and the City reserves the right to assert any defense and make any settlement of any claim or suit against the City that it deems expedient.
[Ord. No. 3913, 10-1-2018]
The City shall have the right and duty to provide legal representation through the City Attorney, if the City Attorney is unable due to conflict of interest to provide legal representation to the official or employee through the selection of outside legal counsel, to any officer or employee sued in connection with any claim for damages or other civil action against such person arising out of the course and scope of employment or office; provided, that such officer or employee is entitled to indemnification as set forth in this Section. Such legal representation shall be provided at no cost to the officer or employee, and any officer or employee may have his/her own counsel assist in the defense at the sole expense of the officer or employee. The officer or employee shall cooperate fully with the City in preparation and presentation of the case, and the failure to cooperate shall waive such officer's or employee's right to representation.
Any person seeking indemnification from the City shall, in the event of any occurrence and upon receipt of notice of any claim, suit, action or proceeding, promptly notify in writing the City Administrator of the City of the identity of the person seeking indemnification and also reasonably obtainable information with respect to the time, place and circumstance that give rise to the occurrence including the name and address of the injured party and of any witnesses.
[CC 1988 §§21.1400 — 21.1450]
The Mayor may, with the consent of a majority of all members of the Board of Aldermen, remove from office any appointed officer at will, and any such appointed officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Board of Aldermen, independently of the Mayor's approval or recommendation.