The City of Pittston requires the submission of the following
for any subdivision and for any land development plan:
A. Sketch plan (optional). The purpose of this plan is to provide an
opportunity for the applicant/developer and the City Planning Commission
to review the intended subdivision or land development plan prior
to the preparation of extensive engineering drawings and to allow
for comments and recommended modifications prior to preparation of
a preliminary plan. A sketch plan shall not constitute an official
submission to the City.
B. Preliminary plan. A preliminary map or plan of a subdivision or land
development, including all required supplementary data, in lesser
detail than the final plan, showing approximate proposed street and
lot layout as a basis for consideration prior to preparation of a
final plan.
C. Final plan. A complete and exact map or plan of a subdivision or
land development, including all required supplementary data, prepared
for official recording as required by statute, to define property
rights and proposed streets and other improvements.
D. Plan of record. The copy of the final plan which contains the required
endorsements and which is recorded with the City of Pittston Recorder
of Deeds.
Submission requirements for major subdivision and land development
plans. Each preliminary plan shall be labeled as such and show the
following or be accompanied by such supplementary information:
A. The name and address of the applicant/developer and the name and
address of the legal owner; the proposed legal name of the major subdivision
or land development as it is to be recorded; and the name and address
of the registered professional engineer, land surveyor or registered
architect responsible for preparation of the plan.
B. Proof of ownership, including a copy of the existing deed.
C. A location map (at a scale no greater than one inch equals 2,000
feet) or key map showing the location of the site or portion of the
site to be subdivided or developed; all property lines, streets, roads
and other subdivisions or land development within 2,000 feet of all
boundaries of the site; zoning within such areas; and Tax Map parcel
of lots to be subdivided.
D. A full data column which shall include the following: acreage of
the site; acreage of the site by zoning district; front yard, side
yard, rear yard, lot width and minimum lot area requirements and standards
proposed; dwelling units by type permitted under zoning and proposed
dwelling units by type; types of exterior materials to be used for
construction or renovation of existing buildings; permitted density
and proposed density by type of dwelling unit; combined overall dwelling
unit density for the site; area for easements, streets and open space
by type, i.e., public or private; proposed square footage or area
of nonresidential uses; and required and proposed off-street parking
and loading spaces for intended uses.
E. The proposed method of providing public or private water supply and
sanitary sewage disposal methods, and written certification from the
Municipal Authority showing satisfactory provision of the above at
the time of submission of the final plan.
F. Existing physical or other features, including but not limited to
the following:
(1) A physical survey of the parcel to be subdivided or developed, showing
all courses in degrees, minutes and seconds; distances to hundredths
of a foot; physical area; monuments; existing easements and rights-of-way.
Total tract boundaries must be shown. Bearings must be shown at not
less than nearest 10 seconds.
(2) Contours of the entire tract at not less than two-foot intervals
based on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum.
(3) The location of, names and widths of streets, curbs and pavement,
public or private; all property lines; and names of owners of tracts
or parcels located within 200 feet of the site.
(4) Zoning districts shall be delineated on the plan.
(5) All storm drainage, sanitary sewer, public water supply lines, and
other utilities within 400 feet of the site, and ownership or maintenance
responsibilities for the same.
(6) All existing buildings or outbuildings to remain or to be removed;
tree stands, watercourses, ponds or water bodies; and the location
of the one-hundred-year floodplain as determined under the provisions
of the City of Pittston Zoning Ordinance.
G. The preliminary plan sheets shall be drawn at a scale no greater
than one inch equals 50 feet so that the maximum sheet size should
not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches. All sheets submitted shall be consecutively
numbered and shall be of the same size, where possible. Appropriate
sheets shall contain required signature blocks. All sheets shall show
the scale, date prepared, North point, appropriate legends by symbols
or words, any notes explaining features of the sheet or plan and appropriate
blocks for revisions to each such sheet.
H. The proposed layout of the major subdivision or land development
area, including, where appropriate for either, the following:
(1) The layout of streets, including width of the streets, alleys and
crosswalks, and soils data.
(2) The layout and proposed dimensions of lots.
(3) The arrangement of buildings, fire zones and parking/loading areas
in commercial and multifamily developments, with all necessary dimensions.
(4) A plan for the surface drainage of the tract to be subdivided, including
all stormwater control facilities, and a stormwater drainage control
report. A plan to control erosion during and after the construction
period shall be required.
(5) Typical cross sections and center-line profiles for each proposed
street shown on the preliminary plan. These plans may be submitted
as separate sheets.
(6) Lots for which other than a residential use is intended.
(7) A plan of proposed planting, showing the locations of street trees
and the landscape treatment for entrances, for areas of abutting property
and required buffer strips.
(8) For subdivisions, the total area, number of lots, lot area for each
lot and length of proposed streets shall be noted on the plan, and
each residential and nonresidential lot shall be numbered.
(9) Building setback lines, established by zoning or other ordinances.
Rights-of-way and/or easements proposed to be created for all
drainage purposes, utilities, access or other reasons.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the applicant's
entire holding, a sketch shall be submitted of the prospective street
layout for the remainder.
Details of proposed ingress and egress at points of intersection
with existing City or state roads, including a notation on the plan
showing the horizontal sight distance available at each such intersection
for vehicles leaving the site.
Proposed lighting at identified external intersections and interior
lighting plans for internal parking areas.
The open space requirements for all subdivisions and land developments
are contained in the City of Pittston Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and such requirements shall be reflected on any preliminary
plan submitted to the City.
I. Must submit a cost estimate by item of required improvements.
J. Preliminary plan application fee and required fee for Luzerne County
Planning Commission review.
K. A copy of the application for a highway occupancy permit, if applicable,
as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and/or
the Luzerne County Road and Bridge Department.
L. Construction plans, which include, where applicable, preliminary
design, preliminary profiles, typical cross sections and specifications
for the construction or installation of streets, sidewalks, sanitary
sewers, sewage treatment facilities, storm drainage facilities, waterlines,
bridges or culverts.
(1) Cross sections for proposed streets and sidewalks shall be provided
at intervals of 50 feet and at intersections and the limits of work.
(2) Engineering design of proposed bridges or culverts shall be prepared
in conformance with the latest Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
design manuals.
(3) Engineering design of a proposed central sewage system and/or central
water supply and distribution system shall be accompanied by all permit
applications for all respective utilities.
M. Any offers of dedication of proposed improvements, signed by the
owner of the property and properly notarized.
N. A sewage planning module and all accompanying data as required by
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
O. A copy of the soil erosion and sedimentation control plan, application
and related information as required by the Luzerne Soil Conservation
P. Stormwater management plans, including drawings of present and proposed
contours, stormwater runoff data and facilities for stormwater drainage.
Q. In case of delineation of wetlands, the wetland boundaries, as provided
by the developer, must be verified by either the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
based upon a jurisdictional determination of said agencies.
R. An executed written agreement under which the applicant agrees to
fully pay for any and all consulting fees resulting from the review
of plans, applications and supporting information, data and/or reports
or studies required by the City Council. In providing for such an
agreement, the City Council, at its discretion, may require the applicant
to establish an escrow account in a manner arranged for the City's
withdrawal of funds for the payment of consulting fees incurred by
the City.
A "minor subdivision" is defined in §
430-8 of this chapter. Minor subdivisions require a simplified procedure and modified submission requirements. After the effective date of this chapter, only one minor subdivision will be permitted over any period of time for any parcel within the City.
A. Procedure.
(1) No sketch plan submission is suggested for a minor subdivision; a final plan is the record plan for a minor subdivision. The preliminary minor subdivision plan is submitted, processed, reviewed and acted upon in the identical manner as a preliminary major subdivision plan, as outlined in §
430-10 of this chapter.
(2) Approval, conditional approval or denial of approval by the City Council for any minor subdivision plan shall be identical to procedures outlined in §
430-10 for major subdivisions.
(3) The final, and record, plan shall contain all changes, modifications, notations and agreements required by the City Council at the time of preliminary plan approval. In addition, the certifications and signatures required for recording shall be shown on the final plan. The final plan shall be processed in an identical manner as required in §
430-13 for final land record plans.
B. Submission requirements. Each minor subdivision plan, preliminary
and final, shall contain the following:
(1) The name and address of the owner and the registered professional
engineer or surveyor responsible for the plan; a key map showing location
and existing zoning.
(2) A physical survey of the portion of the tract being subdivided, with
courses in degrees, minutes and seconds, and distances to hundredths
of a foot and showing any easements, curblines or rights-of-way and
the abutting street or road; two-foot contour intervals; and North
point (show bearings to the nearest 10 seconds).
(3) Existing building to remain or to be removed; tree stands, ponds,
water bodies and, if applicable, the floodplain or flood hazard line;
and soils data for the parcel.
(4) The proposed division of land; building setback lines; acreage of
the lot(s) and proposed easements for access, drainage or other purposes.
(5) Proposed driveway locations, if any, and proposed new curblines.
(6) Prior lots approved under minor subdivision procedures to the present
A fee shall be required for processing and reviewing any sketch
plan, preliminary or final subdivision plan, including a minor subdivision
plan. Fees are also required for processing and reviewing both preliminary
and final land development plans. The fees shall be paid by the applicant/developer
at the time of filing each such plan. The fee schedule for all plans
submitted under this chapter shall be adopted by resolution of the
City Council and may be amended from time to time.
Prior to the final release of any guaranty required by §
430-42, the owner shall furnish to the City complete as-built drawings of all improvements constructed within any subdivision or land development, showing the precise locations and details of all such improvements required by this chapter or as required by the City Council at the time of final plan approval. The City Engineer shall approve such as-built plans prior to acceptance by the City Council.