Any sign hereafter erected shall conform to the provisions of this chapter, the International Building Code and all other applicable ordinances or regulations of the Borough of Greenville.
The Code Official shall remove or cause to be removed any sign in the Borough that was erected, installed, maintained or repaired in violation of the provisions set forth in this chapter. Any sign that in the opinion of the Code Official constitutes an immediate danger shall be removed or caused to be removed by order of the Code Official.
When the owner of the property upon which the sign is located fails to comply with the removal order within the time prescribed, the Code Official shall cause the sign to be removed, either by an available public agency or by contract or arrangement with private persons. The cost of such removal shall be charged against the real estate upon which the sign is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate.
Abandoned and obsolete signs are not permitted and shall be removed at the expense of the property owner in accordance with § 436-34.
All permanent signs shall be constructed, erected, installed, maintained and repaired in a professional, workmanlike manner. Durable, weather-resistant components and materials shall be used in the construction and fabrication of all permanent signs. Signs fabricated of painted wood sheathing (plywood, OSB) or of any paper product and exposed to the elements shall be prohibited.
All signs shall be kept in good condition and repair. Any sign that is in disrepair, not securely attached or deemed unsafe by the Code Official shall be made to conform to the provisions of this chapter by written notice from the Code Official to the property owner.
Any sign or part of a sign may be replaced with new materials, provided the sign is not enlarged, moved, or used to display a different message. A different message shall include, but not be limited to, the identification of a different use or replacement with a different name for the same use.
Such replacement shall not require a new sign permit or fee provided a sign permit was obtained and a fee paid for the existing sign.
Internally or externally lighted signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted, provided the sign conforms with the provisions set forth in § 436-46.
Lighted signs for residential uses are prohibited.
[Amended 7-13-2010 by Ord. No. 1494]
Changeable messages on signs for nonresidential uses shall be permitted, provided they conform in all respects to this chapter, and provided the message does not change in part or in whole more than once in any six-second period. Refer to § 436-46 for restrictions and allowances on blinking and flashing lights.
Time/temperature signs are permitted for nonresidential uses, provided they conform in all other respects to this chapter. The time/temperature sections of the sign shall not exceed 10 square feet in area.
Changeable message signs that are illuminated shall not be located within the second two-thirds of an intersection that is controlled by traffic signal lights or illuminated pedestrian control signals.
Changeable message signs that are illuminated shall not be located in a residential zone unless preexisting nonconforming use applies.
Changeable signs are a conditional use in the Central Business District along Main Street, which includes the area east of Water Street and west of Mercer Street.
A legal nonconforming sign shall be permitted to continue in its use until the time the sign is abandoned or becomes obsolete, subject to the following limitation: Sign repairs, or replacements are permissible, provided such changes do no increase the degree of nonconformity of the sign and conform with the provisions set forth in § 436-38.
Off-premises signs are permitted in the Borough of Greenville subject to the following provisions.
Signs located on private property.
Signs erected, displayed, or installed on nonresidential private property may advertise or identify a use located on a different property in the Borough provided the sign conforms to the provisions of this chapter. Such a sign shall require a sign permit and shall be included in the computation of the maximum sign area for the subject property.
An off-premises sign shall not be located on any residential property.
Signs located on public property. Signs erected or installed on public property or in the public right-of-way may direct attention to a use on another property subject to all of the following limitations:
The sign shall conform to all of the laws, ordinances, and regulations of the governmental bodies, departments or agencies having jurisdiction over the public property or right-of-way. Signs placed in the right-of-way of a state road shall meet the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regulations.
The sign message shall be directional only. No advertising of any kind shall be permitted.
The sign shall be flat and rectangular in shape, shall have a dark blue background with white lettering and shall be installed in a location determined by the jurisdiction having authority. The sign shall have a maximum sign area of two square feet.
Each sign shall require annual permit renewal and the permit fee shall be charged at the rate of $15 per square feet annually.