[Adopted 3-11-1997 by Ord. No. 1339 (Ch. 21, Part 4, of the 2006 Code of Ordinances)]
Whenever Borough Council deems it necessary, Borough Council shall order that a sidewalk be constructed, reconstructed or repaired along any portion of any street in the Borough, every owner of real estate fronting or abutting upon that portion of the street shall be required upon 30 days notice from the Borough to construct, reconstruct or repair the sidewalk as so directed by the Borough or its designee.
New sidewalks constructed or sidewalks replaced along the streets within the Borough shall be of one-course concrete construction and shall conform to the following requirements:
Said sidewalk shall be constructed as a series of independent sections in general not more than six feet high in length.
Each section shall be at least four feet wide and four inches in depth and shall be constructed of six bag concrete mix.
Driveway aprons shall be four inches thick and contain reinforcing material or shall be six inches thick if constructed without reinforcing material.
Each section of a sidewalks shall be separated by a vertical joint or relief break running the full width of the slab. A one-half-inch expansion joint shall be provided at least once in every five sections of sidewalk and shall be filled with an approved joint filler. An expansion seam shall likewise be provided where the sidewalk meets a curb and at such other places as may be directed by the Greenville Borough Council or its designee.
New sidewalks may likewise be constructed of bricks and/or paving bricks or blocks, provided the bricks and/or paving bricks or blocks are laid upon a four-inch base of concrete, and provided further that the width of the sidewalk so constructed shall be at least four feet.
Existing sidewalks constructed of brick, stone or material other than concrete may be maintained and repaired with like material of which such sidewalks are constructed and said sidewalks are to have like width. If the condition of any existing sidewalk becomes such that in the judgment of the Code Officials of the Borough, reconstruction is necessary in order to restore such walk to a safe condition, then such sidewalk shall be reconstructed of concrete, brick or paving brick or blocks and shall in all other respects conform to the applicable provisions regarding new sidewalks in this article. In the judgment of the Code Officials of the Borough, if a sidewalk is in need of 75% or more repair, in length of said sidewalk, then the entire sidewalk shall be reconstructed.
[Amended 8-8-2006 by Ord. No. 1455]
Nothing in this article shall be construed so as to prevent any owner or owners of property from personally laying or repairing any fronting or abutting sidewalks in need of construction, reconstruction or repair, provided that the owner complies with the terms of this article and any other relevant Borough ordinance. The owner shall first notify the Borough and obtain a permit from the Borough Code Official before replacing any existing sidewalk or sections thereof.
The Borough deems it in the best interest of the residents of the Borough that all existing sidewalks remain, and if any said sidewalk or section of sidewalk is removed, then that sidewalk or section must be replaced.
If, in the opinion of the Greenville Borough Code Office, a sidewalk within the Borough is in need of repair or replacement, then the Greenville Borough Code Office shall give a written notice to the owner of property upon which the sidewalk is located, directing said owner to repair or replace the sidewalk. If any property owner shall fail upon receipt of said notice to repair or replace the sidewalk abutting his property as required by and within the time period specified in the notice provided by the Greenville Borough Code Office, then that owner shall be considered in violation of this article and subject to the penalties hereinafter provided. Additionally, if any property owner shall fail to repair or construct the sidewalk as aforesaid after notice, the Borough shall have the right to enter the property and to effect the repairs or replacement of the sidewalk on its own either through independent contractors or with Borough employees. Upon making the repairs or upon replacing the sidewalk, the Borough shall charge the property owner the cost of labor and materials, plus an additional 10% and shall have the right to place a municipal lien upon the property to secure the repayment of the same.
[Amended 8-8-2006 by Ord. No. 1455]
The Borough shall apply the following criteria to determine whether a sidewalk is in need of repair or replacement:
Any sidewalk with a missing slab or portion of a slab must have that slab replaced.
A sidewalk slab with a crack that exhibits signs of the sections separating either vertically or horizontally shall be replaced.
Any sections of sidewalk where there is a difference in elevation of greater than three-eighths-inch between sections shall be repaired such that the sidewalk surface is smooth and level for the entire length of the sidewalk.
Any section of sidewalk that is displaced more than one inch horizontally from adjacent sections shall be repaired so that the offset sections are brought into line with the remainder of the sidewalk.
Any sidewalk or portion thereof that exhibits spalling, crumbling, deterioration or any defective surface condition shall be replaced.
Any defective condition that in the opinion of the Code Official constitutes a danger or hazard to public health or safety shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Code Official.
[Amended 8-8-2006 by Ord. No. 1455]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall be, upon conviction thereof, sentenced to pay a fine not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days.