[R.O. 2006 §640.070; CC 1978 §86.010; Ord. No. 2713, 9-20-2022[1]]
The non-exclusive franchise, right, permission, and authority is hereby granted to, and vested in Cuivre River Electric Cooperative, Inc., a Missouri corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter called "Cooperative," to construct, reconstruct, excavate for, place, maintain, operate and use all necessary or appropriate poles, towers, wires, conduits, conductors, manholes, underground vaults, mains, service popes and other equipment, with all necessary or appropriate appurtenances and appliances in connection therewith, in, along, across, over and under the streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, squares, bridges, and other public places within the corporate limits of the City Of Warrenton as now fixed and as hereafter extended, and areas dedicated to the City of Warrenton for public utility use, for the purpose of furnishing and distributing electricity for light, heat, power and other purposes within the City of Warrenton, and for the purpose of transmitting electricity through the City of Warrenton; all such equipment, appliances and apparatus to be installed and maintained with due regard to and the rightful use by other persons, with vehicles or otherwise, of the streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, squares, bridges and other public places and areas dedicated to the City of Warrenton for public utility use, and Cooperative's exercise of the rights, permission and authority hereby granted shall at all times be subject to proper regulation by the City of Warrenton in the exercise of its police powers.
As consideration for the rights and privileges conferred by this Section, and in lieu of any payments required by any previous ordinance, Cooperative shall pay to the City of Warrenton on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of each calendar month during the term of this franchise an amount equal to four and eight-tenths percent (4.8%) of its gross receipts from sales of electricity or electric service from each customer for the preceding calendar month. All payments made hereunder shall be reduced by the total of payments made by Cooperative for the applicable periods of time or portions thereof on account of any tax levied or imposed by the City of Warrenton upon the business of providing electricity or electric service, or upon the proceeds of sales of electricity or electric service or upon the right or privilege of engaging in such business within said corporate limits, whether said tax be designated as an occupation tax, a license tax, or otherwise; but not including a sales tax levied or imposed pursuant to the City Sales Tax Act. The first franchise payment shall be due on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of each calendar month after the effective date of this Section calculated on gross receipts for the preceding calendar month. With each franchise payment hereunder, the Cooperative shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Warrenton a sworn statement of the gross receipts for applicable period and also a sworn statement of all payments made by it for such period on account of any of the taxes herein above in this Section enumerated. The term "gross receipts" means the aggregate amount of all sales and charges from the business of supplying electricity or electric service made by Cooperative in the City of Warrenton during any period less discounts, credits, refunds, sales taxes and uncollectible accounts. Gross receipts derived from the furnishing of such service to the City of Warrenton shall not be included in gross receipts nor shall the franchise payment be due on such gross receipts.
All facilities of Cooperative in the City of Warrenton be installed and maintained in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Missouri Public Service Commission.
In order for Cooperative to render efficient and continuous electric service it will be necessary for Cooperative to trim the trunks and branches of trees along and over the streets, sidewalks, alleys, avenues, squares, bridges and other public places in the City of Warrenton, and other areas dedicated to the City of Warrenton for public utility use, wherever the same are likely to come in contact with its equipment; therefore, Cooperative or its agent is hereby granted the right to trim such trees, including the trunk branches and all parts thereof, so as to enable it to erect and maintain its equipment in a regular and consistent form and manner and to enable it to provide the most efficient and continuous service that the circumstances will permit; provided, however, that Cooperative and its agents shall exercise proper care and discretion in cutting and trimming said trees and all parts thereof.
The rights, privileges and authority hereby granted shall inure to and be vested in Cooperative, its successors and assigns, successively, subject to all of the terms, provisions and conditions herein contained, and each of the obligations hereby imposed upon Cooperative shall evolve and be binding upon its successors and assigns, successively, in the same manner. All rights, privileges and authority hereby granted to Cooperative shall be freely assignable without being contingent upon prior or subsequent approval of the City of Warrenton. Cooperative shall give reasonable notice of its intent to assign or transfer its rights and obligations to another corporate entity. In the event of such transfer, the assignee shall be entitled to exercise its full range of Statutory powers, even if those powers exceed assignor Cooperative's Statutory charter, and any limit of Cooperative's authority shall not be construed or applied to limit the powers of assignee.
This Section shall not be effective unless and until the grants of rights, permission and authority herein contained by approved by the Board of Aldermen. If such grant be so approved, this Section, and the grant herein contained, shall be and continue in force and effect for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of such election. Provided, however, that said Cooperative, its successors or assigns, shall within sixty (60) days after the date of such approval, file with the City of Warrenton Clerk an acceptance of the provisions of this Section, and provided, further, that if such acceptance be not so filed within said period of sixty (60) days, all rights, privileges and authority herein granted shall become null and void.
Neither acceptance of, nor compliance with, the provisions of this Section shall in any way impair or affect or constitute or be construed as a relinquishment or waiver of, any right, permission or authority Cooperative and its successor or assigns may have independently of this Section; nor shall use by said Cooperative, its successors and assigns, of public property or places in the City of Warrenton as authorized by this Section, or service rendered by said Cooperative, its successors or assigns, in the City of Warrenton, be treated as use solely to this Section or to any obligation of service consequently upon acceptance thereof or as in any way indicating non-use of, or non-compliance with any obligation incident to, any right, permission or authority vested in said Cooperative, its successors or assigns, independently of this Section; and the acceptance provided for in Subsection (F) of this Section or with any obligation arising from acceptance thereof, shall be subject to, and conditioned by, the provisions of this Subsection (G) with the same force and affect as though each of the provisions of this Subsection were expressly incorporated in such acceptance and expressly declared by the acceptor, its successors or assigns, at and prior to the time of such compliance by it, as conditions of such compliance.
Editor's Note: Former Article III, Electric Franchise and Tax, containing Sections 620.070 through 620.120, were superseded 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2713.