[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota as Ch. 9 of the 1998 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An individual whose place of residency is located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Mendota.
An individual whose place of residency is neither within the corporate limits of the City of Mendota nor within the boundaries of the Mendota - Troy Grove Rural Fire Protection District.
An individual (person) who is transported from one location to another by the Mendota Ambulance Service.
An individual whose place of residency is located within the boundaries of the Mendota - Troy Grove Rural Fire Protection District.
[Amended by Ord. No. 03-29-01; Ord. No. 01-17-05; Ord. No. 06-02-08A; Ord. No. 05-02-11A; Ord. No. 04-06-15A; Ord. No. 04-18-16D; Ord. No. 06-01-20A; Ord. No. 03-15-21; Ord. No. 01-17-22; Ord. No. 02-07-22; Ord. No. 03-21-22; Ord. No. 03-21-22A; Ord. No. 12-18-23]
All ambulance rates and fees, including, but not limited to, supplies, extra attendants, DUI charges, intercept calls, assistance, false fire alarms and mileage for Mendota residents, rural residents and nonresidents, shall be as established by the City Council from time to time.
Editor's Note: Former § 29-3, Ambulance service mileage costs, was repealed by Ord. No. 12-18-23.
The rates or charges herein established shall be collected from the person to whom the ambulance service is rendered, and in the case of such person being a minor, then the person responsible for payment will be his or her parents or legal guardian.
[Added by Ord. No. 02-07-22]
Employees shall record all charges for each patient in a timely manner and deliver said list of charges to the billing company of record.
Bills for ambulance services are rendered due and payable to the City Clerk, City of Mendota, Illinois on the date of rendition thereof.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 9.06 of the 1998 Code, Discontinuance of service, which immediately followed this section, was repealed by Ord. No. 04-06-15A.
On the first day of April each year, the City Clerk shall prepare and submit to the City Council a list of all ambulance service bills which are more than six months past due. The City Council will then determine which of these bills are deemed to be uncollectable and authorize the City Clerk to write them off as bad debts. The Council will decide what action is to be pursued to collect those bills which are determined to be collectable.
[Amended by Ord. No. 04-06-15A; Ord. No. 04-18-16B]
Establishment; membership; authority and duties.
Establishment. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 04-18-16B (adopted on April 18, 2016), the City approved an intergovernmental agreement entitled "Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the La Salle County Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and Providing for the Consolidation of and Operation of Certain Public Safety Answering Points (Initial Participating Members: City of La Salle, City of Marseilles, City of Mendota, City of Oglesby, City of Ottawa, City of Peru and County of La Salle, Illinois, on behalf of the La Salle County Emergency Telephone System Board" (the "La Salle County JETSB Intergovernmental Agreement") that provided for the establishment of an intergovernmental cooperative venture known as the "La Salle County Joint Emergency Telephone System Board" (also referred to as the "La Salle County JETSB"). The purpose of the intergovernmental arrangement is for the La Salle County JETSB to initially oversee the consolidation of six existing public safety answering points ("PSAPS") into three PSAPS, to administer the receipt and allocation of surcharge funds and any other revenues budgeted for ETSB purposes (collectively "ETSB funds") based on a cost-sharing formula or as otherwise directed in the IGA to assist in funding the operations, maintenance and staffing of the three PSAPS and the La Salle County JETSB, and to provide general coordination of the delivery of emergency dispatch services and 9-1-1 communication services and wireless E-9-1-1 communication services within the service territories of the participating members of the La Salle County JETSB. The three PSAPS that will be funded by the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement are:
The La Salle County Sheriff's PSAP, which is owned, staffed and operated by the La Salle County Sheriff's Department and is located at 707 East Etna Road, Ottawa, Illinois;
The Ottawa Central Dispatch PSAP, which is owned, staffed and operated by the City of Ottawa and is located at 301 West Lafayette Street, Ottawa, Illinois; and
The Peru PSAP (whose operations will be transferred to the Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch upon the formation), which is currently owned, staffed and operated by the City of Peru and is located at 1503 Fourth Street, Peru, Illinois (collectively referred to as the "PSAPS").
Membership; authority and duties. The total number of members on the La Salle County JETSB shall match the total number of participating members that are parties to the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement, as amended to add new members. The initial membership on the La Salle County JETSB shall total seven members, including the statutory "public member." The members of the La Salle County JETSB shall be comprised of one representative from each of the participating members of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement, as designated in writing by the mayor or presiding administrative officer of each participating member. The statutory "public member" will be one of the designated representatives of one of the participating members of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement or appointed pursuant to the terms of the agreement. The authority and duties of the La Salle County JETSB shall be governed by the terms of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement and the Emergency Telephone System Act (50 ILCS 750/1 et seq.) and any other applicable laws.
Dissolution of local Emergency Telephone System Board; reinstatement.
Dissolution of Local Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB). Pursuant to Ordinance No. 04-18-16B (adopted April 18, 2016), the City's ETSB was dissolved effective upon the date of the regulatory approval of creation of the La Salle County JETSB by the 9-1-1 Administrator of the Illinois Department of State Police. The City's ETSB was initially established by the adoption of Ordinance No. 6-3-91B on June 3, 2016.
Reinstatement of local ETSB. In the event the City withdraws from participation in the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, the City will either take the necessary corporate actions to reinstate its local ETSB or join another joint emergency telephone system board (JETSB).
Use of ETSB funds; surcharge funds.
Use of ETSB funds. Under the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement, the City, in its own discretion, may use or expend any of its ETSB funds, including any surcharge funds, to pay for budgeted items or obligations that exist in its fiscal year 2016 and fiscal year 2017 ETSB budgets in accordance with the applicable laws, including the Emergency Telephone System Act (50 ILCS 750/1 et seq.), the Wireless Emergency Telephone Safety Act (50 ILCS 751/1 et seq.) and the Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge Act (50 ILCS 753/1 et seq.), or may contribute its ETSB funds to the La Salle County JETSB and receive a credit equal to the amount of its contributed ETSB funds towards any financial obligations that the City owes in regard to membership in the La Salle County JETSB, with the balance of the ETSB funds being paid by the La Salle County JETSB to the City's PSAP.
Surcharge funds. Upon dissolution of the City's ETSB and subject to the terms of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement and the City's continued participation in the La Salle County JETSB, all monies received or collected by the City that are intended to be used for ETSB purposes or La Salle County JETSB purposes from any surcharge or revenue source authorized by any federal or state law, including Section 15.3 of the Emergency Telephone System Act (50 ILCS 750/15.3), the Wireless Emergency Telephone Safety Act (50 ILCS 751/1 et seq.) and the Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge Act (50 ILCS 753/1 et seq.), shall be transferred to the La Salle County JETSB for deposit and expenditure by the La Salle County JETSB in accordance with the terms of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement, the Emergency Telephone System Act (50 ILCS 750/1 et seq.) and any other applicable laws.
Surcharge rate. The City is authorized to receive surcharge funds pursuant to Section 15.3 of the Emergency Telephone System Act (50 ILCS 750/15.3), the Wireless Emergency Telephone Safety Act (50 ILCS 751/1 et seq.) and the Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge Act (50 ILCS 753/1 et seq.) at rates and in amounts established by and regulated by these applicable state laws. Under Ordinance No. 1-21-91B (adopted January 21, 1991), the City proposed the enactment of a 9-1-1 surcharge rate of $1.25, which was later approved by a majority of voters at a referendum conducted on April 2, 1991 ("Established 9-1-1 Surcharge Rate"). The City is authorized to continue to receive surcharge funds at the established surcharge rate or any other rate established by and regulated by applicable state laws. The dissolution of the City's local ETSB shall have no impact on the City's authority and right to continue to receive its allocation of surcharge funds under these applicable state laws in accordance with the terms of the La Salle County JETSB intergovernmental agreement.
There is hereby created and established the position of fire truck driver/engineer/EMT in the City of Mendota.
Said fire truck driver/engineer/EMT position shall be comprised of full-time paid personnel employed by the City of Mendota under the provisions of the Board of Police and Fire and shall be eligible for the Firefighters Pension Fund. All said employees shall be employed as firemen subject to the provision and control of the Fire Chief and cooperation with the needs of the Director of the Mendota Ambulance Service.
The Fire Chief shall have the command and control of the Fire Department personnel, subject to the order and direction of the City Council, subject to the following:
It is contemplated that the paid fire truck drivers/engineers/EMTs will be required to be trained in and provide emergency training in conjunction with the Mendota Ambulance Service as a part of the employees' duties.
The Fire Chief and the Director of the Mendota Ambulance Service will cooperate in the assignment of duties of said personnel so as to most effectively use the employees for the benefit of the citizens and the City of Mendota.
The Fire Chief shall continue to be in charge of the Fire Department, as well as in command and control of the volunteers in said department.
The Director of the Ambulance Service shall continue to be Director of the Volunteer Ambulance Service and shall have complete control of said ambulance volunteers.
The City Council of the City of Mendota may from time to time delegate and alter the duties of the fire truck drivers/engineers/EMTs, but it is contemplated said duties shall include and not be limited to fire-fighting and emergency medical services.
The Fire Chief and the Director of the Mendota Ambulance Service are directed to cooperate in the usage of said personnel, but with the Fire Chief and the Director of the Ambulance Service maintaining command of their own departments.