Fire limits #1.
Beginning at the intersection of 7th Street and Plotsky Avenue,
west to Plotsky Avenue and State Road Y, north 600 feet, east to a
line with 7th Street, south to point of origin.
Beginning at the intersection of State Road Y and Walnut Street,
west 280 feet, north along alley to Santa Fe railroad, northwest to
Plotsky Avenue, east to State Road Y, south to point of origin.
Beginning at the intersection of Sixth Street and Osage Street,
west to 7th Street, north to Santa Fe Railroad, southeast to 6th Street,
south to point of origin.
Beginning at Clay Avenue and State Road Y, south 200 feet, then
northwest by west to City limits, north to Broadway, east to Broadway
and State Road Y, then south to point of origin.
Beginning at the intersection of Broadway and Cedar streets,
west to East Street, south to Clay Avenue, west to South Main Street,
South to Frost Street, west to a line extended south from Second Street,
north to Broadway, west ½ block, north to Santa Fe railroad,
east to East Street, south to Maple Street, southeast to Locust and
Cedar, south to point of origin.