The subdivider shall prepare and submit a final plat to the Village Clerk-Treasurer for examination by the Village Plan Commission as to conformance with the approved preliminary plat, any condition of approval, the requirements of this chapter and all other ordinances, rules, regulations and adopted plans of the Village of Sherwood. The Village Plan Commission shall examine the final plat and make its findings within 30 days of final plat submission. The Village Board shall take action to approve or reject the final plat within 60 days of its submittal. If the final plat is rejected, the reasons therefor shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a copy thereof or a written statement of the reasons supplied to the subdivider. Failure of the Village Board to act within 60 days of submittal constitutes approval of the final plat unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider.
If the final plat conforms substantially to the preliminary plat as approved, including any conditions of that approval, and to Village plans and ordinances adopted as authorized by law, it is entitled to approval. If the final plat is not submitted within 36 months after the last required approval of the preliminary plat, the Village Board may refuse to approve the final plat. The final plat may, if permitted by the Village Board, constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record at that time.
The subdivider shall be responsible for filing the appropriate copies of the final plat with all other state, county and local agencies, departments, utilities and municipalities pursuant to § 236.12(2), Wis. Stats.