[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Darlington as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-9-2013 by Ord. No. 5-2013]
Anytime property is transferred within Darlington Township ("Township"), an occupancy permit in a form approved by the Supervisors of the Township shall be sent to the new property owner.
The new property owner will fill out the form and return it to the Township within 30 days of obtaining ownership of the property.
A fee of $15 will be required to be paid by the new property owner upon the receipt of the occupancy permit by the Township. This fee can be raised or reduced in the future through an appropriate resolution.
It is the intention of this article to keep accurate track of the members who live within the Township. The Township reserves the sole right to determine if a property transfer requires a new occupancy permit to be issued in keeping in mind the intention of this article.
This article does not replace the obligation of the property owner to obtain an additional occupancy permit from the Township's Building Inspector when required under Township and state rules and regulations.
Upon receiving the completed occupancy permit along with the proper payment of the fee, the Township will forward a copy of the occupancy permit to the tax collector or any entity collecting taxes on behalf of the Township, the Fire Department and the new property owner, and will retain a copy for the Township's records.
Any individual who fails to submit an occupancy permit as required under this article shall upon conviction of a summary offense by the District Magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine not less than $50 nor more than $300.
[Adopted 2-10-2014 by Ord. No. 1-2014]
No person, firm, corporation, or entity owning, managing, conducting, or operating a dwelling unit shall rent, lease, let out, or permit the same to be occupied without first securing an occupancy permit for each occupied dwelling unit. The occupancy permit application must be submitted to the Township within 30 days of the tenants/renters taking physical possession of the property.
A new occupancy permit will be required each time new tenants/renters occupy the premises. The property owner will be responsible for filling out the form and returning it to the Township.
A fee of $15 will be required to obtain the occupancy permit by the Township. This fee can be raised or reduced in the future through an appropriate resolution.
It is the intention of this article to keep accurate track of the citizens who live and rent within the Township. The Township reserves the sole right to determine if circumstances arise to which a new occupancy permit will be required to be submitted by keeping in mind the intention of this article.
This article does not replace the obligation of the property owner to obtain an additional occupancy permit from the Township's Building Inspector when required under Township and state rules and regulations.
Upon receiving the completed occupancy permit along with the proper payment of the fee, the Township will forward a copy of the occupancy permit to the tax collector or any entity collecting taxes on behalf of the Township, the Fire Department, the property owner, and the tenant(s), and will retain a copy for the Township's records.
Any individual who fails to submit an occupancy permit as required under this article shall upon conviction of a summary offense by the District Magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine not less than $50 nor more than $300.