[Added 4-10-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-7]
This article is adopted pursuant to the authority granted in N.J.S.A. 40:48-2 et seq. The purposes of this article are as follows:
To establish a residential parking program in specific areas of the Borough in order to facilitate and make more convenient parking within the Borough of Wood-Ridge for those persons who reside within said municipality.
To address a critical parking shortage in those specific areas and/or districts designated by the Borough of Wood-Ridge as being in need of a residential parking program.
To control and/or monitor on-street parking in the Borough of Wood-Ridge so that the persons regulated under this article may do so in a safe, efficient and nonhazardous manner.
The following rules and regulations shall apply to the Borough of Wood-Ridge resident parking permit program:
A resident parking permit of a design specified by the Chief of Police of the Borough of Wood-Ridge will be issued to residents of Wood-Ridge who own a motor vehicle with a gross weight of no more than 2.5 tons.
Proof of residency of the owner of a vehicle must be presented when applying for a permit. The following is acceptable proof of residency: a copy of a valid New Jersey driver's license reflecting an address in the Borough of Wood-Ridge and a copy of a valid New Jersey motor vehicle registration for which the permit is sought showing an address in the Borough of Wood-Ridge. In the case of a vehicle claimed to be leased and used by a Wood-Ridge resident, a copy of a valid motor vehicle registration and a copy of the automobile lease shall be presented to the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge in lieu of the New Jersey motor vehicle registration.
The resident's sticker is to be placed on the rear window of the driver's side, in the lower left-hand corner, of the registered vehicle.
Any owner or lessee of any residential or commercial property in the Borough of Wood-Ridge, which owner or lessee does not possess a valid New Jersey registration or New Jersey operator's license, shall not receive a resident sticker but shall be entitled to a parking sticker for nonresidents for a period of one year. To obtain the one-year permit, such owner or lessee shall present proof of a deed, mortgage, lease or letter from the property owner to the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge at the time of application.
[Amended 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
Business establishments located in the Borough of Wood-Ridge may obtain business parking permits for any nonresident employee or business owner of such business establishment who commutes to work. Wood-Ridge business establishments shall be deemed to include the Borough of Wood-Ridge and the Board of Education of the Borough of Wood-Ridge. The permit shall be reasonably limited by the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge to the hours during which the nonresident employee or owner is present at the premises. In order to obtain such permits, the business establishment must present a letter to the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge, verifying that there is no adequate off-street parking available to the employee. The letter shall list the name of the employee, the vehicle identification number and license plate of the vehicle, the driver's license number, the employee and such other information as may be required by the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge.
All written requests for business parking permits shall be executed by the owner or responsible officer of the employer (or a director in the case of the Borough of Wood-Ridge or the business manager or secretary in the case of the Wood-Ridge Board of Education). The Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge shall be entitled to obtain periodic verification of all relevant information and shall have the power to invalidate or not renew any business parking permit issued pursuant to this section if the information indicates nonentitlement to the business parking permit.
A fee for each business parking permit, upon first issuance and annual renewal, may be established and determined by resolution of the Mayor and Council.
A business permit shall require the name of the employee and/or the vehicle identification number and license plate of the vehicle, the driver's license number and such other information as may be required by the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge.
Any abuse in the use of a business or resident permit will result in its revocation in the following circumstances:
If any such permit is used on any vehicle which is not registered under this article.
Willfully providing any false or inaccurate information for the purpose of obtaining a permit hereunder.
Resident permits and business permits will expire annually as reasonably determined by the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge. Any vehicle bearing an expired resident permit or business permit and parked on a street posted "Permit Parking Only" shall be subject to the same penalty as a vehicle parking on the street without a resident permit or business permit, as set forth in § 513-79 hereinbelow.
Any vehicle parked on a street posted "Permit Parking Only" without a valid resident or business permit shall be subject to a parking fine in the amount of $20.
In the event of a violation of § 513-77 hereinabove, the offending person shall be subject to a fine in the amount of $250 for a first offense and $500 for a second and/or subsequent offense thereafter.
The Borough Police Department may remove and impound any vehicles which are in violation of this article in accordance with the provisions of § 513-41 of this chapter.
The Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge shall have the authority to formulate and promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to this article, subject to veto of the Borough Council, and the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge shall be entitled, in its discretion, to verify any information appropriate to the enforcement of this article. The Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge shall have the power to issue summonses for violations of this article; provided, however, that in the case of a summons issued for misuse of a resident permit, visitor permit, temporary visitor permit or business permit, such summons shall be issued by the Municipal Court of the Borough of Wood-Ridge.
Enforcement of this article and further rules and regulations as may be promulgated from time to time shall be under the jurisdiction of either the Police Department of the Borough of Wood-Ridge and/or the Chief of Police of the Borough of Wood-Ridge, as determined by the Borough Administrator of the Borough of Wood-Ridge.
[Amended 2-14-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-3; 6-11-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-6]
No person shall park a vehicle between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. for more than one hour without the required resident parking permit upon any of the following prescribed streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
1st Street
East and West
Between North Avenue and Union Avenue
2nd Street
East and West
Between North Avenue and Union Avenue
3rd Street
East and West
Between North Avenue and Union Avenue
4th Street
[Added 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
East and West
From North Avenue to Carlstadt border
6th Street
Between Fritsch Avenue and Center Street
6th Street
East and West
Between Center Street and North Avenue
Anderson Avenue
North and South
Between Route 17 and Park Place West
Anderson Avenue
Between Park Place East and Concord Street
Boulevard (4th Street)
[Repealed 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
Center Street
North and South
Between 6th Street and Humboldt Street
Charter Oak Street
East and West
Between Fritsch Avenue and Union Avenue
Columbia Boulevard
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Fifth Street
East and West
Between Fritsch Avenue and North Avenue
Fritsch Avenue
North and South
Between 6th Street and Humboldt Street
Highland Avenue
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Humboldt Street
East and West
Between Fritsch Avenue and Union Avenue
Innes Road
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Main Avenue
North and South
Between 6th Street and 1st Street
Marlboro Road
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Moonachie Avenue
North and South
Between Berger Street and Park Place East Dead End
North Avenue
North and South
Between 7th Street and 1st Street
Oak Street
Between Anderson Avenue and Blum Boulevard
Rose Street
East and West
Between Fritsch Avenue and Union Avenue
Sussex Road
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Sussex Road
[Added 10-2-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-13]
North and South
From Hackensack Street to dead end
Union Street
East and West
Between Anderson Avenue and Blum Boulevard
Union Avenue
North and South
Between 6th Street and Humboldt Street
Valley Boulevard
[Added 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
East and West
From North Avenue to Hasbrouck Heights border
Windsor Road
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
Wood-Ridge Avenue
North and South
Between Hillcrest Avenue and 7th Street
If any streets conflict with § 513-58, Schedule XVI, then § 513-58 shall take precedence.
[Added 5-21-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12]