[Adopted 1-12-2010 by Ord. No. 10-001; amended in its entirety 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 16-010]
The regular meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Homer Glen shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays in each month of the year at the hour of 6:30 p.m. and shall be held at the location designated by the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-032]
A Committee of the Whole may be convened at the request of the Village President or any three Trustees with the date and time designated at the time the request is made and notice provided as required under Section 120/2.02 of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.). The purpose of the Committee of the Whole is to provide opportunity for the Board to discuss issues of major importance to the Board that may involve policy direction and/or require additional time for debate and discussion by the Board beyond the time constraints of a regular Board meeting. No action shall be taken at a Committee of the Whole. A Trustee, chairperson of a standing committee or task force may request that the Village President convene a Committee of the Whole for purposes of discussing issues of major importance directly related to the business of the chairperson's standing committee.
In the case of an emergency, a meeting may be called upon such notice as is practicable. The meeting may be called by the Village President or by any three members of the Board of Trustees. The convening authority shall notify all other members of the Board of Trustees, the Village Clerk, and members of the media who are entitled to such notice.
A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the corporate authorities of the Village.
Except as otherwise changed by an amendment duly approved by the Board of Trustees, the order of business or agenda for the transaction of business at any regular Village Board meeting shall be as follows:
[Amended 5-25-2022 by Ord. No. 22-024; 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 22-053; 3-8-2023 by Ord. No. 23-017; 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-033]
Call to order.
Pledge of Allegiance to Flag.
Moment of silence.
Roll call: establish quorum.
Community recognition.
Amendments to the agenda.
Approval of the agenda.
Approval of minutes.
Public comment.
Schedule of accounts payable.
Reports and communications from President and other officers.
Village Manager.
Village Trustees.
Village Clerk.
Village Attorney.
Public safety officials.
Village Pesident.
Consent agenda.
Legislation and action items.
Old business.
New business.
Executive session.
Per 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-40, a consent agenda (omnibus vote) permits the Village Board to streamline its voting procedures. The consent agenda shall contain all matters deemed by the Village Manager to be of a noncontroversial nature. The Manager may include on the consent agenda ordinances, orders, resolution or motions which the Manager deems suitable for a consent agenda. The consent agenda may be adopted by a roll call vote and the roll call shall be recorded in the minutes of the Village Board as approving each item contained on the consent agenda. The motion to adopt the consent agenda shall be nondebatable. Any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the Village Board meeting by the request of any one Trustee, in which case the item shall be considered separately.
The taking of a single vote on the consent agenda shall be deemed sufficient compliance with all requirements of law to all intents and purposes and with like effect as if the vote in each case had been taken separately by "nays" and "ayes" on the question of each ordinance, resolution and motion included on the consent agenda.
In the event one or more Trustees wishes to be recorded as passing or voting against any item included in the consent agenda, that Trustee shall so notify the Village Clerk, who will make an appropriate reference in the minutes to record such negative votes.
A specific agenda for each regular meeting shall be prepared prior thereto by the Village Manager. In addition to the Village President, any member of the Board of Trustees may submit an item for inclusion on the agenda. All items for inclusion thereon by the Village President or any Trustee must be submitted not less than seven calendar days before the scheduled date of the Board meeting in question, and such agenda shall thereafter be distributed to the corporate authorities not less than two days prior to the date of the Board meeting in question.
[Amended 5-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-034]
The rules of parliamentary practice contained in the latest published edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Board in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these or other rules of the Board or the statutes or laws of the state.