This article, including the rules and regulations it adopts
by reference, is entitled the "Village of Homer Glen Building Ordinance."
The "number" and/or "letter" designation used to set off or identify
its various parts refers to paragraphs of the text. Reference to any
one of these paragraphs may be by such number and/or letter designation
A permit must be obtained in advance and all other requirements
of the Building Ordinance must be complied with whenever a building,
appurtenance thereto, or portion thereof, such as, but not limited
to, water supply, sewage disposal, plumbing installation, electrical
installation, heating equipment and energy conservation regulated
by this article, is erected, installed, altered, converted, remodeled,
reroofed, structurally repaired, moved or changed, except as provided
A. These rules and regulations set forth the minimum requirements to
safeguard life or limb, health and public welfare.
B. No building permit as required by this article shall be issued for
a building to be constructed on any lot, piece, parcel or tract of
land that does not conform with provisions of the Village of Homer
Glen Zoning Ordinance, Village of Homer Glen Building Ordinance, Will County
Health Department or other applicable agencies' ordinances, rules
or regulations concerning sewage disposal and water supply in force
from time to time in the Village of Homer Glen.
C. A permit is not required for sheds which are under 50 square feet
in size and can readily be moved from one location to another.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
D. Mold remediation permits may be required at the discretion of the
Building Official.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
E. A permit is required for the removal and demolition of in-ground
pools. Removal and demolition requirements shall be communicated to
the permit applicant at time of permit application review.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
F. The Village Board of the Village of Homer Glen shall act as the appeals
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
G. A 135° heat detector shall be installed in all attached garages
and interconnected by hardwire to smoke and CO detectors.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
H. A passive radon system shall be installed in attached single-family
dwellings not exceeding two stories in height.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
I. Emergency lights shall be required in all commercial restrooms consisting
of two lighted heads with battery backup.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
J. Low voltage wiring (fire alarm/phone/sound/data) located in walls
need box and stub-up piped raceway to ceiling in commercial applications.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
K. During the time of remodeling or new build outs all old or nonfunctional
electrical, plumbing or mechanical shall be removed per the direction
of the Building Official.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
L. Electrical service conductors, plumbing service or waste lines, and
gas lines supplying another building, other structure or dwelling
unit shall not pass through the interior or under another building
or structure.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
M. The general contractor or builder for a home buyer is required to
offer to the purchaser of a home the option of residential fire sprinklers
being installed in accordance with the provisions of NFPA 13-D.
[Added 12-13-2017 by Ord.
No. 17-068]
[Amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 16-010]
Any plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas or electrical equipment associated
with agricultural operations hereinafter will require a permit.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 16-010]
The Office of Chief Building Official is hereby created and
vested with the power and duty to administer and enforce all provisions
of this article and such related regulations as are assigned to that
office by the Village of Homer Glen corporate authorities. The term
"Building Official" shall mean the Chief Building Official or his
or her designee whenever such term is used in this article.
The Chief Building Official charged with the enforcement of
this code, while acting for the Village of Homer Glen, shall not thereby
render himself or herself personally liable and is hereby relieved
from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons
or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge
of his or her official duties. Any suit instituted against any employee
because of an act performed by such employee in the lawful discharge
of his or her duties and under the provisions of this Building Ordinance
shall be defended by the legal representative of the Village until
the final termination of the proceedings. In no case shall the Chief
Building Official or any of his or her subordinates be liable for
costs in any action, suit, or proceedings that may be instituted in
pursuance of the provisions of Village ordinances and resolutions,
and any employee of the Village of Homer Glen Building Department,
acting in good faith and without malice, shall be free from liability
for acts performed under any of its provisions or by reason of any
act or omission in the performance of his or her official duties in
connection thereto.
[Amended 12-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-068]
All fees established by resolution of the Village of Homer Glen
Board shall be collected by the Chief Building Official or designated
representatives and deposited regularly with the Finance Director
for the Village of Homer Glen. All outstanding fees, fines, or monies
owed the Village of Homer Glen shall be paid prior to the issuance
of any permit. The Village of Homer Glen may deny the issuance of
a permit if the applicant has been notified of outstanding violations.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 16-010]
Any person, firm, or corporation who or which violates, disobeys,
omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with, or who or which resists
the enforcement of any of the provisions adopted by reference, or
who or which refuses to remedy a violation of any such provision or
to remedy a hazard of fire, explosion, collapse, contagion, or spread
of infectious disease found to exist and duly ordered eliminated shall
be charged with a petty offense. Each day upon which such violation
exists shall constitute a separate offense. Nothing herein contained
shall prevent the Village from pursuing such other lawful action as
is necessary for the restraint, correction and abatement of any violations.
A. A person, firm, or corporation licensed or registered by the state,
or a subdivision thereof, to do work regulated by this article or
to render professional architectural or structural engineering services
in connection herewith, who or which violates the law or ordinance
under which licensed or registered, or who or which violates this
Building Ordinance while carrying out such work or rendering service
in connection therewith, shall be reported by the Building Official
to the licensing authority.
B. Where a dispute arises regarding an engineering opinion furnished
by the owner of the property involved in any matter covered by this
article, the Village may engage the services of a qualified registered
architect or engineer and the owner of the property involved shall
reimburse the Village for the reasonable customary cost of such services.
Where a permit is issued, such engineering expense shall be added
to the permit fee. Where no permit is issued, such expense may be
collected by civil action at law against the owner.
The following requirements apply to the administration and enforcement
of this Building Ordinance, other pertinent ordinances and laws applicable
to any regulated building, structure, appurtenance thereto, or portion
A. Application for a permit. The following rules shall apply to all
building permit applications:
(1) A building permit application, signed by the owner or authorized
agent, shall be in writing on forms provided by the Building Official.
(2) An application may only be amended during the course of the work
as authorized by the Building Official.
(3) Alterations and additions after completion require another permit.
B. Application requirements. All permit applications shall include:
(1) Descriptive material, in drawn and written form, as to location and
design of building, structures, water supply systems, sewage disposal
system, plumbing, mechanical, electrical installations, Energy Code
compliance and exterior window schedule and as required by the Building
Official to assure compliance with the rules and regulations.
(2) For construction, alterations, and other work: three copies of construction
plans (more if required by the Building Official) and a like number
of copies of specifications (if required), to show compliance with
regulations. Scale of plans shall be not less than 1/8 inch to the
(3) Plans may be waived for minor alterations not involving structural
(4) If trusses are used, a truss diagram must be stamped by an Illinois
registered architect or structural engineer.
(5) All documents and plans submitted for a permit(s) shall be signed
and sealed by a registered design professional or as required and
approved by the Building Official.
(6) Where construction is to occur near a designated floodplain area,
refer to the applicable Village of Homer Glen ordinances and other
(7) All contractors shall comply with the contractor licensing and bonding
registration requirements as required by the Building Official and
the Village's registration, bonding and insurance ordinance, except plumbers need not present insurance and bonding
information but shall comply with all other requirements.
C. At the time of permit application submittal for residential single-family,
residential multifamily, and new commercial projects, a nonrefundable
building permit application fee of $850 will be submitted. Remaining
fees as required in the adopted schedule of fees by ordinance shall
be paid in full prior to permit issuance.
[Amended 7-8-2015 by Ord.
No. 15-029]
D. Examination of application and plan. Examination of the application
and plan shall occur within a reasonable time by or under direction
of the Building Official.
E. Action on permit after filing and examination of application.
(1) A permit shall be denied if plans or proposed work does not conform
to the requirements of this Building Ordinance, or other pertinent
laws and ordinances. Denial with reasons shall be given in writing
upon request.
(2) If the proposed work conforms to requirements of this Building Ordinance
and other pertinent laws and ordinances, a permit shall be issued
in writing to proceed with work, returning one set of plans and specifications;
stamped "reviewed by Homer Glen."
(3) No inspections will be performed on any structure until the accessible
streets are properly signed for emergency service and Building Department
personnel. Temporary signage is acceptable during construction but
must be at a height that will allow visibility and legibility from
both directions on the roadway. No occupancy of any structure will
be allowed without permanent street signs installed and the permanent
address for each tenant/structure installed.
(4) The permit placard is to be furnished with the permit or as the permit
itself, and is to remain conspicuously posted on the premises during
course of the work.
(5) A permit expires if a substantial start is not made in six months.
Permit applications submitted and approved for issuance or permit
applications submitted with additional actions required will be voided
after one year.
[Amended 12-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-068]
(6) Permits issued for demolition shall expire if work is not completed
within 30 days from the date of issuance.
(7) A certificate of occupancy, which must be secured before a building
is permanently occupied, is to be issued by the Building Department
when an inspection following the completion of the work shows that
the construction is in compliance with this Building Ordinance and
permit. Each occupant of an industrial or commercial building or occupancy
shall obtain an occupancy permit issued by the Village of Homer Glen
Building Department. Said occupancy permit is valid only with respect
to the occupant to whom it was issued.
(8) A temporary occupancy permit may be issued for a building or portion
thereof if it is found that the condition of the building (fire and
life safety, lighting, heating, water supply, sewage disposal, other
sanitary facilities, etc.) is safe for occupancy, is approved for
occupancy by the authority having jurisdiction, and there are no health
or safety violations existing. Evidence or assurance of reasonably
prompt completion shall be furnished. The temporary occupancy permit
may be revoked and occupancy discontinued if the work is not completed
in the allotted time.
[Amended 12-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-068]
Prior to issuance of a temporary occupancy permit, a deposit
of $2,000 shall be given to the Village as surety that items outstanding
to receive a certificate of occupancy are completed and documentation
of the party responsible for completion of said outstanding items
shall be submitted.
Outstanding items for which a temporary occupancy permit is
issued shall include, but may not be limited to, final grading, submittal
and approval of a final as-built survey, vegetative ground cover,
concrete or other flatwork as permitted, and parkway trees.
If the applicant of the permit (general contractor) or responsible
party fails to submit the final survey to the Village, complete permitted
concrete or other flatwork, vegetative ground cover (turf grass) and
permitted final grading within the time designated on the temporary
occupancy permit, the general contractor or responsible party shall
be subject to a fine of not less than $200 for each day this violation
occurs and/or a hold placed on additional permits being issued to
this contractor or property owner.
If the originally permitted concrete or other flatwork, vegetative
ground cover (turf grass), permitted final grading, and submittal
of final survey is not completed within the time designated on the
temporary occupancy permit, the Village may complete the required
work and necessary actions either by itself or by its agent, and deduct
all costs and expenses from the two-thousand-dollar deposit held by
the Village. In addition, any additional costs above the two-thousand-dollar
deposit amount will be the responsibility of the property owner. A
lien may be placed on the property to recover these costs if not paid
to the Village.
When all deficiencies for which the temporary occupancy permit
was issued have been satisfied by the general contractor or responsible
party, the Village will issue a certificate of occupancy and refund
any deposit monies owed.
An extension of a temporary occupancy permit may be granted
by the Chief Building Official if a request is submitted in writing
for a definite period of time by the responsible party.
F. Nonconforming buildings or structures.
(1) An existing building, structure, appurtenance thereto, or portion
thereof not in conformance with this Building Ordinance shall be deemed
a nonconforming building or structure.
(2) Repair work requires a written application and permit. Work is limited
to necessary repairs only unless the building or portion thereof is
made to conform in whole or in part with the requirements of this
(3) Altering or enlarging shall be done only in a manner conforming with
Homer Glen ordinances.
G. Duties and authority of Building Official.
(1) The
Building Official is responsible to:
Administer this Building Ordinance, other related ordinances,
and state laws as herein referred to.
Keep careful, systematic records of the business and work of
his or her office, including permit applications, survey plats and
building plot plans, all construction plans and specifications, copies
of permits and certificates, issued affidavits and certificates received,
a record of inspections, copies of notices and orders issued, and
reports of tests made.
Keep plans and specifications of houses and accessories, which
may be destroyed after one year. Survey plats and building plot plans
and those parts of plans for other buildings which may be useful for
future periodic inspections may be kept.
Make inspections, and for that purpose may enter building structures
and premises.
Stop, by written order, work being done contrary to the building
permit or Homer Glen ordinances. Such written order posted on the
premises involved shall not be removed except by order of the Building
Official. Removal without such order shall constitute a violation
of this article.
(2) A permit shall be revoked on approvals issued contrary to this Building
Ordinance or based upon a false statement or misrepresentation in
the application.
H. Spot, final and drainage easement surveys.
(1) Spot surveys are required for all new construction and must be submitted
after the foundation is completed and prior to any framing or any
other work being constructed upon the foundation or site. The spot
survey shall depict all lot lines, building lines, side yard lines,
easements, top of foundation elevation for the entire perimeter of
the foundation as referenced to USGS datum, property corners, high
and low points along property lines, drainage structures within drainage
easements and elevations within drainage easements. The survey must
also bear the seal and signature of a registered land surveyor of
the State of Illinois. No work shall be performed until spot survey
approval, in writing, is issued by the Village of Homer Glen. Exemptions:
All ag-exempt structures as per Illinois statute are exempt.
(2) An as-built final grading survey shall be submitted and approved
prior to occupancy of any structure. The final survey shall depict
all lot lines, building lines, side yard lines, easements, top of
foundation elevation for the entire perimeter of the foundation as
referenced to USGS datum, property corners, high and low points along
property lines, drainage structures within drainage easements and
elevations within drainage easements. The survey must also bear the
seal and signature of a registered land surveyor of the State of Illinois.
(3) Modification and occupation of drainage easements. Throughout construction,
all drainage easements shall be maintained in their original design
condition. Except as otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official,
no landscaping berms, landscaping or other structures, including driveways,
retaining walls and accessory buildings, shall be located within drainage
I. Required notice for inspection and required inspections. The following
listed inspections are required to be made depending on permit type.
The owner or the contractor shall request the designated inspection
at least 24 hours in advance of the time when such inspection is to
be made [phone: 708-301-1301; 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Monday through
Friday (except Homer Glen holidays)]. Safe access (ladder) shall be
provided as per OSHA rules and regulations.
[Amended 12-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-068]
(1) Footing/pier/post holes. Inspection of the footings or piers shall
be made after any required forms are erected and any required reinforcing
steel is in its final position and prior to placing of concrete.
(2) Concrete; exterior, interior slabs and driveways. Inspection of concrete
slab for all residential, commercial, industrial and multifamily structures,
garage, drives, basement slabs, exterior and interior slabs shall
be completed prior to the placement of concrete, with any required
reinforcing steel in its final position. All slab inspections shall
be performed after the underground inspections have been approved.
(3) Foundations. Inspection of the foundation shall be made prior to
the concrete placement and all forms and reinforcement are in their
final position.
(4) Electric service. Inspection includes the meter socket, load center,
temporary power, temporary receptacle (must be GFI) and ground rod.
(5) Backfill. Inspection shall be made after drain tile and fabric and
insulation (when applicable) are in place adjacent to footing, covered
with stone prior to placing any backfill adjacent to the foundation.
Dampproofing and/or waterproofing (if applicable) of foundation shall
be checked at the time of the backfill inspection.
(6) Rough building. Inspection shall be made prior to the application
of any interior finish or the installation of any insulation material
and before exterior finish work, flashing and exterior applied tie
downs (where applicable) are applied to the exterior of buildings.
(7) Other inspections.
(a) Rough EIFS and masonry stucco inspections shall be made before the
base coat installation and after the rough building inspection has
been approved or at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
The firebox shall be inspected prior to setting of the first
(8) Rough masonry. Inspection shall be made before masonry is installed
so the inspector can check for flashing and/or vapor retarder.
(9) Rough electrical. Inspection shall be made when the electrical is
completely roughed in and before insulation or any other materials
are applied to walls or ceiling.
Rough electrical, mechanical, and/or plumbing in concrete slab.
Inspection shall be made prior to placing of concrete.
Rough plumbing. Inspection shall be made when the plumbing is
completely roughed in and before insulation or any other material
is applied to walls, ceilings, or floors.
Underground plumbing. Inspections shall be made prior to placing
Rough heating and air conditioning. Inspection shall be made
when heating or air conditioning is completely roughed in, ductwork
is sealed and before insulation or any other material is applied to
walls, ceilings, or floors.
Insulation inspection is required prior to installation of the
drywall or final coverings within the unit (except for blown-in attic
Progression of inspections. Work shall not be done on any part
of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive
inspection without first obtaining the written approval of the Building
Official. Such written approval shall be given only after an inspection
has been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated
by each of the inspections required above. This approval shall take
the form of the inspector's "approved" sticker posted and signed on
the premises.
Other inspections. In addition to the above-stated inspections,
the Building Department may make or require any other inspections
necessary to ascertain compliance with this Building Ordinance and
other laws enforced by the Building Department.
Final electrical, mechanical, plumbing and building inspections
shall be made after building is completed and ready prior to occupancy.
A certificate of occupancy or temporary occupancy shall be secured
before a building is occupied. It is to be issued by the Building
Department when an inspection following the completion of work shows
the construction is in compliance with this article and the building
permit which was issued.
Each proposed occupant of an industrial or commercial building
shall obtain an occupancy permit issued by the Village of Homer Glen
Building Department for that portion of the building to be occupied
by such occupant. The commercial or industrial occupancy permit is
valid only with respect to the occupant to whom it was issued.
All pools shall have a separation distance of not less than
10 feet from houses, garages, and sheds.
The Chief Building Official may require construction fencing
to be installed at any location to ensure the health, welfare and
safety of Village residents and the public.
A. Applicants for permits for construction shall state the name of the
general contractor or other individual who is wholly responsible for
the conduct of construction on the site.
B. A "master plan" for each model must be filed in the Building Department,
incorporating all off-site constructed aspects of the structure as
well as its final site assembly down to the foundation.
C. The foundation plan shall include all work to be performed in the
basement or crawl space area and shall not be limited to only those
items provided by the modular home manufacturer. Additionally, this
plan is not to be a "typical" foundation plan, but rather one prepared
for the particular site to be occupied by the home showing specific
methods of attachment and anchorage to the foundation.
D. All sections of this article herein are applicable to prefabricated
E. Each unit must be provided with a minimum of one frostproof hose
bib conveniently located on the exterior of the house. A complete
plumbing riser diagram shall be provided for both supply and drain
waste and vent in isometric on the plans. This diagram must indicate
sizes and materials.
F. The contractor or other individual obtaining the permit for the transportation
into the Village and the erection and/or installation of a prefabricated
unit will be held responsible once the unit arrives in the Village
for its total disposition, including the arrangement for its immediate
removal from the right-of-way once the unit arrives at the site. It
is incumbent upon this individual to make adequate arrangements with
the manufacture and/or carrier to assure that roads and other property
are not damaged while the unit is in transit through the Village to
the site, and further make arrangements for the immediate deposition
of the unit at the construction site.
G. Every manufactured or modular home shall have a State of Illinois
certification. All manufactured, modular and mobile homes must be
properly labeled.
H. All modular units must be accompanied with a letter stating that
all plumbing has been installed in accordance with the most currently
adopted Illinois State Plumbing Code.
I. Wrap on the underside of a modular home shall be removed on basement
situations unless a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and smoke density
not greater than 450 is installed.
The provisions of this Building Ordinance are not intended to
prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically
presented by this article, provided any such alternate is approved
prior to being used. The Chief Building Official may approve any such
alternate, provided he or she finds that the proposed design is satisfactory
and complies with the accepted design criteria. The Chief Building
Official may require that substantial evidence and/or testing be submitted
to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use.
A. Whenever the authority having jurisdiction determines that there
has been a violation of this Building Ordinance, notice shall be given
to the owner or the person or persons responsible for said violation.
B. Methods of notice. Such notice prescribed above shall be in accordance
with all of the following:
(2) Include a description of the real estate (current street address).
(3) Include a statement that states the defects that constitute the violation
of the Building Ordinance and prescribes the action to be taken by
the owner of the building to comply with the Building Ordinance and
the time within which compliance must be accomplished. Such time shall
be fair and reasonable and subject to reasonable extension when requested
in writing, for reasons that the authority having jurisdiction may
consider as justifying an extension of time. All extensions of time
shall be given by the authority having jurisdiction, in writing.
(4) Inform the owner or person or persons responsible of their right
to file an appeal with the Village of Homer Glen.
C. Methods of service. Such notice shall be deemed to be properly served
if it is:
(1) Delivered personally or posted in a conspicuous place on the site;
(2) Sent by first-class mail or facsimile addressed to the last known
address. If the notice is returned showing that the letter was not
delivered, a copy thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in
or about the structure or equipment affected by such notice.
D. Recording of notice of violation.
(1) If the owner of the property has not complied with the requirements
as stated in the notice of violation within the time specified, the
Village of Homer Glen may file an appropriate instrument in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, to be recorded in the public records
of the jurisdiction in which the violation occurred, indicating that
violations of this Building Ordinance exist upon the property involved.
(2) The recording of the notice of violation shall constitute legal notice
to all concerned, as well as to any subsequent purchasers, transferees,
grantees, mortgagees, lessees and all persons claiming or acquiring
interest in the property. When the violation specified in the notice
of violation has been corrected and the Village of Homer Glen has
determined that all fees have been paid, the Village of Homer Glen
shall file a certificate attesting that the violation has been corrected.
The standards and codes referenced in this article shall be
considered part of the requirements of this article to the prescribed
extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions
of a code and the referenced standard, the most restrictive provisions
shall apply.