Cold weather concrete practice. The ICC and the American Concrete Institute have established thresholds for placement of concrete when cold weather conditions exist and are incorporated herein. The following information is from various excerpts of the applicable code sections as they apply to the placement of concrete in cold weather conditions.
Protection of concrete or masonry in cold weather. Footings can be poured when the temperature is 20° F. or above; however the following precautions must be adhered to:
Concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 50° F. for a minimum of three consecutive days after placement of concrete.
Insulated blankets must protect the concrete and forms left in place.
The excavation should not be left open for more than 24 hours. Protection must be provided to keep soil from freezing with straw or insulated blankets.
Foundation walls.
Foundation walls can be poured when the temperature is 40° F. or above.
Concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 50° F. for a minimum of seven consecutive days.
Insulated blankets shall be securely fastened to both sides, and the forms must be left in place.
Exterior and interior flat work.
After the first frost, it is at the discretion of the Building Official if flat work can continue. Flat work is allowed if the temperature of the concrete is maintained at 50° F. for seven consecutive days after concrete placement.
The use of salamanders or other equipment that exhausts flue gases into the area above concrete floors must be avoided because of the danger of carbonation to the fresh concrete.
The ICC and American Concrete Institute provide for alternates to the above. High early strength may be used to substitute, with the following guidelines. An increase in the amount of cement to a minimum of a six-bag mix and maintaining the concrete at 50° F. for three consecutive days provides an option for the builders. Additionally, admixtures for high early strength may be added in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.
The use of visqueen and straw are not an acceptable means of protection; insulated blankets only.
The Building Department should be contacted prior to ordering concrete.
Drain tile shall be installed around the outside of the foundation adjacent to the footings, leading to a sump pump, which shall discharge into an approved drainage facility. Drainage must be provided on all basement and crawl spaces. With the prior approval of the Building Official, drain tile may be "daylighted," at his or her sole discretion.
In no case shall footing drains be connected to any sanitary sewer system or septic system.
Footings for single-family dwelling units containing no basement or crawl space are permitted, provided that it has a trench footing that is a minimum of 12 inches in width and a minimum of 42 inches in depth. This depth is to be measured below finished grade.
Bottom of footings shall be not less than three feet six inches below finished grade, except where placed on solid bedrock. Minimum size of footings shall be 10 inches by 20 inches with standard "keyway," or as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
A foundation wall is required under all stoops supporting a roof.
Foundations shall be backfilled with clean fill. Do not use debris for backfilling.
All columns supporting beams must rest on a concrete pier footing a minimum of 36 inches by 36 inches by 12 inches deep. Rivet, weld or bolt top of steel column to steel girders (or lag screw to wood girders) and anchor bottom of column to footing with bolts or embed in concrete.
All floor slabs shall be a minimum of four-inch-thick concrete, including all accessory structures. All slabs shall have a minimum four-inch stone base.
When concrete floor is installed in heated areas, a vapor barrier must be provided.
The wing walls used to support stoops must be properly reinforced.
Detached garages shall have a minimum 12 inches wide by 18 inches deep trench footing with a minimum four-inch slab and six-inch stone base. All sheds (where the maximum dimension is less than 16 feet in any dimension) shall provide a minimum four-inch slab with eight-inch-thick edge and steel r-mesh installed in its final position.
An attached garage shall be completely separated from the residence and its attic by a minimum five-eighths-inch drywall applied to the garage side with joints properly taped and cemented, or equivalent.
Concrete shall be placed only on clean compacted fill (compacted to 95% Proctor density), stone fill or virgin clay free from any vegetation debris or organic soils.
All structural pier drawings shall be designed and stamped by a registered design professional and, where required, by the Building Official.
All wood decks enclosed or otherwise after removal of organic vegetation shall have installed a minimum of two-inch stone base over six-mil visqueen or as approved by the Building Official (exception to the above where the entire space under the deck is readily accessible).
All exterior concrete slabs, patios, decks and similar installations shall comply with this article and be installed as per ACI 318 and ACI 332.
Installation of any impervious surface, including but not limited to asphalt and brick pavers, shall require a permit and contractor registration in accordance with Part 3 of this article. Permit fees shall be assessed according to Part 15. The commencement of any work prior to issuance of a permit and contractor registration shall be a violation of this article.
[Added 6-22-2010 by Ord. No. 10-023]