[Code 1962 §1-7; CC 1979 §1-9]
The corporate boundaries of the City shall be as designated by the Official Map of the City on file in the office of the City Manager.
[Code 1962 §6-12; CC 1979 § 1-10; Ord. No. 591 §1, 10-6-1964]
All ordinances of the City shall be effective as to any property owned by the City and being used for any lawful municipal purpose, whether or not such property lies within or without the City limits, including, but not to the exclusion of any property not mentioned, the swimming pool, industrial park, municipal golf course, Neosho Memorial Airport and adjacent areas thereto.
[Code 1962 §1-8; CC 1979 § 2-1]
The Seal of the City shall have on the face and around its margin the words "City of Neosho, Newton County, Missouri," and the inscription in the innermost circle "Organized January 7, 1879." Such seal shall be the Official Seal of the City.
Any person using the City Seal without official authority shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[CC 1979 §2-4; Ord. No. 89-2 §1, 1-17-1989; Ord. No. 382-2023, 2-21-2023]
The City's Records Manual shall be the current Municipal Records Retention Schedule promulgated by the Missouri Secretary of State's Local Records Board pursuant to Sections 109.230 and 109.255, RSMo.
Cross Reference — Taking, retention or mutilation of public records, §215.360.