Charter Reference — Power to license, tax and regulate
businesses, occupations, professions, vocations, activities and things
Cross References — Permit required for parades and processions, §
340.050; soliciting business by standing in roadway, §
345.100; license required for trailer camps, §420.070; garbage and trash containers in trailer camps, §420.280; permits and inspections for electrical work, ch.
505, art.
III; plumbing licenses, permits and inspections, ch.
510, art.
II; permit fees for mechanical work, §
515.030; licenses and permit for moving of buildings, ch.
530, art.
II; permits for street excavation, ch.
545, art.
II; alcoholic beverage licenses, ch.
600, art.
III; operators licenses for pool halls, ch.
610, art.
III; permit and license for peddlers, ch.
615; pawnbrokers, ch.
620; certificate of public convenience and necessity for taxicabs, ch.
625, art.
II; drivers licenses for taxicab drivers, ch.
625, art.