[Code 1962 §31-22; CC 1979 §30-158]
It shall be the duty of the property owner or customer to have the premises so plumbed that a water meter can be set in a convenient place adjacent to the property line of the premises served so that it will be convenient for reading, inspecting and servicing. All meters set shall be and remain the property of the City and remain under its control at all times; however, by agreement between a customer and the City, the customer may purchase, at his/her sole cost, a meter of a size greater than that of meters supplied by the City and water service shall be furnished through such meter under the same regulations and conditions as though the meter were owned by the City.
[Code 1962 §31-23; CC 1979 §30-159]
The correct reading of a water meter shall be deemed to be the amount of water used by a customer. Should any customer question the accuracy of the registering of his/her meter, the City will test the meter and if it be found to be more than two percent (2%) fast then an adjustment will be made. If, however, the test shows the meter is not over registering, then the customer shall pay the sum of one dollar ($1.00) for such testing. The customer or his/her representative may be present at such testing.
[Code 1962 §31-24; CC 1979 §30-160]
Should a customer of City water service demand the rereading of his/her meter and it is found to have been overread, it shall be corrected and the proper bill rendered. If upon rereading it is found that the meter was correctly read, the customer may be charged the sum of one dollar ($1.00) which shall be paid to the City for such rereading.