[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
The Mayor, with the consent and approval of a majority of members of the Board of Aldermen, shall have the power to appoint a City Administrator, a City Attorney and Prosecutor and a Municipal Court Judge all as hereinafter set forth.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012; Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Establishment Of Office. There is hereby created and established the office of the City Administrator for the City of Ozark.
Appointment, Qualifications And Tenure. The person appointed to the office of City Administrator shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, shall be a graduate of an accredited university or college with a Bachelors Degree in Public Administration or shall have an equivalent degree and/or qualifications and experience in financial, administrative and/or public relations fields. The City Administrator shall serve an indefinite term unless otherwise removed for cause as set forth below. The Board of Aldermen may enter into a contract with the City Administrator.
Removal. The Mayor, with the consent of a two-thirds (⅔) majority of the Board of Aldermen, may remove the City Administrator from office at will and the City Administrator may also be removed by a three-fourths (¾) vote of the Board of Aldermen independently of the Mayor's approval or disapproval. Unless the City Administrator is removed, after a public hearing held before the Board of Aldermen within thirty (30) days of the notice of termination, for specific acts of misfeasance or malfeasance that brings discredit upon the City, the City Administrator's salary, insurance, and retirement benefits shall continue for a period of six (6) months from the date of termination. If the Board of Aldermen, after the public hearing, finds the City Administrator responsible for the aforementioned acts then, in that event, his/her salary and benefits shall terminate immediately. During said six (6) month period the City Administrator shall provide consultation services to the City at the request of the Mayor even though his/her daily presence at City Hall may not be required.
Powers And Duties. The City Administrator shall be the Chief Operating Officer of the City of Ozark and, as such, shall execute all policies and laws duly enacted by the elected officers of the City. He/she shall have all powers necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the office unless otherwise limited by ordinance, State or Federal Statute. In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to a department or any other official, it shall be the duty of the City Administrator to act to promote, secure, coordinate and execute all actions of the City as promulgated by its elected officials. The City Administrator may add or create new positions or titles to the City’s organizational chart when deemed necessary with or without the recommendation of a Department Director. This includes the reassignment of duties.
Establishment Of Department. There is hereby established the Administration Department which shall have such other divisions or sections as from time to time may be authorized by the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall be the director of the Administration Department.
Assistant City Administrator. There is also established the office of Assistant City Administrator who shall have the responsibilities for such duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the City Administrator.
Qualifications. The person appointed to the office of Assistant City Administrator shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, shall be a graduate of an accredited university or college with a Bachelors Degree in Public Administration or shall have an equivalent degree and/or qualifications and experience in financial, administrative and/or public relations fields.
The Assistant City Administrator shall be hired by the City Administrator for an indefinite term with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator may discharge the Assistant City Administrator, with or without cause, with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
The administrative service of the City shall be divided, under the direction of the City Administrator, into the following Departments and Directors thereof:
Finance Department: Director of Finance.
Legal Department: City Attorney.
Planning and Development Department: Director of Community Development.
Public Works Department: Director of Public Works.
Human Resources Department: Director of Human Resources.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Police Department: Chief of Police.
Parks and Recreation Department: Director of Parks and Recreation.
Administration Department: City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Communications Department: Director of Communications and Public Information Officer.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Office of the City Clerk: City Clerk.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
The Directors of Departments, City Attorney and Police Chief, subject to appropriate disciplinary actions when warranted, shall:
Responsibility to Administrator. Be immediately responsible to the City Administrator, and at his/her discretion, the Assistant City Administrator, for the effective administration of their respective departments and all activities assigned thereto.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Inaugurate sound practices. Keep informed as to the latest practices in their particular field and inaugurate, with the approval of the City Administrator, such new practices as appear to be of benefit to the service and to the public.
Maintain information regarding grant opportunities. Maintain current information regarding grant opportunities and other means to maximize revenue generating sources for the benefit of the City and become proficient in making those applications.
Report to Administrator. Submit an annual report of the activities of their department to the City Administrator and such other reports as may be required by the City Administrator.
Maintain records. Establish and maintain a system of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental activities and to form a basis for the periodic reports to the City Administrator.
Authority over employees. Have power, when authorized by the City Administrator, to hire and remove, subject to City personnel regulations, all subordinates working within their respective departments or any division or section thereof. In addition, ensure that subordinate employees comply with the City's Employee Manual.
Maintain equipment. Be responsible for the proper maintenance of all City property and equipment used in their respective department.
Budget management. Be responsible for proper management of the department budget as approved by the Board of Aldermen to include submitting appropriate and timely budget amendments as well as a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year.
Internal control. Follow all policies and procedures for the receipt and disbursement of funds and purchase of services and property as authorized by Chapter 140 "Purchasing and Sales" of this Title.
Communications With Board. Shall communicate through the City Administrator, or his/her designee, to the Board of Aldermen except as authorized herein through Committee.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Committees. The Board of Aldermen shall be divided into three (3) Committees of not more than two (2) Aldermen per Committee. The Mayor may sit on any Committee at any time. Each Director shall be assigned to a Committee for communicating with Aldermen regarding projects.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
Each Department shall furnish, upon direction of the City Administrator, any other Department such service, labor and material as may be requisitioned by the Head of such Department and its own facilities permit, through the same procedure and subject to the same audit and control as other expenditures are incurred.