[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby established the Department of Public Works which shall have such other divisions or sections as from time to time may be authorized by the Board of Aldermen and assigned to the Department of Public Works.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012; Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for emergency management for the City, construction and maintenance of all City infrastructure, as well as engineering functions, to include, but not be limited to, the repair, care and maintenance of all public streets, public alleys and driveways, and facilitate the provision of public lighting systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water collection systems and potable water systems owned or maintained by the City which are not assigned to the care or custody of any other Department and project management administration of contracts and other duties and functions as may be assigned by the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby established a Public Works Director. The Director shall be hired by the City Administrator for an indefinite term with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator may discharge the Director, with or without cause, with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen.
The Department of Public Works, under the direction of the Public Works Director, shall be responsible for:
The repair, care and maintenance of all public streets, alleys and driveways.
Storm water collection systems owned or maintained by the City.
Facilitate the provision of lighting of public streets and alleys.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
The care of all property of the City, to include all public buildings and real property either owned or leased by the City and which is not assigned to the care or custody of any other Department.
The care and maintenance of all City cemeteries. With this responsibility, the Director shall have the authority to promulgate, issue and enforce regulations for the use of said cemeteries and the sale of any lots contained therein.
Promulgate and enforce codes, specifications, standards and regulations for location and construction of highways, streets, roads, sidewalks and storm water drainage. Promulgate and enforce codes, specifications, standards, and drawing details for the construction of water, sewer, and stormwater utilities.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Advising the Board of Aldermen generally and specifically on engineering matters as the same pertain to the programs and problems of the City.
Supervision of all employees assigned to work with him/her in the performance of his/her duties.
Solicit and recommend contracts for construction for professional services including engineering, surveying, appraisal and title service and any other services required for operation of the Public Works Department as hereinafter outlined or as assigned by the City Administrator.
Supervise, inspect and recommend payments for services or construction under the Department's jurisdiction.
Prepare an emergency plan, coordinate and execute emergency services for the City in the event of a catastrophic occurrence affecting the basic functions of the City other than police services.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
The Board of Aldermen may from time to time contract with consultants, contractors, other municipalities or other governmental agencies for activities assigned to the Public Works Department. Said contracts shall be administered by the Public Works Director.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby established a City Engineer. The Director of Public Works shall serve as ex officio City Engineer unless otherwise directed by Board of Aldermen. The City Engineer shall have the specific duties and powers provided for in this Section.
The City Engineer shall advise the City Administrator and the Board of Aldermen generally and specifically on engineering matters as the same pertains to the programs and problems of the City.
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to inspect or to supervise the inspection of all public improvements within the City as frequently as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable ordinances and codes of the City and he/she shall have the authority to enforce all provisions of the ordinances of the City relating to public improvements and the construction thereof. He/she shall also issue such permits as may be required from time to time by the ordinances and Codes of the City.
The City Engineer shall have the power to order all work stopped on the construction, alteration or repair of any streets or roads, storm sewers, storm swales, manholes and inlet structures, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, land clearance, trenching, excavating, pipe installation, cable installation, street and parking lot light pole installation and similar improvements including the barricading of areas or streets and the use of equipment which could cause damage to pavement and other surface or buried items or utilities in the City when such work is being done in violation of any provisions of the City ordinances or codes. Such stop orders shall be given in writing and may be enforced when served in the manner provided in this Section. All work thus stopped shall not be resumed except upon the written permission of the City Engineer. Stop orders may be served by any Police Officer or Public Works Department employee and may be served by personal service on any person who is supervising or is responsible for the work affected by the order or by posting on the premises on which the work is taking place.
The City Engineer shall have the power to order all construction or repair work to be stopped on any project within the City right-of-way when such work is being done in violation of any ordinance. Such stop orders shall be given in writing and may be enforced when served in the manner provided above. All work thus stopped shall not be resumed except upon the written permission of the City Engineer.
The City Engineer shall have the power to make or cause to be made, at any reasonable hour, entry into any building site premises where the work of altering or constructing any right-of-way improvement is going on for the purpose of making inspection.
The Public Works Director may retain special engineers from time to time to advise and/or represent the City on special matters or to assist the Director, all professional service contracts subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There are hereby established within the Public Works Department the following Divisions:
Storm Water/MS4.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Emergency Management.
Streets/Right-Of-Way and Fleet Maintenance.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Each Division shall be under the direction of the respective supervisor who shall be hired by the Public Works Director with the approval of the City Administrator. Each Division shall exercise such functions and duties as may be assigned by the Public Works Director from time to time. The Public Works Director may further organize the aforementioned Divisions into Sections if such organization will best accomplish the duties and responsibilities of the Division.