[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby established the Department of Parks and Recreation which shall have such other divisions or sections as from time to time may be authorized by the Board of Aldermen and assigned to the Department of Parks and Recreation. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have such functions, duties and responsibilities as may from time to time be assigned by the City Administrator, however, they shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Manage and control all recreational programs for all recreational facilities owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the City.
Manage and control the recreational use of all parks, parkways, playgrounds, playfields, disc golf courses, recreation/fitness centers, ball diamonds, ball fields and such other recreation areas and facilities as may be made available to carry out the City's recreation program.
Plan and execute a long-range park and recreational program for the City in order to anticipate the future recreational needs of the City for the foreseeable future.
Formulate, publish and enforce rules for the appropriate use of the parks and recreational facilities. The Director shall have the authority to use whatever reasonable methods he/she deems necessary to enforce the regulations promulgated hereunder, to include, but not limited to, barring an individual from the property(ies) permanently or for specified periods of time.
Under the City Administrator's supervision shall have control and supervision over all employees hired by the Parks and Recreation Department.
Recommend to the Board of Aldermen such legislation necessary for the orderly use of recreational facilities including community buildings, parks, trails, sports fields and supporting facilities such as streets and parking lots. When such legislation or regulations are adopted by the Board of Aldermen, the Director shall have the authority to enforce said laws through the use of appropriate employees of the Department or assistance requested from the Police Department.
Manage and control, including responsibility for the maintenance of, greenways, blueways, trails, and public open spaces, excluding the maintenance and/or repair of infrastructure.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There is hereby established a Director of Parks and Recreation. The Director shall be hired by the City Administrator for an indefinite term with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen. The City Administrator may discharge the Director, with or without cause, with the consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall plan, promote, organize, execute and supervise a comprehensive municipal park and recreation program and administer the same in the interest of the entire community and shall have such other duties and responsibilities as may from time to time be assigned by the City Administrator.
[Ord. No. 12-038 §1, 11-5-2012]
There are hereby established within the Parks and Recreation Department the following Divisions:
Special events (on or within property managed by the department).
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Ozark Community Center facility and grounds maintenance.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Maintenance of greenways, trails, blueways, and public open spaces.
[Ord. No. 23-004, 1-2-2024]
Each Division shall be under the direction of the respective supervisor who shall be hired by the Parks and Recreation Director with the approval of the City Administrator. Each Division shall exercise such functions and duties as may be assigned by the Parks and Recreation Director from time to time. The Parks and Recreation Director may further organize the aforementioned Divisions into Sections if such organization will best accomplish the duties and responsibilities of the Division.