[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
No person shall drive a taxicab within the City unless he has a current taxicab driver's license issued pursuant to this article.
No owner shall permit any taxicab to be driven by any person who does not have the license required by this section.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
Application for a taxicab driver's license shall be filed with the Chief of Police on forms provided for that purpose.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
The Chief of Police may require an applicant for a taxicab driver's license to take a medical examination and submit the findings to the Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
A fee of $10 shall be charged for any taxicab driver's license issued in accordance with this article.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
The Chief of Police shall issue a license applied for under this article unless the applicant for such license shall, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, be disqualified because of his physical condition, including defective hearing or defective eyesight; addiction to intoxicating liquors, narcotics or drugs; or conviction of a violation of a criminal law involving moral turpitude or repeated convictions of violations of traffic laws.
If, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, an applicant for a license under this article is disqualified or unfit to be licensed, for reasons other than those set forth in Subsection (a) above, the Chief of Police shall not issue such license, but shall forthwith submit the application therefor to the Council, together with a report of his investigation. Thereafter, and after at least five days' notice by registered mail to such applicant, unless such notice is waived by the applicant, the Council shall consider such application and either grant or refuse the license, with ample opportunity being afforded the applicant to be heard and to produce evidence in his own behalf. If the Council grants the license, it shall be issued by the Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
All licenses issued under this article shall expire three years from the date of issuance and shall not be transferable.
[Ord. No. 2005-1, 1-10-2005]
Upon conviction of a person licensed under this article of a felony, a violation of any criminal law involving moral turpitude, drunk driving, reckless driving or any other serious traffic offense carrying six demerit points as determined by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles, such license shall become void, and the licensee shall forthwith surrender it to the Chief of Police.