All residential mobile homes shall be located in a mobile home court, which has received a conditional use permit and which conforms with the requirements of the following section. No such mobile home outside of an approved mobile home court shall be stored, kept or used in any manner or connected to utilities, except those mobile homes being offered for sale and not inhabited.
Each lot provided for the occupancy of a single mobile home unit shall have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet and width of not less than 50 feet. No park shall be permitted an average density of mobile home lots of more than eight per acre. Each mobile home court shall provide an area of not less than five acres.
No mobile home or any structure, addition or appurtenance thereto shall be located less than ten feet from the nearest adjacent lot boundary.
Space between mobile homes may be used for the parking of motor vehicles if the space is clearly designated and the vehicle is parked at least ten feet from the nearest adjacent lot boundary.
Each mobile home lot shall abut or face a driveway, roadway or street of not less than 30 feet in width on a fifty-foot right-of-way, which shall have unobstructed access to a public highway, street or alley.
A mobile home court shall be surrounded by a landscaped strip of open space 50 feet in depth along the street frontage of a primary street and 25 feet in depth along all other lot lines or street frontage.