[Adopted 2-3-1997 by Ord. No. 2-1-A (Ch. XVIII, Part 3, of the 1976 Code of Ordinances)]
The Burgettstown-Smith Township Joint Sewerage Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority," is hereby granted full power and legal authority to enact by resolution any and all regulations, specifications, requirements, rules, and the like as deemed necessary and appropriate by said Authority so as to maintain, regulate, administer, and construct municipal sewerage facilities and treatment in and/or for the Borough, subject to any and all state and federal acts, statutes, rules and regulations.
The rules and regulations of the Authority, a true copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as "Exhibit A,"[2] which were enacted by resolution and amended/revised June 2007, are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified. It shall be a violation of this article for any person or legal entity to violate said rules and regulations.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file and available for review in the Borough offices.
The Authority is hereby granted the power and legal authority to amend by resolution said rules and regulations.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person or legal entity to violate any amended rule or regulation.
The Authority shall submit to the Borough within 30 days of enactment or passage any amendments to the rules and regulations.
Additionally, and not by way of limitation, any person or legal entity who or which presently or in the future controls, owns, operates, maintains or constructs a sanitary sewerage facility or any type of structure that has or requires sanitary sewerage facilities that is accessible to the public sewerage system of the Authority (a "sewerage facility" being defined as a system of sewers and public facilities connected thereto) shall:
As to connections and/or mandatory connections:
Make and maintain any and all connections to the municipal sewerage facility or facilities pursuant to the specifications and/or requirements as established by the Authority and in compliance with the rules, regulations and requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Make and maintain any and all connections within the time period specified by the Authority and comply with the Pennsylvania One Call Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See 73 P.S. § 176 et seq.
Not connect unless specifically permitted and/or approved by the Authority.
Make any and all applications for connections and pay any and all fees and/or costs in conformity with and as required by the Authority.
Provide inspection as to any and all installations and pay any and all costs and/or fees pertaining to said installation as required by the Authority.
Comply with any and all state, federal and local rules, regulations and requirements.
As to capital charges:
Make payment of all required connection fees as established by the Authority.
Make payment of all customer facilities fees as established by the Authority.
Make payment of all tapping fees as established by the Authority.
Make payment of all assessments as established by the Authority.
Make payment of all such other capital charges as established by the Authority.
As to rates, fees and/or user charges:
Pay all rates and charges and/or costs as billed or required by the Authority within the time period established by the Authority and subject to such interest and/or penalty as established by the Authority.
Be subject to mandatory shutoff of water for nonpayment by users.
If approved by the Authority, provide at the user's cost deduct meters which shall be in conformity to the limitations, specifications and requirements of the Authority and therein pay such costs and expenses pertaining thereto as required.
Provide for the reading of meters, inspection thereof, maintenance thereof, and pay such fees and expenses as established by the Authority pertaining thereto.
As to prohibition and/or regulation of certain uses, activities and/or operations:
Provide for, install and maintain grease traps in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Authority.
Permit the inspection of grease traps at such time(s) as deemed appropriate by the Authority.
Refrain from installing and/or remove any and all foundation drains, french drains, roof drains, driveway drains and the like from flowing into or connecting into the municipal sewerage system and prohibit and/or terminate other sources of surface water, stormwater or groundwater from doing so.
Be subjected to testing and/or certification pertaining to improper tie-ins and/or flows into the sewerage system from foundation drains, french drains, roof drains, driveway drains and/or surface water, stormwater, or groundwater sources, and the like.
Pay such fees and/or charges as established by the Authority pertaining to inspection and/or removal of improper connections or infiltration and inflow into the sewerage system.
Not be issued or receive an occupancy permit, building permit or zoning permit until certification and/or consent has been issued by the Authority pertaining to any structure or facility subject to the requirements and/or the rules and regulations of the Authority.
Not permit industrial waste or waste as excluded or limited by the Authority from entering into the Authority system except as specifically permitted and/or approved by the Authority and therein pay any and all costs, fees or expenses, including rates, as pertains to the same.
Not permit excessive amounts of discharge as determined by the Authority and/or specific prohibited types or classifications of waste or combinations thereof as prohibited and/or regulated by the Authority to enter into the sewerage system.
Not construct, alter, or change any new or existing structure or facility unless in conformity with all rules and regulations of the Authority.
Not, as to any developer and/or development, proceed with construction of any land development until all applications for the development to the Zoning Hearing Board and/or municipality have been supplied to the Authority and therein not proceed with the same until such time as the Authority has approved said application(s), wherein all of said applications and/or proposed development shall be in conformity with all rules and regulations of the Authority.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Not construct, alter, maintain or use any sanitary sewerage facility that is not in compliance with any and all rules and regulations of the Authority, Department of Environmental Protection, the United States Department of Environmental Protection, and/or the rules and regulations of the same.
Provide permanent, reproducible, as-built drawings with a digital copy and/or such other drawings and/or documentation as the Authority may require pursuant to its rules and regulations as to new construction.
Not connect or use any sewerage treatment facility unless approved by the Authority.
Any person or legal entity that violates this article and/or any rule or regulation duly enacted by resolution of the Authority shall, upon being found liable therefor, pay a fine of not more than $600, plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement proceedings. If the penalty is not paid, the Borough shall initiate a civil action for collection in accordance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure. Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense, and each section of this article that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense. In addition to or in lieu of enforcement under this section, the Borough may enforce this article in equity in the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).