[Code 1964, § 27-12]
No person shall engage in the business of operating a taxicab upon the streets of the city without first obtaining a license to do so.
[Code 1964, § 27-13]
Application for a license for the business of operating a taxicab shall be addressed to the board of aldermen and shall be in writing, verified by the affidavit of the applicant, or if the applicant is a corporation, partnership or association of persons of any kind, by its duly authorized officer or agent and shall state the following facts:
The full name and address of the applicant; if a partnership the names and addresses of all partners; if a corporation or association of persons, the names and addresses of all the officers and directors thereof.
The names and addresses of anyone having any interest in the business whatever, whether only indirect or equitable interest.
The name and address of the owner or owners of the vehicles proposed to be operated.
Any previous experience the applicant has had, or if the applicant is a partnership, the partners therein have had, or if the applicant is a corporation or other association of persons, the officers and directors thereof have had, in the taxicab business.
The number of taxicabs the applicant desires to operate.
The capacity of each vehicle according to the manufacturer's rating, which shall not be less than four (4) in the tonneau thereof.
The type of motor to be used; horsepower; name of manufacturer; state license number; the length of time such vehicle has been in use; and evidence of liability insurance carried on the vehicles after such policy is accepted and approved by the board of aldermen.
[Code 1964, § 27-14; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
Every application for a license for the business of operating a taxicab shall be accompanied by a certificate of inspection from the chief of police, who through his deputies shall inspect all taxicabs, as provided in this chapter.
[Code 1964, § 27-15]
A license to operate a taxicab business shall not be issued until the board of aldermen has conducted an investigation as to the fitness of the applicant to operate taxicabs in the city and has agreed to issue a license to the applicant to operate taxicabs in the city and the applicant has complied with all other provisions of this chapter applicable to the obtaining or issuing of such license.
[Code 1964, § 27-16]
Upon the filing of an application for a license for the business of operating a taxicab, the board of aldermen shall conduct a hearing thereon to determine the public convenience and necessity as set forth in this chapter. Notice of such hearing shall be given to all persons interested, including the owner of the vehicle, at least three (3) days before the date set for the hearing. The kind of notice, the place of hearing and all facts connected with or relating to such hearing shall be regulated by the board of aldermen.
[Code 1964, § 27-17]
Except as provided in this chapter, the board of aldermen shall have power to issue or refuse to issue any license for the business of operating a taxicab as the public welfare, convenience or necessity may require. In determining whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of such taxicabs for which application may be made, the board of aldermen shall take into consideration whether the demands of the public require such proposed or additional taxicab service within the city; the financial responsibility of the applicant; the number, kind and type of equipment; the color scheme proposed to be used; the increased traffic congestion and demand for increased parking space upon the streets of the city which may result; whether the safe use of the streets by the public, both vehicular and pedestrian, will be preserved by the granting of such additional license; location of satisfactory taxicab stands or stations; and such other relevant facts as the board of aldermen may deem advisable or necessary.
[Code 1964, § 27-18]
The board of aldermen shall grant, upon hearing and upon written application therefor, a license to every taxicab operator for the number of vehicles he shall lawfully operate, if approved by the board of aldermen under the provisions of this chapter, and upon paying the fee required for each such taxicab.
[Code 1964, § 27-19]
If the board of aldermen shall find that the public convenience and necessity require the operation of additional taxicabs, it shall issue a license to such effect. It shall then be the duty of the city clerk to issue to the applicant a license for each additional taxicab authorized to be issued by the board of aldermen.
[Code 1964, § 27-20; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
Upon the issuance of a license for the business of operating a taxicab, the applicant shall pay a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each taxicab under such license, payable semiannually, which shall be the amount of the annual license fee required. If any such license shall be issued after the thirtieth of June in any such license year, the applicant shall pay a license fee of one-half of such sum for the remainder of such license year. The license fee shall be due and payable on the first day of January of each year, and shall expire on December thirty-first thereafter. The license shall be renewed from year to year upon the payment of the required fee; provided, that no license shall be renewed unless the application for such renewal is accompanied by a certificate of the chief of police that each vehicle has been inspected as required in this chapter and the application for renewal has been approved by the board of aldermen.
[Code 1964, § 27-21]
The license fee required by this chapter shall be a tax on the business of conveying passengers over and upon the streets in the city by means of taxicabs, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to exempt the owner from paying to the city the tax imposed by the city in licensing motor vehicles or automobiles to be operated on its streets, or any registered tax which the city may levy on motor vehicles or automobiles, or the tax which the city levies on motor vehicles or automobiles as personal property. Nor shall anything in this chapter be so construed as to exempt the owner or driver of a motor vehicle from the qualification which the city or the state may require of persons who operate motor vehicles or automobiles.