[Code 1964, § 27-23]
Every person driving or operating a taxicab shall be permitted as such and in addition thereto each person who operates a taxicab under this chapter shall be a duly licensed chauffeur as required by law.
[Code 1964, § 27-24; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
Before operating a taxicab any person shall first make application to the chief of police and shall present for inspection of the chief of police or his deputies his chauffeur's license, and shall fill out upon a blank form to be furnished by the chief of police a statement of his full name, residence, places of residence for the past five (5) years, sex, age, color, height, color of eyes and hair, place of birth, length of time he has resided within the city or the county, whether a citizen of the United States, places of previous employment, whether married or single, whether previously licensed as a chauffeur, and whether such license has ever been revoked, and if so for what cause (police arrests). Such statement shall be signed and sworn to and filed in the police department as a permanent record. Each person so desiring to operate a taxicab shall if required by the chief of police demonstrate his skill and ability to safely handle such vehicle and shall pass a satisfactory physical examination especially as to eyesight and hearing. Each such person shall also furnish to the chief of police recent photographs of himself of a size which may be easily attached to the permit, one of which shall be attached to the permit when issued, and the other to be filed with the chief of police. Such photographs shall be so attached to the permit that they cannot be removed and others substituted without detection. Inspection of such permit may be made at any time.
[Code 1964, § 27-25; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of section 27-52 and upon presenting a certificate of the chief of police to that effect, there shall be issued to the applicant a driver's permit by the city clerk, which shall be in such form as to contain the photograph and signature of the permittee. Any person who defaces, removes or obliterates any official entry upon his driver's permit or permits the same to be done shall be punished by the revocation of his permit. Drivers' permits shall be valid for the next six (6) months following their issuance. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, every chauffeur holding a permit pursuant to this chapter shall report to the chief of police at least once in every six month period following the issuance of the permit.
[Code 1964, § 27-26; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
The following permit fees shall be paid for drivers' permits:
For each original permit, one dollar ($1.00).
For each renewal thereof, fifty cents ($0.50). In applying for a renewal of such permit, the driver shall make application upon a form furnished by the chief of police for such purpose, which application shall be filled out with the name and address of the applicant, together with a statement of the date upon which his original permit was granted, and the number thereof, and such further information as may be necessary in renewing such permit.
[Code 1964, § 27-27]
Each driver to whom a permit has been issued under this article shall post in the taxicab so operated by him his permit, in a conspicuous place, easily seen by persons hiring such taxicab. Such permit shall be nine (9) inches in length and shall be three (3) inches in width and shall be illuminated after sundown with a suitable light, so arranged as to throw a continuous and steady light thereon so that the same shall be clearly discernible to and can be read by the passengers in the rear seat.
[Code 1964, § 27-28; Ord. No. 1874 § 1, 2-15-2001]
Drivers' permits may be revoked or suspended by the board of aldermen or temporarily by the chief of police for good cause until a hearing can be held by the board of aldermen, but in any event there shall be a ruling by the board of aldermen on all suspensions. Any such suspension shall be noted on the permit together with a statement of the reasons therefor. A second suspension within one (1) year for the same reason, or in any case a third suspension of a driver's permit, shall revoke the permit. No driver whose permit has been revoked shall be given a permit as a taxicab driver in the city unless upon the presentation of reasons satisfactory to the board of aldermen. When a driver's permit has been revoked the chief of police shall so notify the police department and the board of aldermen.