This article is enacted to provide for the health, safety and
welfare of the inhabitants of the Borough by calling for the inspection
of all rental properties in the Borough.
[Amended 11-7-2005]
An occupancy permit shall be required for each building within
the Borough that is deemed to be a rental unit. When a change in an
occupancy occurs, a fee, in an amount as set by resolution of the
Borough Council, shall be paid by the owner to cover the inspection
provided for by this article and the issuance of a certificate.
[Amended 11-7-2005]
An application for such permit shall be made to the Code Enforcement Officer by the owner of the premises for the inspection, and the fee for each is to be paid to the Borough for general revenues of the Borough to defray the cost of the inspection of the building by the Code Enforcement Officer. The inspection fee shall be billed to the property owner and shall become due and payable upon completion of the inspection. The Code Enforcement Officer shall enter and inspect all structures for which an application for an occupancy permit has been made. The inspection shall be based upon compliance with Chapter
385, Property Maintenance, of the Code of the Borough of Burgettstown. The Code Enforcement Officer shall refuse issuance of an occupancy permit to the owner or owner's legal agent of any building or occupancy if the fee has not been paid or when the inspection discloses that the building or occupancy is or will be substandard and detrimental to health and safety of the tenants and other residents of the Borough, until alterations and improvements have been made pursuant to ordinance requirements to eliminate the substandard condition.