[Ord. of 6-15-88, § 1]
In order to facilitate the delivery of fire prevention and ambulance services to its townspeople, the Town adopts the following article for numbering buildings on its streets.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
When numbering buildings, the Town will select a central point as close as possible to the junctions of Route 17, 77, and 79. Unless specifically covered by another rule in this article, numbers will increase as the distance from central point increases.
The east-west axis begins at the intersection of Route 17 (Main Street) and the Middletown Town line, proceeds southerly to the intersection of Route 17 and Route 77 (Guilford Road), then southerly on the Guilford Road to the Guilford Town line.
The north-south axis begins at the intersection of Route 68 (Wallingford Road) and the Wallingford Town line, proceeds easterly along Route 68 to Main Street, then southerly down Main Street to its intersection with Higganum Road, then easterly on Higganum Road to the Haddam Town line.
A space on the Town topographical map representing 20 feet of distance on a street line.
For any street, the beginning point from which the ROLE rule is applied when numbering buildings on the street.
An acronym for the rule that numbers will be odd if on the right side of the street from the point of origin and even if on the left side of the street from the point of origin. "ROLE" means right side odd and left side even.
For a through street, the two end points of the street.
A street that runs between two other streets within the Town or runs between Town lines.
[Ord. of 6-15-88, § III]
Use of number blocks. To assign numbers, the Town will use the 1985 topographical maps which are drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. Streets will be marked at intervals of two inches on the map, representing 200 feet. Within the street markings numbers will be assigned to number blocks according to the ROLE rule: for each 200 feet, five numbers on the left side, alternating odd and even every 20 feet. Buildings will be assigned a number based upon the number block in which the front door of the building is situated in the space between number blocks, it shall be assigned the lower available number.
Application of the numbering system to types of streets.
Streets running from north-south axis. For streets running north or south from the axis, the point of origin will be the intersection of the street with the axis. If the street runs north of the axis, the right or odd side will be the easterly side of the street and the left or even side will be the westerly side of the street. If the street runs south of the axis, the right or odd side will be the westerly side of the street and the left or even side will be the easterly side of the street.
Streets running from east-west axis. For streets running east or west from this axis, the point of origin will be the intersection of the street with the axis. If the street runs west of the axis, the right or odd side will be the northerly side of the street and the left or even side will be the southerly side of the street. If the street runs east of the axis, the right or odd side will be the southerly side of the street and the left or even side of the street will be the northerly side of the street.
Through streets. Through streets that run from an axis will be numbered as set forth in Subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2). Through streets that do not connect to an axis will be numbered as if the point of origin were the intersection with the nearer axis of a line formed as follows: take the street's terminus that is closer to the central point and then extend that terminus to the nearer axis. For example, for Tri-Mountain Road as its northerly terminus intersected with Route 68 and it were a street that ran south from the north-south axis.
Dead-end streets. For dead-end streets the point of origin will be the intersection of the dead-end street with the through street to which it connects. The ROLE rule would be applied by standing at the point of origin and facing towards the end of the street.
North-south axis. For those portions of the north-south axis other than Main Street, the ROLE rule will be applied as if the point of origin were the intersection of the axis and Main Street and the numbers will ascend in proportion to the distance from the central point.
East-west axis. The buildings on the eastwest axis will be numbered as if the point of origin were the central Town line or north towards the Middletown Town line when applying the ROLE rule, and the numbers will ascend in either direction in proportion to the distance from the central point.
[Ord. of 6-15-88, § III]
Duplexes, multifamily homes and condominiums. Units in a duplex will be treated as occupying two successive odd- or even-numbered blocks depending upon the application of the ROLE rule, for example, 12 and 14 or 11 and 13. Multifamily homes that are not duplexes will receive a single number. Condominium buildings will be assigned one number, and the units within the building will be distinguished by letters added to the building numbers. For example, number 31A, 31B, 31C, etc. Letter A will represent the unit closest to the central point, letter B the unit next closest, etc.
Rear building lots. For a rear building lot, the right-of-way shall be treated as occupying a number block. The house on the rear building lot shall bear the number assigned to the number block plus the letter R. For example, number 128R.
Outbuildings. Outbuildings will not be numbered and will be considered as accessory to the numbered building at the site.
Nonresidential buildings. A nonresidential building shall be treated as a primary building within a number block if no numbered building lies between the nonresidential building and the street line.
Corner lots. If the front door of a building lies diagonal to the intersection of two streets, the building will be numbered on the street that the owner prefers. If the owner shows no preference, then the post office will exercise its discretion in determining the street on which the building will be numbered.
Buildings previously numbered. Buildings already numbered must be renumbered to comply with the numbering system of this article.
[Ord. of 11-29-88(1)]
Purpose. In order to promote the public health, safety and welfare, particularly to facilitate the delivery of fire protection, police, ambulance and postal services to its townspeople, the Town adopts the following section to govern posting of number signs on buildings within the Town.
Color and height of numbers.
Color. All numbers shall be of a color that contrast with the background to which they are affixed.
Numbers shall be a minimum of three inches high and a maximum of 12 inches high if affixed to the following: Buildings, fences, posts, mailboxes serving a primary building on a lot located on the same side of the street as the building, and mailboxes serving a primary building on a rear lot and located within five feet of the right-of-way to the rear lot.
Numbers shall be no higher than 1 1/2 inches if affixed to a mailbox across the street from the building which it serves or if affixed to one of a group of mailboxes that serve a condominium or other cluster of buildings on a lot.
Location of numbers.
Buildings visible from street line. Owners of buildings that require street numbers and which are visible from the street line shall affix numbers either to the top or the side of the largest building entrance visible from the street line. The bottom of the numbers shall be at least five feet above the door-step or the entrance to which the numbers are affixed.
Other buildings. Owners of buildings that require street barriers shall affix additional numbers to fences, posts or mailboxes along the street line. Numbers affixed to objects along the street line shall be far enough above the ground so that they will not be covered by fallen or piled snow during the winter months.
Buildings requiring street numbers.
Residential. Each single-family dwelling and each multifamily dwelling that is not a duplex will require one set of numbers per building. Duplexes will require separate sets of numbers for each dwelling unit. Condominiums whose units are divided will receive one set of numbers for each building with a separate letter added to the number to distinguish each unit in the building.
Nonresidential. The primary building on each nonresidential property shall require a street number. The decision of the civil preparedness director shall be final on which building within a nonresidential property is the primary building.
Outbuildings. Outbuildings or accessory buildings will not require street numbers and will be considered accessory to the numbered building on the property.
Time for compliance.
Each person who owns a building that is occupied or that has received a certificate of occupancy at the time this article becomes effective, and which requires a set of street numbers, must post the street numbers within 60 days from the date either the Town or the United States Postal Service notifies him of the numbers for the building.
Each person who owns a building that requires street numbers and is built or receives a certificate of occupancy after the effective date of this article must post the street number before receiving the certificate of occupancy for the building.
Penalties for noncompliance.
The Town shall issue a warning notice to any building owner who fails to post street numbers on his building within the time allowed in Subsection (e) of this section. The warning notice shall issue from the civil preparedness director or other official designated by the Board of Selectmen and shall be sent certified or registered mail to the building owner at his last known address. The warning notice shall allow the building owner an additional 10 days from the date of the warning notice to post the numbers.
Any building owner who fails to post street numbers within the time allowed on the warning notice shall be subject to fine of $5 a day for each day afterwards during which he fails to post the numbers, up to a maximum of $100 or any larger amount that the Connecticut General Statutes permit the Town to fine for violation of this section.
The Town may enforce this fine by a citation and hearing in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 88-221.
[Ord. of 6-15-88, § IV]
Streets excepted from the numbering system established by this article are not printed herein but are on file in the Town Clerk's office.
[Ord. of 6-15-88, § V]
The act of numbering buildings on a street does not, without more, constitute acceptance of the street as a Town highway.