[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The provisions of this part shall apply to all signs maintained or hereinafter erected or altered in the Township of Lower Southampton.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Unless otherwise herein expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this part, have the following meanings:
A mechanical nonplastic means by which various materials and the structural members in the construction or erection of a sign is used.
As applied to any material, device or mode of construction, means approved by the Zoning Officer under this part or by any other standard authority designated by law to give approval of the matter in question, such as the Underwriters' Laboratory or the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM).
A horizontal or inclined structural member that carries loads principally by its flexible strength and transmits such loads to other supporting structural members.
A sign which is approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with this part. Conditional signs shall only be permitted in areas specifically designated in this part.
The replacement of any part of a sign with equivalent material for the purpose of maintenance that does not affect its plan, size, structural framework or its structural members.
Any structure, device, light or natural object, including the ground itself, or any part thereof, or any device attached thereto or painted or represented thereon, which shall be used to identify, advertise or attract attention to any object, project, place, activity, person, institution, organization, firm, group, commodity, profession, enterprise, industry or business, or which shall display or include any letter, word, model, number, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, device or representation used as an announcement, direction or advertisement, and which is intended to be seen from off the premises or from a parking lot.
The word "sign" shall include signs which are affixed to the inside of windows and glass doors and are intended to be seen from roadways or parking lots. No other indoor sign shall be deemed a sign within this part.
The extreme physical dimensions of a sign, excluding any poles 14 inches or smaller in size. Supporting structures in excess of 14 inches shall be considered in the overall size of the sign. Where individual characters are used, whether individually mounted or fastened or jointly mounted or fastened to convey a message, the total dimension from the beginning of the first character to the end of the last character in the longest line and the top of the uppermost character and the bottom of the lowermost character shall be considered in the calculating the overall sign area, including logos, pictures or any other graphic or artwork.
Any terms used in this part not specifically defined in this part shall be defined in accordance with their definition as set forth in Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development, and this chapter.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
New signs. No sign shall hereafter be erected, attached to, suspended from or supported on any building or structure or site in the Township of Lower Southampton except in accordance with this part or where a variance has been authorized by the proper authority as hereinafter set forth.
Existing signs. Any registered, permitted and inspected sign existing at the time this part becomes effective that is not in conformance with this part shall be considered a nonconforming sign.
Alterations. No sign shall hereafter be altered in any manner which enlarges or extends it, nor shall it be relocated except in accordance with this part, providing that the changing of movable parts designed to be changed or the repainting of the display matter on the sign shall not be deemed to be alteration or rebuilding as hereinafter set forth.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
It shall be unlawful for any person, either directly, indirectly or by agent, to erect, alter or repair any sign or signs in the Township of Lower Southampton unless application for a permit shall have been made with the Zoning Officer and a permit shall have been issued therefor. An application for a permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer on the form supplied by it and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the owner desiring any sign to be erected, plans and specifications setting forth the character of the sign in all its structural parts, and an accurate sketch of the property designating the location of all existing and proposed signs. Compliance with the provisions of this part shall not relieve any person from the necessity of compliance with this chapter or any other Township ordinance, if applicable.
The Board of Supervisors from time to time shall adopt by resolution a fee schedule for the annual inspection of signs. The inspection fee shall be paid to the Township by all sign permittees in the manner and in the amount set forth in the resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The Zoning Officer shall revoke any and all sign permits issued to a permittee in the event that said permittee fails to pay the annual inspection fee in the manner prescribed by the resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Exemptions. No permit shall be required for the following types of signs, and they shall not be counted when calculating the number of signs on a premises, provided such signs conform with the general regulations for signs enumerated herein:
Name and address of resident, but not to include any commercial advertising, of not more than two square feet in sign area.
No-trespassing signs or other such signs regulating the use of a property, such as "No Hunting," "No Fishing," etc., of no more than two square feet in area in residential zones and five square feet in all commercial and industrial zones.
Real estate signs. Provided that not more than one sign is placed upon any property held in single or separate ownership unless such property fronts upon more than one street, in which event not more than one sign may be erected on each frontage. Said signs shall not exceeding five square feet in area in residential zones and 25 square feet in all commercial and industrial zones and shall advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located. Such real estate signs shall be removed within 10 days after the premises advertised has been sold, rented or leased.
Bulletin boards for public, charitable or religious institutions, when located on the premises thereof and with a sign area of no more than 25 square feet if single-faced, nor more than 50 square feet if double-faced, each face of the sign being counted separately and then totaled in calculating sign area, and if used exclusively for noncommercial announcements.
Signs regulating on-premises traffic, parking or other functional subdivision, such as lavatory facilities, telephone; signs denoting other sections of a building, such as lubrication, office, etc., when less than five square feet in area and bearing no commercial advertising, as defined in this part.
Signs erected by a governmental body or under the direction of such a body and bearing no commercial advertising, such as traffic signs, railroad crossing signs, safety signs, signs identifying public schools and playgrounds, and the like.
Memorial signs or tablets and signs denoting the date of erection of buildings.
Flag, pennant or insignia of any government or of any religious, charitable or fraternal organization.
Temporary signs no larger than five square feet in area, advertising the sale of edible farm products produced on the premises or advertising auctions and special events of charitable or public service groups.
Permanent residential development signs not exceeding 25 square feet in area at major entrances, designed to identify a residential subdivision and containing no commercial advertising, when located within the setbacks contained in this chapter.
Signs identifying places of worship, when located on the premises thereof, and with a sign area of no more than 25 square feet.
Address of a nonresidential building or office, not including any commercial advertising, of not more than two square feet in sign area, provided there is no other sign on the property, and that should the name of the business or building be the same as the address, such sign will require a permit.
Issuance of permits. The Zoning Officer shall act upon the application for permit approval within 10 days after its receipt in proper form and authorization. When the Zoning Officer has approved an application, a permit shall be issued within 10 days.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
The Zoning Officer shall have the following duties and powers:
To examine all applications, plans and specifications submitted to the Zoning Officer and to approve or reject them as required by the provisions of this part.
To inspect all signs during the course of erection and to see that the provisions of this part and of the permit are complied with.
To keep all applications, plans and specifications and a record of all permits, refusals, inspections, which record shall be filed and open to public inspection.
To stop the erection, alteration or repair of any sign where the same is being carried on contrary to the provisions of this part; to order the removal of any materials that may be unsafe or unfit for the purpose for which they were intended to be used in accordance with the terms and definitions of this part; and to revoke the permit for such cause.
To direct that precautions shall be taken by the erection of suitable scaffolding or other protection whenever the work of erecting, altering or repairing of any sign may affect the public safety.
To keep available to the public at the office of the Zoning Officer copies of this part and application forms.
To perform or have performed the annual inspection of all signs in the Township as directed in this part.
To direct that any sign found to be unsatisfactory due to nonconformance to this part or because its condition is such that it is unsafe or has become dilapidated be corrected or removed within a thirty-day period after the filing of the inspection report; except for existing, nonconforming signs, a ninety-day period before they must be brought into conformance, providing they meet with other requirements for inspection.
To notify the person or persons responsible for any sign requiring inspection at least 30 days prior to an annual inspection, noting the approximate date that the inspection will be made.
To notify the person or persons responsible for any nonconforming or unsatisfactory sign of the points of nonconformance and indicate the latest date at which it must be made conforming or satisfactory and the penalties for noncompliance. If the owner or responsible person is not found within the Township, such service will be completed if such notice and order shall be sent by certified mail to the last known address of such owner and a copy of such notice and order posted on the premises where such sign is erected.
Appeals. Whenever the applicant for a permit or the owner of the premises upon which the sign is to be erected is aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Officer, such applicant or person may take an appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board, as provided under this chapter.
Annual inspection. All signs in the Township of Lower Southampton for which permits are required under this part shall be subject to an annual inspection by the Zoning Officer. Such inspection shall take place within 90 days after the adoption of this part and shall be repeated annually, with each inspection being made within a thirty-day period of the anniversary date of the initial inspection.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
In the event of actual or immediate danger from falling, electrical shock, fire hazard or any like hazard from a sign, whether the procedures prescribed in this part have been instituted or not, the Zoning Officer shall cause the necessary work to be done to render the sign temporarily safe and shall employ such materials as are found to be necessary to do this. The Township Solicitor shall institute appropriate action against the owner of the sign for the costs incurred in the performance of the emergency work.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Advertising sign. An off-premises sign which advertises or otherwise directs attention to a commodity, business, industry, home occupation or other similar activity which is sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than on the lot upon which such sign is located.
Temporary advertising signs. Permitted in C-1, C-2 and BT Districts if requirements set forth in Subsection 9 hereinafter are met.
Business sign. An on-premises sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, industry or other activity which is sold, offered or conducted, other than incidentally, on the premises upon which such sign is located, or to which it is affixed.
Official sign. Signs erected or installed by the state, county, Township or other governmental unit, giving notice of a permitted or prohibited activity under a statute, ordinance or resolution duly enacted pursuant to law. No permit fee shall be required for the erection or installation of official signs.
Real estate sign. Sign advertising the sale or rental of premises upon which it is erected, when erected by a broker or other person interested in the sale or rental thereof.
Provided that not more than one sign is placed upon any property held in single and separate ownership, unless such property fronts upon more than one street; in which event not more than one sign may be erected on each frontage.
Provided, further, that such sign shall be removed promptly within 20 days after date of settlement or commencement of lease, whichever is applicable.
Temporary signs of mechanics, contractors or artisans. Temporary signs of mechanics, contractors or artisans, provided that:
Such signs shall be erected only on the premises where such work is being performed and shall be limited to a size of four square feet.
Not more than one such sign for each mechanic, contractor or artisan working shall be erected on any premises unless such property fronts on more than one street, in which case not more than one such sign for each mechanic or artisan shall be erected on each frontage.
Such signs shall be removed promptly upon completion of the work.
Developmental signs.
Sign advertising the sale or development of the premises upon which they are erected, provided that not more than one such sign is placed on any property in single and separate ownership unless such property fronts on more than one street; in which event not more than one such sign shall be erected on each frontage.
Sign indicating the location and direction of premises available for or in the process of development, but not erected upon such premises, provided that not more than one sign is erected on each 500 feet of street frontage.
Such signs must be maintained in good repair by the erector and must in no way be contrary to the purpose of this part.
Such signs shall be removed within 20 days after the last dwelling has been sold if such sign is located within a residential district; in all other districts, such signs shall be removed within 20 days after the premises has been initially occupied.
Identification signs. Institutional signs for schools, churches, hospitals, public or private recreational areas, clubs, multifamily dwellings such as apartments, apartment complexes, PURD developments, mobile home parks, or other similar uses, provided that:
Not more than one such sign shall be placed on premises held in single and separate ownership, unless such premises fronts on more than one street; in which case one such sign may be erected on each frontage.
Such sign shall only be erected upon the premises which is identified.
Professional and home occupation sign. Professional and home occupations of the occupant of a dwelling, provided that:
Not more than one such sign shall be erected for each permitted use located upon said premises.
Such sign shall be erected only on the premises wherein the professional use is located.
Temporary, special and promotional signs. Special events and promotional signs directing persons to temporary exhibits, shows, contests or other special events located in the Township may be erected, subject to the following requirements:
Signs shall not be posted earlier than one week before the occurrence of the event to which they relate.
The erector of such sign or signs shall first apply for and obtain a permit from the Zoning Officer and shall deposit with the Township, at the time of this application, the sum in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors as a guarantee that such signs will be removed promptly within 48 hours after the date of the event to which the signs or posters relate.
If such signs or posters are not removed at the end of the forty-eight-hour period, the Township shall have them removed and shall keep the full sum deposited as reimbursement for the expenses incurred by it and for general Township purposes.
The aforesaid deposit shall be in addition to the fees charged for the issuance of such permit under the provisions of this part.
Service club signs. Service club signs advertising meeting times and places of nonprofit service or charitable clubs and organizations.
Public utility signs. Directional, informational or public service signs such as signs advertising the availability of restrooms, telephone or similar facilities of public convenience, provided they designate the use of the property upon which such sign is erected.
Trespassing signs. Trespassing signs or signs indicating private driveway or premises, providing that not more than one such sign shall be permitted on any property held in single and separate ownership for every 100 feet of street frontage.
Plaza sign. Ground sign designating only the name of the plaza, mall, shopping center, professional office building or industrial park located on the premises where such sign is erected.
For the purposes of this part, a plaza, mall, shopping center, professional office building or industrial park shall be defined as a combination of three or more stores, offices, factories, warehouses, buildings or other such business establishments which share common areas for business and/or parking, whether or not such offices, stores, warehouses, factories or other such business establishments are detached or share common party walls, and whether or not such offices, stores, warehouses, factories or other such business establishments are owned separately or together or in part by one or more individuals.
There shall be only one such sign placed upon the property of such plaza, mall, shopping center, professional office building or industrial park, unless such plaza, mall, shopping center, professional office building or industrial park fronts upon more than one street; in which event not more than one such sign may be erected on each street frontage.
No other ground signs shall be permitted upon said plaza, mall, shopping center, professional office building or industrial park.
Any such sign which designates the names of the businesses, stores, offices, shops or activities located at said premises shall be conditional signs, permitted only upon the expressed approval of the Board of Supervisors.
The maximum height to the top of such sign shall not exceed 35 feet from ground level.
The total area of such signs shall not exceed the following:
Fifty square feet of sign area when signs are situated on premises which have street frontage of 100 feet or less.
Seventy-two square inches of sign area per each foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of 120 square feet of sign area, when signs are situated on premises which have a street frontage of more than 100 feet.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012, as amended by Ord. 563, 8/14/2013]
Sign structure.
Ground sign. A self-supporting sign supported by a structure of any type, other than a building or structure within which the main or an accessory use are conducted on the premises, provided that:
Lattice work beneath the sign shall not be permitted.
Ground signs must be securely attached to posts or other supporting structures, and posts or structures must be securely and permanently embedded in a concrete base which shall be permanently embedded in the ground.
Signs erected at right angles to the street frontage may not project closer than five feet to any right-of-way or street line.
Signs erected parallel to any street frontage or at other than a right angle to any street frontage shall be located entirely within the property lines and shall not be erected closer to said property line or street frontage than the distance of the height of the sign.
Only one ground sign per parcel of ground per street frontage is permitted.
No such sign shall be permitted closer than five feet from the side property line.
No such signs shall be located within 15 feet of the edge of an improved cartway.
Any ground sign erected or maintained within a distance of 30 feet from a cartway shall have a maximum height of 12 feet.
Maximum height of ground signs in the C-1 and TC Districts shall be 20 feet.
Maximum height of ground signs in the C-2, BT, I and M Zoning Districts shall be 35 feet.
In all other zoned districts, the maximum height of a ground sign shall be five feet.
The area of plaza or ground sign shall not exceed 72 square inches of sign area per each foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of 120 square feet of sign area, when signs are situated on premises which have a street frontage of more than 100 feet.
No ground sign shall exceed 25 feet in length.
No ground sign shall be placed closer than 50 feet to another ground sign or plaza sign.
If a sign is mounted or supported by any structure other than a building, the dimensions of this structure may be considered in the overall size of the sign if it should in any way add to the sign dimensions in such way as to make it nonconforming or objectionable to the purpose of this part. All signs exceeding 10 feet in height shall be supported by a pole of not more than 14 inches in diameter, including the support and any casing or enclosure, decorative or otherwise. Supporting cement bases shall not exceed 30 inches in diameter and 12 inches in height.
Wall sign. Wall sign placed against the exterior walls, awnings, eaves or other protrusion or part of a building, including painted images, shall be permitted, provided that:
Such sign does not extend more than 10 inches outside the wall surface it is attached to.
Such sign shall not extend beyond the ends of the wall surface on which it is placed.
Such signs shall not extend above the top of the wall upon which they are erected.
There shall be permitted only one wall sign for each business establishment, which shall be located on the front wall of said business establishment.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the aggregate total area to be occupied by wall signs on any building shall not exceed 15% of the aggregate wall area, including windows, of the wall on which such signs are attached.
Nonstationary signs. A sign which, by means of some mechanical device, changes its position constantly or at regular intervals by rotating around an axis or shifting in horizontal or vertical alignment.
Movable signs. Signs which are not fixed to a permanent supporting structure or building and are displayed on a temporary or a long-term basis.
Vehicular signs. Any vehicle to which a sign is affixed in such a manner that carrying of such sign or signs no longer is incidental to the vehicle's purpose, but becomes a primary purpose in itself, shall be considered a ground sign and, as such, be subject to provisions regarding ground signs in the district in which such vehicle is located.
Window display viewed from any street. Lettering, plate cards, banners or other similar display materials of a temporary nature and not illuminated, attached to the inside of windows. Window displays shall be limited to not more than 40% of the window area in which the display is situate, measured in accordance with the definitions of sign size under this part. Window displays shall not require a permit; however, any window display which does not meet the provisions of this section shall be considered a wall sign subject to the requirements, limitations and penalty provisions of this part.
Roof sign. A sign erected on the roof of any building, either constructed directly upon said building or supported by other means, provided that no roof sign shall protrude beyond the wall of the building on which it is mounted, and provided that no roof sign shall exceed 50% of the allowable sign area for wall signs located in said district, nor shall the vertical to horizontal dimension exceed the ratio of 3:1, and shall not exceed 10 feet in height above the roofline; and provided, further, that no more than one roof sign may be erected or maintained on a single premises.
Projecting sign. Any sign mounted to a wall or other vertical building surface other than a wall sign.
No signs shall project past any property line, nor over a public sidewalk, nor within three feet from a cartway, nor more than two feet from the building or structure from which it is suspended, fastened or by which it is supported.
Posts or supporting structures shall not be erected within the street lines, nor within any space between the building and the street line.
A clear space of not less than 10 feet shall be provided below all parts of such signs which project in any direction a distance of more than one foot from the supporting structure or building.
Sign illumination.
Internally illuminated sign. A sign designed to give forth artificial light directly through translucent material from a source of light within such sign, including, but not limited to, neon signs. A sign designed to give forth artificial light directly through transparent material shall be prohibited.
Externally illuminated sign. A sign illuminated with a light so shielded that no direct rays therefrom are visible elsewhere on the lot where said illumination occurs. If such shielding device is defective, such sign shall be deemed to be a directly illuminated sign.
Flashing sign. An illuminated sign on which the artificial light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity or color at all times when in use.
Festoon sign. Festoon lighting is a directly illuminated sign comprised of either:
A group of incandescent light bulbs hung or strung overhead or on a building or structure.
Light bulbs not shaded or hooded or otherwise screened to prevent the direct rays of the light from shining on an adjacent property or right-of-way.
Nonilluminated signs. A sign which is not illuminated either directly or indirectly.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
All signs maintained or hereafter erected in the Township of Lower Southampton shall comply with the standards set forth in this section. All signs now erected which do not comply with such standards are hereby declared to be nonconforming signs and public nuisances.
The following signs shall not be permitted, erected or maintained in any district, notwithstanding anything else contained in this part or elsewhere.
Signs which incorporate in any manner any flashing or moving illumination or illumination which varies in intensity or which varies in color, and signs which have any visible moving part(s), visible revolving part(s), or visible mechanical movement of any description, or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical pulsations or by actions of normal wind currents, except when not visible from motor vehicles traveling on public roadways.
Hanging signs which simply swing in the wind, clocks, barber poles, and time-and-temperature signs may be exempted, provided they comply with all other provisions of this part.
Sign illumination.
Top-mounted fixtures required. Lighting fixtures used to illuminate any outdoor sign shall be mounted on the top of the sign structure. All such fixtures shall comply with the shielding requirements of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance.[1] Bottom-mounted outdoor sign lighting shall not be used.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 10, Part 7, Regulating Outdoor Lighting.
Outdoor signs of the type constructed of translucent materials and wholly illuminated from within do not require shielding. Dark backgrounds with light lettering or symbols are preferred to minimize detrimental effects. Unless conforming to the above dark background preference, total lamp wattage per property shall be less than 41 watts.
Compliance limit. Existing outdoor signs shall be brought into conformance with this chapter within 10 years from the date of adoption of this provision.
Electrical illumination of outdoor advertising off-site signs between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and sunrise.
Any sign or sign structure or any device attached thereto which constitutes a hazard to public safety or health.
Signs which by reason of size, location, content, coloring, or manner of illumination obstruct the vision of drivers, either when driving on a roadway or when entering a roadway from another roadway or driveway, or obstruct or detract from the visibility or effectiveness of any traffic sign or control device on public streets and roads.
Signs on any nonresidential accessory structures.
Any sign which obstructs free ingress to or egress from a fire escape door window or other required exitway.
Signs which make use of the words such as STOP, LOOK, ONE WAY, DANGER, YIELD, or any similar words, phrases, symbols, lights or characters, in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
Signs on public grounds or public rights-of-way, unless erected by a governmental body, or unless required to be so located by ordinance of a governmental body, or unless approved as a conditional sign by the Board of Supervisors. No sign located on a public right-of-way shall bear any commercial advertising or announcement.
Signs painted on, attached to or supported by a tree, stone, cliff or other natural object.
String lights, other than temporary holiday decorations, which are unshielded from off the property on which they are located.
Searchlights, pennants, spinners, banners and streamers, except for occasions such as grand openings and then only with special permission of the Zoning Officer. Use shall be limited to a thirty-day period.
Maximum height regulations of signs as set forth in this part shall be measured to the uppermost portion of the sign.
In computing square foot area of a double-face sign, only one side shall be considered, provided both faces are identical. If the interior angle formed by the two faces of the double-faced sign is greater than 45°, then both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the maximum permitted sign area.
Minimum height regulations of signs as set forth in this part shall be measured to the bottommost portion of the sign, excluding supporting structures.
No signs, nor the supports, chains and/or braces supporting or staying such signs, shall be so placed or constructed or enclosed so as to obstruct or interfere with any door, window, fire escape or other required means of light, ventilation or egress.
No signs shall be so located as to cause danger to traffic by obscuring the view.
Stability. Signs shall be so constructed that they will withstand wind pressure of at least 30 pounds per square foot of surface and will otherwise be structurally safe. All signs must be securely anchored or otherwise fastened, suspended or supported so that they will not be a menace to persons or property.
Electric signs made of metal, glass, plastic with lamps inside of the sign or with letters composed of lamps on the outside of same, or similar construction, may be erected, provided that:
They are securely attached to posts or other supporting structures by metal supports or fasteners.
They are designed, constructed and installed in conformance with all electrical codes for such electrical devices.
They in no way can be considered, in the opinion of the Zoning Officer, as confusing or hazardous with regard to official traffic signaling or other protective devices.
Signs attached to a building shall be fastened directly to the walls by well-secured metal anchors. Wood supports or braces shall not be permitted. No electric lights or fixtures shall be attached in any manner to a wooden sign which is attached to a building or positioned on a property so that it is closer to a building than the total height of the sign.
Signs in commercial or industrial areas bordering a residential district shall not be located less than 30 feet from the property line which borders such residential districts.
Signs which face any dwelling located within a residential district may not be illuminated if the sign is located within 200 feet of such residential dwelling.
It shall be unlawful for any company or individual to erect, repair or maintain electric signs, regardless of location in the Township, or nonelectrical signs which are higher than 20 feet at the highest point above grade, without submitting a certificate of insurance to the Zoning Officer in the amount of $100,000 and $300,000 liability and $25,000 property damage.
There shall be required prior to the erection or repair of electrical signs, regardless of the location in the Township, or nonelectrical signs which are more than 20 feet above grade, that a one-thousand-dollar performance bond be posted with the Zoning Officer, and in the event that the contractor does not perform in accordance with this part or the specifications which are approved by the Building Department for a specific installation, his one-thousand-dollar bond will be forfeited if corrections are not made after specific deficiencies are received in a written form from the Zoning Officer within 15 days after such written notice. Proceeds from such forfeited bonds are to be used by the Building Department to have corrections made which will bring such sign into conformity with all provisions of this part.
It shall be a requirement, before a permit is issued, for the bonded contractor to provide the Underwriters' Laboratory label number for such sign and construct said sign in accordance with Underwriters' Laboratory specifications.
Every sign permitted under this part must be constructed of durable materials and must be kept in good condition and repair. Any sign which is allowed to become dilapidated or a menace to persons or property, and which continues in such condition for more than 30 days after receiving written notice from the Township Zoning Officer regarding the condition of said sign and instruction to either remove or repair said sign, shall be deemed a nuisance.
Conditional signs. The Board of Supervisors shall approve or disapprove such signs which in its discretion it deems appropriate, after consideration of:
Factors such as traffic flow and congestion, highway visibility, topography, size and character of the land, size of the proposed sign in relationship to the size of the building and number of business establishments located at said premises, character of the surrounding neighborhood, and other factors relating to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
The standards of review relating to conditional uses under this chapter.
The burden of proof shall at all times be upon the applicant.
No sign of an individual or private corporation shall be attached or affixed to any public utility line pole, street sign pole, traffic sign or signal pole, or light pole.
No pole enclosure, support encasement or any other device not defined as a sign, which does not support or brace the sign in any fashion, shall exceed 75% of the sign area.
Signs for commercial advertising on public grounds. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this part or elsewhere, and regardless of the zoning district in which the said public grounds are located, commercial advertising signs shall be permitted on public grounds when erected by the Board of Supervisors or approved as a conditional sign by the Board of Supervisors under Subsection R hereof.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Any sign existing at the time of the passage of this part that does not conform with the requirements set forth in this part and which was legal when erected shall be considered a nonconforming sign and may continue in nonconformity in accordance with this section. However, if a nonconforming sign ceases to be used for a continuous period of one year or is voluntarily removed by the landowner, such nonconforming sign will be deemed to have been abandoned, and any subsequent sign can only be erected in conformity with the provisions of this part.
A nonconforming sign of any type shall not be moved to another position or location upon the building, structure or lot on which it is located, nor shall the size or area of a nonconforming sign be altered or increased or its structure or construction altered or changed. Nothing herein shall prevent the repairing and restoring to a safe condition any part of a nonconforming sign or the structural supports of any such nonconforming sign.
Any nonconforming sign partially or totally destroyed by fire, explosion, flood or other phenomenon, or legally condemned, may be reconstructed and used at the same location, provided that:
The reconstructed sign shall not exceed in height, area and volume the sign destroyed or condemned.
Sign reconstruction shall be completed within one year from the date the sign was destroyed or condemned.
Signs advertising a nonconforming use, when located on the site where such use is conducted, may be maintained or modernized, without increasing their size, provided that such nonconforming use shall have been in existence prior to the adoption of this chapter.
No sign shall be erected containing information on which it states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of this chapter in the zoning district on which the property to which this sign relates is located.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
In all zoning districts within the Township signs may be erected, altered, maintained or used, only when in accordance with the provisions of this part and the table of sign regulations which is attached hereto as Schedule 27-A.[1]
Types of signs, types of sign construction and types of sign illumination listed in Schedule 27-A are permitted by right in any district under which it is denoted by the letter "P," subject to all other applicable requirements of this part.
Types of signs, types of sign construction and types of sign illumination listed in Schedule 27-A, denoted by the letter "C," are permitted, provided the Township Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the recommendations of the Zoning Officer and pursuant to all other applicable requirements of this part, authorizes the issuance of a sign permit.
Types of signs, types of sign construction and types of sign illumination are not permitted in any district under which it is denoted by the letter "N."
The maximum size and area of permitted types of signs, sign construction and sign illumination for particular zoned districts are set forth in Schedule 27-A under the column designated "SZ."
Editor's Note: The Table of Sign Regulations is attached to this chapter.