[CC 1992 §385.010; Ord. No. 325 §1, 11-28-1975; Ord. No. 462 §1, 11-26-1984]
No resident of the City shall operate or park a motor vehicle upon the streets of the City of Charlack or other area in the City open to public use as a street or driveway unless the vehicle displays a license sticker securely and permanently affixed to the lower right corner of the windshield (or in the case of a motorcycle a sticker as above or a metallic license place prominently displayed), unobstructed, and in plain view, issued by the City of Charlack unless such automobile is exempt as provided in Subsection (B).
An exempt automobile is an automobile the owner of which is domiciled outside of the City of Charlack and
Does not reside in the City for more than thirty (30) consecutive days, or
Allow the automobile to be parked in the City of Charlack for as many as ten (10) consecutive days, or
Rent an automobile to a resident of the City of Charlack without having paid a license fee or tax, as evidenced by a license sticker, to the municipal government in the State of Missouri in which the owner is domiciled.
A new resident or domiciliary shall have twenty (20) days after taking up residence to obtain a City of Charlack license.