In a General Commercial Zone a special permit issued by the Zoning Commission, based on conformance with the criteria defined in this chapter, is required in order to construct a building or buildings for the uses listed below. After a certificate of occupancy is issued for the building in conformance with the approved site plan, any change in use allowed in the Commercial Zone may be allowed in that structure, except as defined below by asterisks, as long as the parking requirements, sanitation requirements, and building and fire code(s) requirements, etc., can be met, and the exterior site plan is not changed. Such changes in use need approval from the Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO). In the event the ZEO determines that the applicable requirements, regulations or other issues within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Commission are not satisfied by the change in use, the only appeal of the determination shall be via application for a special permit to the Zoning Commission for such change in use.
Business and professional offices.
Retail sales and service establishments.
Beauty salons and barbershops.
Financial institutions.
Grocery stores.
Convenience stores.*
Medical and dental clinics.*
Restaurant, fast food restaurant, nightclubs and cafes.*
Laundry, clothes cleaning and drying establishments limited to pickup and delivery stations.
Funeral homes.*
Bowling alleys, athletic clubs, and similar indoor recreation places.
Commercial parking lots for passenger motor vehicles, but not including parking or storage of trucks, business or other commercial-type vehicles.*
Veterinary hospitals and kennels.*
Transient lodgings (motel, hotel, inn and bed-and-breakfast operations).*
Wholesale businesses, sales offices and sample rooms.
Public utility installations needed for public convenience and necessity.*
State and federal government buildings.*
Municipal facilities and uses.*
Rest homes, convalescent homes and hospitals.*
Churches, synagogues and other places of worship.*
Theaters and museum.*
Clubs and lodges.*
Bus terminals.*
Accessory buildings and uses subject to the requirements of Article VI.
State-licensed child day-care center or group day-care homes.*
School/public bus shelters.
Public telephone booths.
Alcohol liquor sales (also see § 340-13.9).*
There are certain activities that may be proposed for a site that will require approvals from both the Commission and the ZBA prior to the commencement of said proposal. The following uses may be permitted only after first receiving an approval of the proposed location by the ZBA, and then receiving the appropriate site development plan and special permit approval from the Zoning Commission: (*see Note a).
Motor vehicle repair per C.G.S. § 14-54, as amended.*
Motor vehicle gasoline station per C.G.S. § 14-321, as amended.*
These land uses have the potential for contaminating the groundwaters of the Town. The Commission may require certain design restrictions, such as but not limited to setbacks, material storage areas, floor drains, stormwater management facilities and fire-protection measures.
Minimum lot size and frontage requirements.
Lot size, on-site well and on-site subsurface sewage disposal: 60,000 square feet.
Frontage: 175 feet.
Minimum required yards.
Front yard: 50 feet.
Side yard: 15 feet.
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Buffer yard: 50 feet.
Maximum height: 40 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 60%.
Maximum building size, single floor: 15,000 square feet. The Commission may increase this maximum up to 25,000 square feet, based on:
Landscaping design features beyond those required by Article XIII.
Building architectural design.
Building location in relationship to the street line.
Landscaping, screening and buffer areas shall be provided in accordance with Article XIII of this chapter.
All uses shall be subject to site development plan approval and the plan requirements of Article V.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Article XIII.
Signs shall be permitted, provided that the provisions of Article XIII are achieved.
The general requirements of Article III shall be satisfied.
All HVAC, elevator, utility, venting and other similar structures shall be screened from view and shall not exceed 15% of the roof area of any building.
Alcoholic liquor sales locations shall satisfy the requirements of § 340-13.9.
Motor vehicle repair and motor vehicle gasoline stations shall satisfy the requirements of § 340-13.8.