These submission requirements, procedures and supplemental regulations (the "regulations") explain the process that applicants must follow to obtain approval of a development that is subject to Article XV, Affordable Housing, of Chapter 300, Zoning, of the City Code.
The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance was adopted by the City of Beverly in July 2007. It requires any residential development of six or more lots or dwelling units to include 12% of its units as affordable housing. As defined in the ordinance, an "affordable housing unit" is a dwelling unit that is affordable to and occupied by a low- or moderate-income household and meets state requirements for listing on the Chapter 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory. Since inclusionary housing units do not require a comprehensive permit under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40B, their eligibility for the Subsidized Housing Inventory relies on the provisions of 760 CMR 56.00, Local Initiative Program (LIP). As an aid to applicants, the Planning Board has referenced portions of the current LIP regulations below. However, the applicant is responsible for understanding, confirming and complying with LIP requirements, as they may be amended from time to time, because failure to do so may result in delayed issuance of approvals by the Planning Board or other City officials with jurisdiction over the project.[1]
Editor's Note: This subsection was amended to change "10 or more lots or dwelling units" to "six or more lots or dwelling units" in conjunction with a zoning amendment adopted by the City Council 6-19-2017 by Ord. No. 144A. (See Ch. 300, Art. XV.)
Applicants proposing a project that is subject to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance may comply by (1) including affordable units in the proposed development or (2) providing affordable housing through an alternative method set forth in Chapter 300, § 300-108B, subject to Planning Board special permit approval. The City's preference is for "inclusion units," or units incorporated on the locus of the development. The procedures for each option are outlined separately in these regulations.