[CC 1981 §355.010; Ord. No. 100 §1, 6-1-1960; Ord. No. 270 §41, 3-24-1970; Ord. No. 499 §1, 11-14-1979; Ord. No. 597 §1, 8-26-1987; Ord. No. 601 §1, 11-11-1987; Ord. No. 650 §1, 9-25-1991; Ord. No. 658 §1, 12-11-1991; Ord. No. 821 §1, 9-13-2000; Ord. No. 827 §1, 2-28-2001; Ord. No. 828 §1, 2-28-2001; Ord. No. 853 §1, 2-13-2002; Ord. No. 857, 5-22-2002; Ord. No. 877 §1, 7-9-2003 Ord. No. 1015 §1, 12-12-2012; Ord. No. 1020 §1, 9-11-2013; Ord. No. 1023 §1, 10-9-2013; Ord. No. 1038 §1, 10-8-2014]
As authorized by and in accordance with Section 355.010 of this Title, it shall be unlawful for the operator of a motor vehicle to stop, stand or park said motor vehicle at any one time or instance or location, as designated herein, except when necessary to avoid a conflict with the directions of a Police Officer or traffic control sign or signal.
Ballwin Avenue between Lindy Boulevard and Chamberlin Drive
South side
Ballwin Avenue between Lindy Boulevard and Solley Drive
North side
Chamberlin Drive and Ballwin Avenue intersection, southeast corner of Ballwin Avenue
South side of Ballwin Avenue from existing storm sewer inlet, west to the intersection
Chamberlin Drive and Roland Avenue
114 feet on the east side of Chamberlin Drive from the north side of the driveway at 464 Chamberlin Drive onto the south side of Roland Avenue
Chamberlin Drive and Roland Avenue
114 feet on the north side of the street on Roland Avenue from the property line at 249 Roland Avenue around the corner on the west side of Chamberlin Drive
City Hall parking lot (except while engaged in business within City Hall)
At all times
Fairview Court and Roland Avenue
160 feet on the west side of the street from the south side of the driveway at 453 Fairview Court to the west side of the entrance of the dead end spur off of Roland Avenue
Fairview Court and Roland Avenue
160 feet on the east side of the street from the south side of the driveway at 456 Fairview Court to the east property line of 456 Fairview Court
Hillcrest Boulevard and Chamberlin Drive
North side of Hillcrest Boulevard west of Chamberlin Drive 40 feet from existing fire hydrant
Hillcrest Boulevard and Fairview Court
96 feet on the north side of the street from the east side of the driveway at 5 Hillcrest Boulevard to the north side of the driveway at 321 Fairview Court
Hillcrest Boulevard and Fairview Court
96 feet on the south side of the street from the west side of the driveway at 14 Hillcrest Boulevard to the south rear property line of 14 Hillcrest Boulevard
Hillcrest Boulevard and Rosedale Terrace intersection, west of Rosedale Terrace from Hillcrest Boulevard
85 feet east side of Rosedale Terrace 60 feet from the intersection
Hillcrest Boulevard, east corner from Rosedale Terrace
85 feet
Hillcrest Boulevard, west from Rosedale Terrace
80 feet
Hillcrest Boulevard and Sulphur Springs Road intersection, west of Sulphur Springs Road
North and south side of street, 120 feet
Lakeside Drive between Lindy Boulevard and the cul-de-sac and including the entire cul-de-sac
North side
Lindy Boulevard and Ballwin Avenue intersection
North side of Ballwin Avenue 45 feet
Lindy Boulevard from Hillcrest Boulevard approximately 150 feet south to park's blacktop area
East side
Lindy Boulevard and Hillcrest Boulevard intersection
East of Lindy Boulevard north side of Hillcrest Boulevard 45 feet; south side of Hillcrest Boulevard 45 feet; west of Lindy Boulevard north side of Hillcrest Boulevard 50 feet; south side of Hillcrest Boulevard 70 feet
Lindy Boulevard between Hillcrest Boulevard and St. Lawrence Drive
West side
Lindy Boulevard and Lakeside Drive intersection, southeast corner of Lakeside Drive
50 feet
Lindy Boulevard from Manchester Road to Hillcrest Boulevard
Both sides
Lindy Boulevard and Orchard Avenue intersection
East of Lindy Boulevard south side of Orchard Avenue for 65 feet
Lindy Boulevard and Roland Avenue intersection
East of Lindy Boulevard south side of Roland Avenue 99 feet
Lindy Boulevard and St. Lawrence Drive intersection
West of Lindy Boulevard north side of St. Lawrence Drive 70 feet; south side of St. Lawrence Drive 50 feet
Manchester Road (Highway 100)
Both sides
Orchard Avenue between Lindy Boulevard and Chamberlain Drive
North side
Orchard Avenue and Sulphur Springs Road intersection, west of Sulphur Springs Road
North and south side of street, 103 feet
Park parking lot of the City of Winchester's Reber Park during normal Reber Park hours
Parking for other than Reber Park Park purposes prohibited
Solley Drive
West side
Sulphur Springs Road and Ballwin Avenue, intersection, west of Sulphur Springs Road
North and south side of street, 60 feet
St. Lawrence Drive and Sulphur Springs Road intersection, west of Sulphur Springs Road
North side of street, 70 feet; south side of street, 45 feet