[Amended 3-28-1997 by Ord. No. 91]
The City Council may license suitable persons to carry on the business of pawnbrokers in the City, subject to the laws of the commonwealth, and may revoke such licenses at pleasure. The City Council shall not issue more than one license for every 50,000 inhabitants. All licenses shall continue in force until the first day of May following the granting of such license. Whenever such a license is revoked, the City Clerk shall note the revocation upon the face of the record thereof and shall give written notice to the licensee in person or leave it at the place of business designated in the license.
Every license required under the provisions of this article shall be signed by the City Clerk and shall be recorded by him in a book kept for that purpose before being delivered to the licensee. Such license shall set forth the name of the person licensed, the nature of the business, and the building or place in which it is to be carried on. The licensee shall not conduct the pawnbroker business in a building or place other than that designated in the license, unless consent is granted by the City Council.
[Amended 2-19-1991 by Ord. No. 70A]
The licensee shall, at the time of receiving such license, file with the authorities who issue the license a bond in the sum of $300 with two sureties approved by such authorities and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the business so licensed.
[Amended 4-10-2003 by Ord. No. 79]
Every person licensed to carry on the business of pawnbroker shall keep a book at his place of business in which he shall, at the time of making a loan, enter in the English language a detailed description of every article purchased or taken in pawn at the time of receiving it, particularly describing any prominent or descriptive marks, and the name, age, and residence (by street and number) of the person from whom, and the day and hour when, he purchased it, and the amount paid therefor or loaned thereon, including the monthly interest rate for such loan, and the number of the pawn ticket.
Every pawnbroker shall photograph any person pawning or pledging articles and shall keep such photographs with said books as part of his records.
Articles deposited in pawn with a licensed pawnbroker shall, unless redeemed, be retained by him on the premises in accordance with MGL c. 140, § 71.
No pawnbroker shall, directly or indirectly, receive any article in pawn of any minor, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe him to be such; and no article received in pawn shall be sold until the expiration of the time and in the manner provided by statute. Every pawnbroker shall make out and deliver at the office of the Chief of Police each day before the hour of 12:00 noon a legible and true copy of all entries made during the 24 hours ending at 8:00 a.m. of the same day in the record book required to be kept by § 192-38.
The Chief of Police or the City Council, or any police officer authorized by either of them, may at any time enter upon any premises used by a licensed pawnbroker for the purposes of his business, ascertain how he conducts his business and examine all articles taken in pawn or kept or stored in or upon such premises, and all books and inventories relating thereto. Any person who willfully hinders, obstructs or prevents such officers from entering such premises or making such examination shall be punished as provided by statute.
[Amended 4-10-2003 by Ord. No. 79; 10-22-2003 by Ord. No. 293]
Licensed pawnbrokers may not charge more than:[1]
For loans up to and including $25: 5% per month (and each fraction thereof at the same rate).
For loans over $25: 3% per month (and each fraction thereof at the same rate).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
No such pawnbrokers shall charge or receive any greater rate of interest, and interest shall be determined on the precise sum advanced.
No pawnbroker shall make or receive any extra charge or fee for storage, care or safekeeping of any goods, articles or thing pawned with him.
[Amended 4-10-2003 by Ord. No. 79]
No pawnbroker shall loan money secured by deposit or pledge of a firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun.
No pawnbroker shall hold a license to sell, rent, or lease a firearm, rifles, shotguns, or machine guns.
[Amended 4-10-2003 by Ord. No. 79]
If any goods or articles pawned or pledged and in the possession of a pawnbroker are subsequently determined to be stolen property by a member of the Beverly or State Police Department, or if the rightful owner identifies property in the possession of a pawnbroker and the property so identified is confirmed to be stolen goods by a member of the Beverly or State Police Department, upon direction by the Beverly or State Police Department, said property shall be forthwith returned to the rightful owner or delivered to such member of the Beverly or State Police Department at no cost to such owner.