In order to prevent the creation of conditions which would constitute a fire hazard and for the prevention of fires and for the preservation of life, no person shall cut or split timber or lumber in the City for the purpose of sale without securing a license to do so from the City Council.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to the cutting of timber or sale of lumber from forest lands classified under the provisions of Chapter 61 of the General Laws as added by Acts of 1981, Chapter 768, § 1, approved January 2, 1982.
No license required by this article shall be granted by the City Council until a public hearing shall have been held thereon, notice of the time and place of which hearing shall have been given, at the expense of the applicant, by the City Clerk, not less than seven days prior thereto, in a daily newspaper published in the City. The notice shall specify the land on which such license is to be exercised, including street address and number, if any. The City Clerk shall also cause notice of the hearing to be mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of any location for which a license application is made, not less than seven days prior to the date of the hearing.
All applications for licenses made under the provisions of this article shall be referred by the City Council, prior to the date of the hearing, to the Chief of the Fire Department for his approval or disapproval.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Section 17.13(d) of the Code of Ordinances, Grant of license, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Any person who cuts lumber or timber on his own land for his own private use and allows the accumulation of slash, sawdust or other combustible materials shall be subject to the penalties provided in this article.
The applicant for a license required by the provisions of this article shall conform with all the statutes of the commonwealth relating to the storage of inflammable and combustible materials.
The accumulation of slash, sawdust or other combustible materials shall not be allowed on the premises.
The applicant shall remove any accumulation of slash and other material immediately upon being notified by the Chief of the Fire Department.
The applicant shall file a performance surety company bond guaranteeing that he will perform the terms and conditions set forth in his license.
The applicant shall construct and maintain a twelve-foot road in such a manner that fire apparatus can reasonably obtain access to the site of operations. The road shall be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department and the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works.
Failure of any person to procure a license and any violation of any of the provisions of this article by any person shall be punishable as provided in Article I for each and every offense. The Chief of the Fire Department is authorized and directed to make such inspections as he deems necessary and to investigate the existence of any conditions likely to cause fire or to endanger public safety. He shall notify the licensee of any violation of the regulatory provisions of this article or of existing conditions likely to cause fire and shall order him, in writing, forthwith to cease such violation or remedy such dangerous conditions as may exist. Such written order shall be delivered personally to the licensee of the premises or by registered letter addressed to him at his business address. Any licensee who fails or refuses to comply with the order within 48 hours shall be prosecuted by the Chief of the Fire Department. If failure or refusal of the licensee to comply with the written order continues for seven days after notice has been given, it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to report such violation or noncompliance to the City Council, in writing, with recommendation for revocation of the license.
Any person not being exempt from MGL c. 132, §§ 42 and 43, under the provisions of MGL c. 132, § 44, shall, before a permit is granted, produce sufficient evidence that he has given notice of his intentions to cut to the City Arborist and has received an approved plan of operations from the Director as provided for in MGL c. 132, § 42.