[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 101]
It is the intent of this Part to:
Establish a uniform system of property/dwelling/building address numbering within the Township of Jefferson in order that there be an accurate address data base in connection with the Township's participation in the Butler County Enhanced 9-1-1 Systems.
Establish a uniform system of posting and displaying address identification numbers in order that property/dwelling/building addresses within the Township may be easily located in emergency situations.
Require all owners of each property/dwelling/building to notify the Township when renting/leasing said property/dwelling/building.
[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 102]
Within 90 days after notification by the Township of Jefferson, the owners and/or occupants of each property/dwelling/building shall post the address identification number assigned by the Township.
[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 103]
All owners and/or occupants of which property/dwelling/building shall conspicuously post address identification number and identification number plate at the entrance of the driveway to the premises.
The identification number plate shall be a minimal of 12 inches in width and six inches in height with a reflective Mylar background with a minimum four inch reflective numbers being in a color that contrasts with the reflective Mylar background.
The identification number plate shall be mounted at a minimum height of three feet from the bottom of plate from ground and the reflective side of the number plate shall be posted toward the traffic flow.
The identification number plate shall be mounted on display posts such as wood pole, steel rod or masonry pillar. If displayed on a structure or dwelling, rather than the driveway entrance, the number plate must be clearly visible from the street which provides public access to the premises.
Regardless of the type of posting use, the identification number plate must be clearly visible. The view of the plate must not be obstructed by vegetation, trees or any other object(s) or debris.
[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 104]
All owners and/or occupants of each property/dwelling/building shall be required to notify the Township of Jefferson, through its designated representative, in writing or in person, within 14 days of receiving assigned address identification by the Township, or within 14 days of renting/leasing said property/dwelling/building, or a portion thereof, and provide the name(s) of the renter/tenant/lessee.
[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 105]
The Codes Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to give written notice to the property owner or occupant of any premises found to be in violation of any Section of this Part. Such written notice shall direct and require the property owner or occupant to post the address identification number plate as to comply with the provisions of this Part within 15 days after issuance of such notice.
Failure of any owner or occupant to comply within the period of time stated herein, the Township of Jefferson, or its designated representative for that purpose, may post a street number on the premises and collect the cost thereof, together with any additional penalties authorized by law, from such owner or occupant in the manner provided by law.
[Ord. 145, 4/14/1997, § 106; as amended by Ord. 155, 1/5/1998]
Please see Chapter 1, Part 5, "Ordinance Enforcement Procedure."